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Classified Ads

#                                                                         #
#        Classifieds.pl - Perl Script for Posting Classified Ads          #
#                                                                         #
#            Written by Michael Hall - mikeh@isaac.biola.edu              #
#      Written for Virtual Marketing Technologies - vmt@airmail.net       #
# Copyright ©1996 by Virtual Marketing Technologies, All Rights Reserved. #
#                                                                         #

# Define the following variables in the form:
#	ClassifiedsDir - Base path to the directory that will hold the ads
#	ErrorReturn    - HTML address to return to in case of an error
#	ReturnURL	   - HTML address to return to after a successful post


$AdNumber = 0;

# Get the Date for Entry
$date = `date +"%A, %B %d, %Y at %T (%Z)"`;
$shortdate = `date +"%D %T %Z"`;

if ($in{'Selection'} eq "ViewAds") {
	if ($in{'Department'} eq "") {
		# User did not choose a department to view so return the error message and quit
		print "<html>\n";
		print "<head>\n";
		print "<title>Error Message</title>\n";
		print "</head>\n";
		print "<body bgcolor=\"FFFFFF\">\n";
		print "\n";
		print "<h1>An Error Has Occurred:</h1><p>\n";
		print "You did not choose a department to view ads in.  
Please choose one by selecting the button next to the appropriate department.<p>\n";
		print "<hr><p><center><a href=$in{'ErrorReturn'}>
Return to the Form</a><p><hr>\n";
		print "© 1996 and Designed and Programmed by <a 
href=\"http://www-students.biola.edu/~mikeh/scripts/\">Michael Hall</a>.  
All Rights Reserved.<br>\n";
		print "</body>\n";
		print "</html>\n";
		# make a call to exit to end the script now, we had an error
	print "Location: $in{'ViewDir'}$in{'Department'}.html\n\n";

if (($in{'RealName'} eq "") || ($in{'E-MailAddress'} eq "") || ($in{'Address1'} eq "") 
|| ($in{'City'} eq "") || ($in{'State'} eq "") || ($in{'ZipCode'} eq "")
	|| ($in{'Phone'} eq "") || ($in{'Department'} eq "") || ($in{'Description'} eq "")) {
		# something was blank, return the error message
		print "<html>\n";
		print "<head>\n";
		print "<title>Error Message</title>\n";
		print "</head>\n";
		print "<body bgcolor=\"FFFFFF\">\n";
		print "\n";
		print "<h1>An Error Has Occurred:</h1><p>\n";
		print "A field was left empty.  All rields must be filled in completely 
before the ad can be posted.<p>\n";
		print "<hr><p><center><a href=$in{'ErrorReturn'}>Return to 
the Form</a><p><hr>\n";
		print "© 1996 and Designed and Programmed by <a 
href=\"http://www-students.biola.edu/~mikeh/scripts/\">Michael Hall</a>.  
All Rights Reserved.<br>\n";
		print "</body>\n";
		print "</html>\n";
		# make a call to exit to end the script now, we had an error

# Lock the file for security so the file is not damaged if more than one user tries to access it at the same time.

$quit = 0;
while ($quit != 1) {
	if (-e "$in{'ClassifiedsDir'}.$in{'Department'}lock") {
		# The file exists, time to take a nap
	else {
	# Create the lock file, thereby locking the Classified Ad file
	open (LOCK,">$in{'ClassifiedsDir'}.$in{'Department'}lock");
	close LOCK;
	# Open the data file to read the number of the last post
	open (ADFILE, "$in{'ClassifiedsDir'}AdNumber.dta");
	$AdNumber = <ADFILE>;
	# chop $AdNumber;
	# Update the Ad Number by one
	$AdNumber = $AdNumber + 1;
	# Rewrite the data file
	open (ADFILE, ">$in{'ClassifiedsDir'}AdNumber.dta");
	print ADFILE $AdNumber;
	close ADFILE;
	# Append the user's ad and description to the ad file
	open (ADFILE,">>$in{'ClassifiedsDir'}$in{'Department'}.html");
	print ADFILE "<b>Ad No.: </b>$AdNumber - <b>Subject: </b>$in{'AdSubject'} - <b>Posted on: </b>$shortdate<br>\n";
	print ADFILE "<b>Reply to: </b>$in{'RealName'} at <a href=\"mailto: $in{'E-MailAddress'}\">$in{'E-MailAddress'}</a><br>\n";
	print ADFILE "$in{'Description'}<p><hr><p>\n";
	# Appen the user's personal data to the data file
	open (DATAFILE,">>$in{'ClassifiedsDir'}UserDataFile.html");
	print DATAFILE "<b>$in{'RealName'} - <a href=mailto:$in{'E-MailAddress'}>$in{'E-MailAddress'}</a><br>\n";
	print DATAFILE "$in{'Address1'}<br>\n";
	if ($in{'Address2'} ne "") {
		print DATAFILE "$in{'Address2'}<br>\n";
	print DATAFILE "$in{'City'}, $in{'State'}  $in{'ZipCode'} - $in{'Phone'}</b><br>\n";
	print DATAFILE "<b>Ad No.: </b>$AdNumber - <b>Department: </b>$in{'Department'} on $shortdate<br>\n";
	if ($in{'DesiredDepartment'} ne "") {
		print DATAFILE "<b>Desired Department: </b>$in{'DesiredDepartment'}<br>\n";
	print DATAFILE "<b>Description: </b>$in{'Description'}<p><hr><p>\n";
	# unlock the lock file
	# Return the user to the Return URL
	print "Location: $in{'ReturnURL'}\n\n";
	$quit = 1;

sub UnWeb {

   # Get the input
   read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

   # Split the name-value pairs
   @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);

   foreach $pair (@pairs) {
      ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);

      # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding
      $value =~ tr/+/ /;
      $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
      $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;

      if ($allow_html != 1) {
         $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;
      else {
         unless ($name eq 'body') {
	    $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;

      $in{$name} = $value;


# Print HTML Header

sub PrintHeader {

	print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";