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WWWBoard Admin

# WWWBoard Admin                Version 2.0 ALPHA 2                          #
# Copyright 1996 Matt Wright    mattw@worldwidemart.com                      #
# Created 10/21/95              Last Modified 11/25/95                       #
# Scripts Archive at:           http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/        #
# COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                                           #
# Copyright 1996 Matthew M. Wright  All Rights Reserved.                     #
#                                                                            #
# WWWBoard may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as      #
# this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact.  By using this #
# code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any liability that      #  
# might arise from it's use.                                                 #  
#                                                                            #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is         #
# expressly forbidden.  In other words, please ask first before you try and  #
# make money off of my program.                                              #
#                                                                            #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or #
# in any other medium.  In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.#
# Define Variables

$basedir = "/path/to/wwwboard";
$baseurl = "http://your.host.xxx/wwwboard";
$cgi_url = "http://your.host.xxx/cgi-bin/wwwadmin.pl";

$mesgdir = "messages";
$datafile = "data.txt";
$mesgfile = "wwwboard.html";
$passwd_file = "passwd.txt";

$ext = "html";

$title = "WWWBoard Version 2.0 Test";
$use_time = 1;		# 1 = YES; 0 = NO

# Done

if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ne '') {
   $command = "$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}";
else {

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

# Remove                                                                  #
#       This option is useful to see how the threads appear in the        #
#   wwwboard.html document.  It can give you a better idea of whether or  #
#   not you want to remove the whole thread or just part of it.           #

if ($command eq 'remove') {
   print "<html><head><title>Remove Messages From WWWBoard</title></head>\n";
   print "<body><center><h1>Remove Messages From WWWBoard</h1></center>\n";
   print "Select below to remove those postings you wish to remove.\n";
   print "Checking the Input Box on the left will remove the whole thread\n";
   print "while checking the Input Box on the right to remove just that posting.<p>\n";
   print "These messages have been left unsorted, so that you can see the order in\n";
   print "which they appear in the $mesgpage page.  This will give you an idea oF\n";
   print "what the threads look like and is often more helpful than the sorted method.\n";
   print "<p>\n";
   print "<hr size=7 width=75%><center><font size=-1>\n";
   print "[ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove\">Remove</a> ] [ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_date\">
Remove by Date</a> ] [ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_author\">
Remove by Author</a> ] [ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_num\">
Remove by Message Number</a> ] [ <a href=\"$baseurl/$mesgpage\">$title</a> ]\n";
   print "</font></center><hr size=7 width=75%><p>\n";
   print "<form method=POST action=\"$cgi_url\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"remove\">\n";
   print "<table border>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th colspan=6>Username: <input type=text name=\"username\"> -- 
Password: <input type=password name=\"password\"></th>\n";
   print "</tr><tr>\n";
   print "<th>Post # </th><th>Thread </th><th>Single </th><th>Subject </th><th> Author</th><th> Date</th></tr>\n";

   @lines = <MSGS>;

   foreach $line (@lines) {
      if ($line =~ /<!--top: (.*)--><li><a href="$mesgdir\/\1\.$ext">(.*)<\/a> - <b>(.*)<\/b>\s+<i>(.*)<\/i>/) {
         $SUBJECT{$1} = $2;
         $AUTHOR{$1} = $3;
         $DATE{$1} = $4;

   @SORTED_ENTRIES = (sort { $a <=> $b } @ENTRIES);
   $max = pop(@SORTED_ENTRIES);
   $min = shift(@SORTED_ENTRIES);

   print "<input type=hidden name=\"min\" value=\"$min\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"max\" value=\"$max\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"type\" value=\"remove\">\n";

   foreach (@ENTRIES) {
      print "<tr>\n";
      print "<th><b>$_</b> </th><td><input type=radio 
name=\"$_\" value=\"all\"> </td><td><input type=radio 
name=\"$_\" value=\"single\"> </td><td><a 
href=\"$baseurl/$mesgdir/$_\.$ext\">$SUBJECT{$_} </a></td><td>
$AUTHOR{$_} </td><td>$DATE{$_}<br></td>\n";

      print "</tr>\n";
   print "</table>\n";
   print "<center><p>\n";
   print "<input type=submit value=\"Remove Messages\"> <input type=reset>\n";
   print "</form>\n";
   print "</body></html>\n";

# Remove By Number                                                        #
#       This method is useful to see in what order the messages were      #
#   added to the wwwboard.html document.                                  #

elsif ($command eq 'remove_by_num') {
   print "<html><head><title>Remove Messages From WWWBoard By Number</title></head>\n";
   print "<body><center><h1>Remove Messages From WWWBoard By Number</h1></center>\n";
   print "Select below to remove those postings you wish to remove.\n";
   print "Checking the Input Box on the left will remove the whole thread\n";
   print "while checking the Input Box on the right to remove just that posting.\n";
   print "<p>\n";
   print "<hr size=7 width=75%><center><font size=-1>\n";
   print "[ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove\">Remove</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_date\">Remove by Date</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_author\">Remove by Author</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_num\">Remove by Message Number</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$baseurl/$mesgpage\">$title</a> ]\n";
   print "</font></center><hr size=7 width=75%><p>\n";
   print "<form method=POST action=\"$cgi_url\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"remove\">\n";
   print "<table border>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th colspan=6>Username: <input type=text name=\"username\"> -- Password: 
<input type=password name=\"password\"><br></th>\n";
   print "</tr>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th>Post # </th><th>Thread </th><th>Single </th><th>
Subject </th><th> Author</th><th> Date</th></tr>\n";

   @lines = <MSGS>;

   foreach $line (@lines) {
      if ($line =~ /<!--top: (.*)--><li><a href="
$mesgdir\/\1\.$ext">(.*)<\/a> - <b>(.*)<\/b>\s+<i>(.*)<\/i>/) {
         $SUBJECT{$1} = $2;
         $AUTHOR{$1} = $3;
         $DATE{$1} = $4;

   @SORTED_ENTRIES = (sort { $a <=> $b } @ENTRIES);
   $max = pop(@SORTED_ENTRIES);
   $min = shift(@SORTED_ENTRIES);

   print "<input type=hidden name=\"min\" value=\"$min\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"max\" value=\"$max\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"type\" value=\"remove\">\n";

   foreach (@SORTED_ENTRIES) {
      print "<tr>\n";
      print "<th><b>$_</b> </th><td><input type=radio 
name=\"$_\" value=\"all\"> </td><td><input type=radio 
name=\"$_\" value=\"single\"> </td><td><a href=\"$baseurl/
$mesgdir/$_\.$ext\">$SUBJECT{$_} </a></td><td>
$AUTHOR{$_} </td><td>$DATE{$_}<br></td>\n";

      print "</tr>\n";
   print "</table>\n";
   print "<center><p>\n";
   print "<input type=submit value=\"Remove Messages\"> <input type=reset>\n";
   print "</form>\n";
   print "</body></html>\n";

# Remove By Date                                                          #
#       Using this method allows you to delete all messages posted before #
#   a certain date.                                                       #

elsif ($command eq 'remove_by_date') {
   print "<html><head><title>Remove Messages From WWWBoard By Date</title></head>\n";
   print "<body><center><h1>Remove Messages From WWWBoard By Date</h1></center>\n";
   print "Select below to remove those postings you wish to remove.\n";
   print "Checking the input box beside a date will remove all postings \n";
   print "that occurred on that date.\n";
   print "<p>\n";
   print "<hr size=7 width=75%><center><font size=-1>\n";
   print "[ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove\">Remove</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_date\">Remove by Date</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_author\">Remove by Author</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_num\">Remove by Message Number</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$baseurl/$mesgpage\">$title</a> ]\n";
   print "</font></center><hr size=7 width=75%>\n";
   print "<p>\n";
   print "<form method=POST action=\"$cgi_url\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"remove_by_date_or_author\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"type\" value=\"remove_by_date\">\n";
   print "<center>\n";
   print "<table border>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th colspan=4>Username: <input type=text name=\"username\"> -- 
Password: <input type=password name=\"password\"><br></th>\n";
   print "</tr>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th>X </th><th>Date </th><th># of Messages </th><th>Message Numbers<br></th></tr>\n";

   @lines = <MSGS>;

   foreach $line (@lines) {
      if ($line =~ /<!--top: (.*)--><li><a href="$mesgdir\/\1\.$ext">.*<\/a> - <b>.*<\/b>\s+<i>(.*)<\/i>/) {
         $date = $2;
         if ($use_time == 1) {
            ($time,$day) = split(/\s+/,$date);
         else {
            $day = $date;
         $DATE{$1} = $day;

   foreach $value (sort (values %DATE)) {
      $match = '0';
      $value_number = 0;
      foreach $used_value (@used_values) {
         if ($value eq $used_value) {
            $match = '1';
      if ($match == '0') {
         undef(@values); undef(@short_values);
         foreach $key (keys %DATE) {
            if ($value eq $DATE{$key}) {
               $key_url = "<a href=\"$baseurl/$mesgdir/$key\.$ext\">$key</a>";
         $form_value = $value;
         $form_value =~ s/\//_/g;
         print "<tr>\n";
         print "<td><input type=checkbox name=\"$form_value\" 
value=\"@short_values\"> </td><th>$value </th><td>
$value_number </td><td>@values<br></td>\n";
         print "</tr>\n";
   print "</table><p>\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"used_values\" value=\"@used_form_values\">\n";
   print "<input type=submit value=\"Remove Messages\"> <input type=reset>\n";
   print "</form></center>\n";
   print "</body></html>\n";

# Remove By Author                                                        #
#       This option makes a list of all known authors and then groups     #
#    together there postings and allows you to remove them all at once.   #

elsif ($command eq 'remove_by_author') {
   print "<html><head><title>Remove Messages From WWWBoard By Author</title></head>\n";
   print "<body><center><h1>Remove Messages From WWWBoard By Author</h1></center>\n";
   print "Checking the checkbox beside the name of an author will remove \n";
   print "all postings which that author has created.\n";
   print "<p>\n";
   print "<hr size=7 width=75%><center><font size=-1>\n";
   print "[ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove\">Remove</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_date\">Remove by Date</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_author\">Remove by Author</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_num\">Remove by Message Number</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$baseurl/$mesgpage\">$title</a> ]\n";
   print "</font></center><hr size=7 width=75%>\n";
   print "<p>\n";
   print "<form method=POST action=\"$cgi_url\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"remove_by_date_or_author\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"type\" value=\"remove_by_author\">\n";
   print "<center>\n";
   print "<table border>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th colspan=4>Username: <input type=text name=\"username\"> -- 
Password: <input type=password name=\"password\"><br></th>\n";
   print "</tr>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th>X </th><th>Author </th><th># of Messages </th><th>Message #'s<br></th></tr>\n";

   @lines = <MSGS>;

   foreach $line (@lines) {
      if ($line =~ /<!--top: (.*)--><li><a href="$mesgdir\/\1\.$ext">.*<\/a> - <b>(.*)<\/b>\s+<i>.*<\/i>/) {
         $AUTHOR{$1} = $2;

   foreach $value (sort (values %AUTHOR)) {
      $match = '0';
      $value_number = 0;
      foreach $used_value (@used_values) {
         if ($value eq $used_value) {
            $match = '1';
      if ($match == '0') {
         undef(@values); undef(@short_values);
         foreach $key (keys %AUTHOR) {
            if ($value eq $AUTHOR{$key}) {
               $key_url = "<a href=\"$baseurl/$mesgdir/$key\.$ext\">$key</a>";
         $form_value = $value;
         $form_value =~ s/ /_/g;
         print "<tr>\n";
         print "<td><input type=checkbox name=\"$form_value\" 
value=\"@short_values\"> </td><th align=left>$value </th><td>
$value_number </td><td>@values<br></td>\n";
         print "</tr>\n";
   print "</table><p>\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"used_values\" value=\"@used_form_values\">\n";
   print "<input type=submit value=\"Remove Messages\"> <input type=reset>\n";
   print "</form></center>\n";
   print "</body></html>\n";


# Change Password                                                         #
#       By calling this section of the script, the admin can change his or#
#   her password.							  #

elsif ($command eq 'change_passwd') {

   print "<html><head><title>Change WWWBoard Admin Password</title></head>\n";
   print "<body><center><h1>Change WWWBoard Admin Password</h1></center>\n";
   print "Fill out the form below completely to change your password and user name.\n";
   print "If new username is left blank, your old one will be assumed.<p><hr size=7 width=75%><p>\n";
   print "<form method=POST action=\"$cgi_url\">\n";
   print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"change_passwd\">\n";
   print "<center><table border=0>\n";
   print "<tr>\n";
   print "<th align=left>Username: </th><td><input type=text name=\"username\"><br></td>\n";
   print "</tr><tr>\n";
   print "<th align=left>Password: </th><td><input type=password name=\"password\"><br></td>\n";
   print "</tr><tr> </tr><tr>\n";
   print "<th align=left>New Username: </th><td><input type=text name=\"new_username\"><br></td>\n";
   print "</tr><tr>\n";
   print "<th align=left>New Password: </th><td><input type=password name=\"passwd_1\"><br></td>\n";
   print "</tr><tr>\n";
   print "<th align=left>Re-type New Password: </th><td><input type=password name=\"passwd_2\"><br></td>\n";
   print "</tr><tr>\n";
   print "<td align=center><input type=submit value=\"Change Password\"> </td><td align=center><input type=reset></td>\n";
   print "</tr></table></center>\n";
   print "</form></body></html>\n";


# Remove Action                                                           #
#       This portion is used by the options remove and remove_by_num.     #

elsif ($FORM{'action'} eq 'remove') {


   for ($i = $FORM{'min'}; $i <= $FORM{'max'}; $i++) {
      if ($FORM{$i} eq 'all') {
      elsif ($FORM{$i} eq 'single') {

   @lines = <MSGS>;

   foreach $single (@SINGLE) {
      foreach ($j = 0;$j <= @lines;$j++) {
         if ($lines[$j] =~ /<!--top: $single-->/) {
            splice(@lines, $j, 3);
            $j -= 3;
         elsif ($lines[$j] =~ /<!--end: $single-->/) {
            splice(@lines, $j, 1);
      $filename = "$basedir/$mesgdir/$single\.$ext";
      if (-e $filename) {
         unlink("$filename") || push(@NOT_REMOVED,$single);
      else {

   foreach $all (@ALL) {
      undef($top); undef($bottom);
      foreach ($j = 0;$j <= @lines;$j++) {
         if ($lines[$j] =~ /<!--top: $all-->/) {
            $top = $j;
         elsif ($lines[$j] =~ /<!--end: $all-->/) {
            $bottom = $j;
      if ($top && $bottom) {
         $diff = ($bottom - $top);
         for ($k = $top;$k <= $bottom;$k++) {
            if ($lines[$k] =~ /<!--top: (.*)-->/) {
         splice(@lines, $top, $diff);
         foreach $delete (@DELETE) {
            $filename = "$basedir/$mesgdir/$delete\.$ext";
            if (-e $filename) {
               unlink($filename) || push(@NOT_REMOVED,$delete);
            else {
      else {

   print WWWBOARD @lines;



# Remove Action by Date or Author                                         #
#       This portion is used by the method remove_by_date or 		  #
#   remove_by_author.     		  				  #

elsif ($FORM{'action'} eq 'remove_by_date_or_author') {


   @used_values = split(/\s/,$FORM{'used_values'});
   foreach $used_value (@used_values) {
      @misc_values = split(/\s/,$FORM{$used_value});
      foreach $misc_value (@misc_values) {

   @lines = <MSGS>;

   foreach $single (@SINGLE) {
      foreach ($j = 0;$j <= @lines;$j++) {
         if ($lines[$j] =~ /<!--top: $single-->/) {
            splice(@lines, $j, 3);
            $j -= 3;
         elsif ($lines[$j] =~ /<!--end: $single-->/) {
            splice(@lines, $j, 1);
      $filename = "$basedir/$mesgdir/$single\.$ext";
      if (-e $filename) {
         unlink("$filename") || push(@NOT_REMOVED,$single);
      else {

   print WWWBOARD @lines;



elsif ($FORM{'action'} eq 'change_passwd') {

   open(PASSWD,"$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(passwd_file);
   $passwd_line = <PASSWD>;
   chop($passwd_line) if $passwd_line =~ /\n$/;

   ($username,$passwd) = split(/:/,$passwd_line);

   if (!($FORM{'passwd_1'} eq $FORM{'passwd_2'})) {

   $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
   if ($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) {
      open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change);
      $new_password = crypt($FORM{'passwd_1'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
      if ($FORM{'new_username'}) {
         $new_username = $FORM{'new_username'};
      else {
         $new_username = $username;
      print PASSWD "$new_username:$new_password";
   else {


else {
   print "<html><head><title>WWWAdmin For WWWBoard</title></head>\n";
   print "<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000><center><h1>WWWAdmin For WWWBoard</h1></center>\n";
   print "Choose your Method of modifying WWWBoard Below:<p>\n";
   print "<hr size=7 width=75%><br>\n";
   print "<ul>\n";
   print "<li>Remove Files\n";
   print "<ul>\n";
   print "<li><a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove\">Remove Files</a>\n";
   print "<li><a href=\"$cgi_url\?removeby_num\">Remove Files by Mesage Number</a>\n";
   print "<li><a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_date\">Remove Files by Date</a>\n";
   print "<li><a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_author\">Remove Files by Author</a>\n";
   print "</ul><br>\n";
   print "<li>Password\n";
   print "<ul>\n";
   print "<li><a href=\"$cgi_url\?change_passwd\">Change Admin Password</a>\n";
   print "</ul>\n";
   print "</ul>\n";

# Parse Form Subroutine

sub parse_form {

   # Get the input
   read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

   # Split the name-value pairs
   @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);

   foreach $pair (@pairs) {
      ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);

      # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding
      $value =~ tr/+/ /;
      $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

      $FORM{$name} = $value;

sub return_html {
   $type = $_[0];
   if ($type eq 'remove') {
      print "<html><head><title>Results of Message Board Removal</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Results of Message Board Removal</h1></center>\n";
   elsif ($type eq 'remove_by_num') {
      print "<html><head><title>Results of Message Board Removal by Number</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Results of Message Board Removal by Number</h1></center>\n";
   elsif ($type eq 'remove_by_date') {
      print "<html><head><title>Results of Message Board Removal by Date</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Results of Message Board Removal by Date</h1></center>\n";
   elsif ($type eq 'remove_by_author') {
      print "<html><head><title>Results of Message Board Removal by Author</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Results of Message Board Removal by Author</h1></center>\n";
   elsif ($type eq 'change_passwd') {
      print "<html><head><title>WWWBoard WWWAdmin Password Changed</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>WWWBoard WWWAdmin Password Changed</h1></center>\n";
      print "Your Password for WWWBoard WWWAdmin has been changed!  Results are below:<p><hr size=7 width=75%><p>\n";
      print "<b>New Username: $new_username<p>\n";
      print "New Password: $FORM{'passwd_1'}</b><p>\n";
      print "<hr size=7 width=75%><p>\n";
      print "Do not forget these, since they are now encoded in a file, and not readable!.\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";
   if ($type =~ /^remove/) {
      print "Below is a short summary of what messages were removed from $mesgpage and the\n";
      print "$mesgdir directory.  All files that the script attempted to remove, were removed,\n";
      print "unless there is an error message stating otherwise.<p><hr size=7 width=75%><p>\n";
      print "<b>Attempted to Remove:</b> @ATTEMPTED<p>\n";
      if (@NOT_REMOVED) {
         print "<b>Files That Could Not Be Deleted:</b> @NOT_REMOVED<p>\n";
      if (@NO_FILE) {
         print "<b>Files Not Found:</b> @NO_FILE<p>\n";
      print "<hr size=7 width=75%><center><font size=-1>\n";
      print "[ <a href=\"$cgi_url\?remove\">Remove</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_date\">Remove by Date</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_author\">Remove by Author</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$cgi_url\?remove_by_num\">Remove by Message Number</a> ] [ <a 
href=\"$baseurl/$mesgpage\">$title</a> ]\n";
      print "</font></center><hr size=7 width=75%>\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";

sub error {
   $error = $_[0];
   if ($error eq 'bad_combo') {
      print "<html><head><title>Bad Username - Password Combination</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Bad Username - Password Combination</h1></center>\n";
      print "You entered and invalid username password pair.  Please try again.<p>\n";
   elsif ($error eq 'passwd_file') {
      print "<html><head><title>Could Not Open Password File For Reading</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Could Not Open Password File For Reading</h1></center>\n";
      print "Could not open the password file for reading!  Check permissions and try again.<p>\n";
   elsif ($error eq 'not_same') {
      print "<html><head><title>Incorrect Password Type-In</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Incorrect Password Type-In</h1></center>\n";
      print "The passwords you typed in for your new password were not the same.\n";
      print "You may have mistyped, please try again.<p>\n";
   elsif ($error eq 'no_change') {
      print "<html><head><title>Could Not Open Password File For Writing</title></head>\n";
      print "<body><center><h1>Could Not Open Password File For Writing</h1></center>\n";
      print "Could not open the password file for writing!  Password not changed!<p>\n";


sub passwd_trailer {
   print "<hr size=7 width=75%><center><font size=-1>\n";
   print "[ <a href=\"$cgi_url\">WWWAdmin</a> ] [ <a href=\"$baseurl/$mesgpage\">$title</a> ]\n";
   print "</font></center><hr size=7 width=75%>\n";
   print "</body></html>\n";

sub check_passwd {
   open(PASSWD,"$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(passwd_file);
   $passwd_line = <PASSWD>;
   chop($passwd_line) if $passwd_line =~ /\n$/;

   ($username,$passwd) = split(/:/,$passwd_line);

   $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
   if (!($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) {