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Хомяков (homyakov.lit-info.ru)

Sends an email message

#                                                                          #
# send_email()                      Version 1.5                            #
# Written by Craig Patchett         craig@patchett.com                     #
#     and Matthew Wright            mattw@worldwidemart.com                #
# Created 10/4/96                   Last Modified 3/31/97                  #
#                                                                          #
# Copyright 1997 Craig Patchett & Matthew Wright.  All Rights Reserved.    #
# This subroutine is part of The CGI/Perl Cookbook from John Wiley & Sons. #
# License to use this program or install it on a server (in original or    #
# modified form) is granted only to those who have purchased a copy of The #
# CGI/Perl Cookbook. (This notice must remain as part of the source code.) #
#                                                                          #
# Function:      Sends an email message and optional attached files via    #
#                a direct connection to an SMTP server.                    #
#                                                                          #
# Usage:         &send_email($subject, $from, $to[, $cc, $bcc, $body,      #
#                            $files, $encoding]);                          #
#                                                                          #
# Variables:     $subject --  String containing subject of message.        #
#                             Example 'Buy the CGI/Perl Cookbook!'         #
#                $from --     String containing email address of person    #
#                             sending message. An associated name can      #
#                             follow the address if placed in parentheses. #
#                             Example 'me@home.com (My Name)'              #
#                $to --       String containing email addresses to send    #
#                             message to. Multiple addresses should be     #
#                             separated by commas. Associated names        #
#                             can follow each address if placed in         #
#                             parentheses.                                 #
#                             Example 'him@place.com (Name),her@place.com' #
#                $cc --       String containing email addresses to send    #
#                             copies of the message to. Same format as $to.#
#                $bcc --      String containing email addresses to send    #
#                             blind copies of the message to (i.e., nobody #
#                             else receiving the message will know that    #
#                             copies were sent to these addresses). Same   #
#                             format as $to.                               #
#                $body --     Full path to file containing the body of the #
#                             message or text containing body of message   #
#                             (if $body doesn't begin with a directory     #
#                             delimiter and contains at least one space    #
#                             then the subroutine assumes it contains      #
#                             message text).                               #
#                             Example '/home/user/body.txt'                #
#                             Example 'This is message text.'              #
#                $files --    String containing a list of full paths,      #
#                             separated by commas, to files to be attached #
#                             to the message.                              #
#                             Example '/home/user/file1, /home/user/file2' #
#                $encoding -- String containing a list of encoding types,  #
#                             separated by commas, to match the list of    # 
#                             files in $file. Valid types are: text,       #
#                             uuencode, base64                             #
#                             Example 'text, base64'                       #
#                                                                          #
# Returns:       0 if successful                                           #
#                1 if error creating socket and connecting to server       #
#                2, @bad_addresses if addresses in *to, *cc, or *bcc were  #
#                   rejected by the server. (Note: Just because addresses  #
#                   were not rejected does not ensure they are valid.)     #
#                3 if error initiating conversation with server            #
#                4 if error specifying message sender                      #
#                5 if error specifying message recipients                  #
#                6 if error initiating message body transfer               #
#                7 if error sending message body                           #
#                8 if error shutting down server                           #
#                9 if file couldn't be opened or found                     #
#               10 if uuencode error                                       #
#               11 if base 64 encode error                                 #
#                                                                          #
# Uses Global:   $Error_Message for descriptive error messages             #
#                $SMTP_SERVER for the name of the SMTP server              #
#                $WEB_SERVER for the name of the server running the        #
#                    script                                                #
#                                                                          #
# Requires:      base64.pl                                                 #
#                chkemail.pl                                               #
#                error.pl                                                  #
#                uuencode.pl                                               #
#                                                                          #
# Files Created: None                                                      #
#                                                                          #

use Socket;

sub send_email {

    local($subject, $from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $body, $files, $encoding) = @_;
    local($i, $mime_id, $error, $name, $status, $message) = '';

    # Attempt to set default values if globals aren't set
    if (!$WEB_SERVER) {
        $Error_Message = "$WEB_SERVER is not set.";
    if (!$SMTP_SERVER) { 
        $SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.$WEB_SERVER";
        $SMTP_SERVER =~ s/^smtp\.[^.]+\.([^.]+\.)/smtp.$1/;
    # Split the input into arrays where needed, since values are passed
    # as strings separated by commas.

    local(@to) = split(/, */, $to);
    local(@cc) = split(/, */, $cc);
    local(@bcc) = split(/, */, $bcc);
    local(@attach_files) = split(/, */, $files);
    local(@encoding) = split(/, */, $encoding);

    # Check to see what file encoding is being used and if necessary, set the 
    # mime flag and id.

    for ($i = 0; $i < @attach_files; ++$i) {
        if (!(-e $attach_files[$i])) {
            $Error_Message = "$attach_files[$i] does not exist.";
        if ($encoding[$i] eq 'base64') { 
            push(@MIME_FILES, $attach_files[$i]);
            push(@MIME_TYPES, $encoding[$i]);
        else { 
            push(@ATTACH_FILES, $attach_files[$i]);
            push(@ENCODING, $encoding[$i]);
    if (@MIME_FILES) { 
        push(@ATTACH_FILES, @MIME_FILES);
        push(@ENCODING, @MIME_TYPES);
        $mime_id = 'CGI_Perl_Cookbook_-' . time;

    # SMTP commands end in CRLF (\015\012)
    local($CRLF) = "\015\012";
    # Set up other variables
    local($SMTP_SERVER_PORT) = 25;
    local($AF_INET) = ($] > 5 ? AF_INET : 2);
    local($SOCK_STREAM) = ($] > 5 ? SOCK_STREAM : 1);
    local(@bad_addresses) = ();
    $, = ', ';
    $" = ', ';
    # Translate hostnames to corresponding addresses and pack
    local($local_address) = (gethostbyname($WEB_SERVER))[4];
    local($local_socket_address) = pack('S n a4 x8', $AF_INET, 0, $local_address);

    local($server_address) = (gethostbyname($SMTP_SERVER))[4];
    local($server_socket_address) = pack('S n a4 x8', $AF_INET, $SMTP_SERVER_PORT, $server_address);

    # Translate protocol name to corresponding number
    local($protocol) = (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2];
    # Make the socket filehandle
    if (!socket(SMTP, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $protocol)) {
        $Error_Message = "Could not make socket filehandle ($!).";
    # Give the socket an address
    bind(SMTP, $local_socket_address);
    # Connect to the server
    if (!(connect(SMTP, $server_socket_address))) {
        $Error_Message = "Could not connect to server ($!).";
    # Set the socket to be line buffered
    local($old_selected) = select(SMTP); 
    $| = 1; 
    # Set regex to handle multiple line strings
    $* = 1;
    # Read first response from server (wait for .75 seconds first)
    select(undef, undef, undef, .75);
    sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);

    # Initiate a conversation with the server
    sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
    while (/(^|(\r?\n))[^0-9]*((\d\d\d).*)$/g) { $status = $4; $message = $3}
    if ($status != 250) { $Error_Message = $message; return(3) }

    # Tell the server where we're sending from
    print SMTP "MAIL FROM:<$from>$CRLF";
    sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
    if (!/[^0-9]*250/) { $Error_Message = $_; return(4) }
    # Tell the server where we're sending to
    local($good_addresses) = 0;
    foreach $address (@to, @cc, @bcc) {
        if ($address) {
            # Make sure address is enclosed in <>
            $address =~ /(\(.*\))/;
            $name = $1 ? "$1 " : '';
            $address =~ /([^<)\s]+@\S+\.[^>(\s]+)/;
            $address = "<$1>";

            # Hand it to the server
            print SMTP "RCPT TO:$address$CRLF";
            sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
            if ($1 ne '250') { push(@bad_addresses, $name$address, $_) }
            else { ++$good_addresses }
    if (!$good_addresses) {
        $Error_Message = $_;
        return(5, @bad_addresses)

    # Give the server the message header
    print SMTP "DATA$CRLF";
    sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
    if (!/[^0-9]*354/) { $Error_Message = $_; return(6) }
    print SMTP "To: @to$CRLF";
    print SMTP "From: $from$CRLF";
    print SMTP "CC: @cc$CRLF" if $cc;
    print SMTP "Subject: $subject$CRLF";

    # If there are mime files to attach, we need special headers.

    if ($mime_id) {
        print SMTP "x-sender: $from$CRLF";
        print SMTP "x-mailer: CGI/Perl Cookbook$CRLF";
        print SMTP "Mime-Version: 1.0$CRLF";
        print SMTP "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$mime_id\"$CRLF$CRLF";
        print SMTP "--$mime_id$CRLF";
        print SMTP "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"US-ASCII\"$CRLF$CRLF";
    else { print SMTP $CRLF }   

    # Output the message body.
    if ($body) {
        if (!($body =~ /^[\\\/:]/) && ($body =~ /\s/)) { print SMTP $body }
        elsif (-e $body && -T $body) { &parse_template($body, *SMTP) }
    print SMTP $CRLF;

    # Attach each file.

    for ($i = 0; $i < @ATTACH_FILES; ++$i) {
        $attach_file = $ATTACH_FILES[$i];
        $encoding = $ENCODING[$i];
        # Split the filename by directories.  / for unix, \ for dos, : for mac
        $attach_file =~ /[\\\/:]([^\\\/:]+)$/g;
        $filename = $1;

        # Attach text file.
        if ($encoding eq 'text' && -e $attach_file) {
            if (!(open(TEXT, $attach_file))) {
                $Error_Message = "Can't open text file $attach_file ($!).";
            print SMTP "Attachment:\t$filename$CRLF";
            print SMTP "Encoding:\tNone$CRLF$CRLF";

            # Attach the text file, converting any lines with a single period
            while (<TEXT>) { s/^\.([\n\r\f]+)/..$1/; print SMTP }
            print SMTP "\n\n";

        # Attach uuencoded file.

        elsif ($encoding eq 'uuencode' && -e $attach_file) {
            print SMTP "Attachment:\t$filename$CRLF";
            print SMTP "Encoding:\tUUEncoded$CRLF";
            print SMTP "begin 600 $filename\n";
            $uuencoded_data = &uuencode($attach_file, 'open->attach_file');
            if (!$uuencoded_data) { return(10) }
            print SMTP $uuencoded_data;
            print SMTP "`\nend\n\n";
        # Attach MIME files
        elsif ($encoding eq 'base64' && -e $attach_file) {
            print SMTP "--$mime_id$CRLF";

            # If it is a text file, print a text content type, otherwise print 
            # an octet stream.

            if (-T $attach_file) {
                print SMTP "Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name=\"$filename\"$CRLF";
            else {
                print SMTP "Content-type: application/octet-stream; name=\"$filename\"$CRLF";
            print SMTP "Content-transfer-encoding: base64$CRLF$CRLF";

            # Encode the data with base 64.

            $base64_encoded_data = &base64_encode_file($attach_file);
            if (!$base64_encoded_data) { return(11) }
            print SMTP "$base64_encoded_data$CRLF";
    # Print the final mime id if necessary
    if ($mime_id) { print SMTP "--$mime_id--$CRLF" }
    # End the conversation
    print SMTP "$CRLF.$CRLF";
    sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
    if (!/[^0-9]*250/) { $Error_Message = $_; return(7) }
    # Disconnect from the server
    if (!shutdown(SMTP, 2)) { 
        $Error_Message = "Could not shut down server ($!).";
        return(8, @bad_addresses);
    elsif (@bad_addresses) {
        return(2, @bad_addresses);
    else { return(0) }
