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Easy Log

# EasyLog version 1.2 beta
# Written by Dave Palmer <dave@upstatepress.com>
# http://www.upstatepress.com/dave/perl.html
# EasyLog writes to an HTML file each time someone visits one    #
# of your pages. EasyLog can be used on any or all pages, just   #
# as long as you have the required: <!--#exec cgi="/..."--> in   #
# your html file (and named with a: .shtml extension). EasyLog   #
# can also be customized to notify you which page specifically   #
# has been accessed by making copies of EasyLog, and adjusting   #
# the message in "print FILE" statements and making adjustments  #
# in the: <!--#exec cgi="/..."--> to reflect each variation of   #
# the EasyLog copies (i.e. have: easylog1.cgi, easylog2.cgi etc. #
# to correspond with what ever page is using a given easylog     #
# file.) Consult the README file for installation instructions!  #

#required changes:
$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$my_name = 'Dave Palmer';
$my_email = 'upstate@pair.com';
$date = '/bin/date';
$logfile = "/usr/home/upstate/public_html/easylog/easylog.html";

############### That's it! You'll all set to go! #################

#print the header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

#get the date

open(FILE, "$logfile") || die "I can't open $linkpage\n";
	@lines = <FILE>;
	$sizelines = @lines;

open (FILE, ">$logfile") || die "I can't open that now\n";
		for ($a = 0; $a <= $sizelines; $a++) {
		$_ = $lines[$a];

	if (/<!--begin-->/) {
	print FILE "<!--begin-->\n";
	print FILE "EasyLog reports that someone visited one<br>\n";
	print FILE "of your pages on $date<br>\n";
	print FILE "Here are some ENV variables that may be\n";
	print FILE "of some interest to you:<br>\n";
	print FILE "<tt>They came from:\n"; 
	print FILE "<a href=\"$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\">$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}</a><br>\n";
	print FILE "Your server name: $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}<br>\n";
	print FILE "The browser they are using: $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}<br></tt>\n";
	print FILE "<hr width=75%>";
	print FILE "\n";

	} else {
	print FILE $_;

#send mail

sub get_date {

	@days = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday',
	@months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June',

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; }
if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; }
if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; }

$date = "$days[$wday], $months[$mon] $mday, 19$year at $hour\:$min\:$sec";

sub sendmail {
open(MAIL, "| $mailprog -t") || die "I can't send mail\n";
	print MAIL "To: $my_name <$my_email>\n";
	print MAIL "From: EasyLog <$my_email>\n";
	print MAIL "Subject: EasyLog report\n";
	print MAIL "--------------------------------------\n";
	print MAIL "Someone visited one of your pages\n";
	print MAIL "on: $date\n";
	print MAIL "EasyLog has appended your log file at:\n";
	print MAIL "$logfile\n";
	print MAIL "thanks for using EasyLog!\n";
	print MAIL "----------------------------------------\n";