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Voting Booth

#                                                            #
# vote.cgi - Voting Booth Perl Script for the World Wide Web #
#                                                            #
#      Written by Michael Hall - mikeh@isaac.biola.edu       #
#   Copyright ©1995 by Michael Hall, All Rights Reserved.    #
#                                                            #

# Define the following fields in your form:
# vote					The user's vote on the topic (number
#						only) or "results" if viewing results
# topic					The voting file

# Variables

$BaseDir = "/var/www/docs/scripts2"; # Path to the voting section
$Counter = 0;
$Sum = 0;
$VoteNum = 0;
$NumItems = 0;
$Percentage = 0;
$Votes = 0;

$Header = <<'EOT';
  <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Adobe PageMill 2.0 Mac">
  <TITLE>The Scripts Home: The Voting Booth</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">

<P><IMG SRC="WebLogo.gif" ALT="The Scripts Home: A Free Source of Perl CGI Scripts for Interactive Web Pages"

<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="Titles/VotingBooth.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="The Voting Booth"

<H2><CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1>This Months' Voting Topic:</FONT></CENTER></H2>


$Footer = <<'EOT';
<P><HR ALIGN=LEFT><IMG SRC="../../clip_art/MacMade.gif" WIDTH="50" HEIGHT=
"50" ALIGN="RIGHT" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"><IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/logo.pl" ALIGN=
"LEFT"><FONT SIZE=-1>©1996 and Designed by <A HREF="http://www.virtualcenter.com/vmt/">Virtual
Marketing Technologies</A>. All Rights Reserved.<BR>


if ($in{'option'} eq "") {
	&Error ("No Option Specified");

if ($in{'topic'} eq "") {
	&Error ("No Topic Specified");

if ($in{'option'} eq "results") {
else {

# Read in the voting file and process the votes

sub CheckVoter {
	open (VF, "$BaseDir/$in{'topic'}.usr");
	$voter = <VF>;
	close VF;
	chop ($voter);
	if ($voter eq $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) {
		&Error ("No Duplicate Voting");
	else {
		open (VF, ">$BaseDir/$in{'topic'}.usr");
		print VF "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n";
		close VF;

# Read in the voting file and process the votes

sub RecordVote {
	open (VF,"$BaseDir/$in{'topic'}");
	@lines = <VF>;
	chop @lines;
	close VF;
	$Num = @lines;
	# Seperate out the items
	$Topic = $lines[0];
	$Count = 1;
	while ($Count != $Num) {
		($Item[$Count],$VoteCount[$Count]) = split (/::/, $lines[$Count]);
		$Votes = $Votes + $VoteCount[$Count];
	# Now write back the data to the file
	open (VF, ">$BaseDir/$in{'topic'}");
	print VF "$Topic\n";
	$Counter = 1;
	while ($Counter != $Num) {
		print VF "$Item[$Counter]::$VoteCount[$Counter]\n";
	close VF;
	$Flag = 1;

sub DisplayResults {

	if ($Flag == 0) {
		open (VF, "$BaseDir/$in{'topic'}");
		@lines = <VF>;
		chop @lines;
		close VF;
		$Num = @lines;
		# Seperate out the items
		$Topic = $lines[0];
		$Count = 1;
		while ($Count != $Num) {
			($Item[$Count],$VoteCount[$Count]) = split (/::/, $lines[$Count]);
#			if ($VoteCount[$Count] != 0) {
				$Votes = $Votes + $VoteCount[$Count];
#			}
	# Determine Stats
	$Counter = 1;
	if ($Votes != 0) {
		while ($Counter != $Num) {
			$Percentage[$Counter] = (int(($VoteCount[$Counter] / $Votes) * 100));
	$Counter = 1;
	$NewCount = 0;
	while ($Counter != $Num) {
		$NewLine[$NewCount] = "<tr><td>$Item[$Counter]</td>
<td align=center>$VoteCount[$Counter]</td><td align=center>
	# Display the results
	$Counter = 1;

	&PrintHeader ("Results for $Topic");
	print "$Header\n";
	print "<center><h2>$Topic</h2></center>\n";
	print "<center><b>Total Votes Cast So Far: $Votes</b></center><p>\n";
	print "<center><table border=2>\n";
	print "<tr><td align=center><b>Choice:</b></td><td align=center>
<b>No. Votes</b></td><td align=center><b>Percentage:</b></td></tr>\n";
	foreach $Line (@NewLine) {
		print "$Line";
	print "</table></center>\n";
	print "<p><center><font size=+2><a href=\"$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\">Return to Previous Page</a></font></center>\n";
	print "<p><font size=-1>Generated by <a href=\"http://www.virtualcenter.com/scripts2\">
The Voting Booth v2.0</a> - Copyright © 1996 by <a href=\"http://www.virtualcenter.com/vmt\">Virtual Marketing Technologies</a>.  
All Rights Reserved.<p></font>\n";
	print "$Footer\n";
	print "</body>\n";
	print "</html>\n";

sub Error {
	local ($Error) = @_;
	if ($Error eq "No Duplicate Voting") {
		&PrintHeader ("No Duplicate Voting");
		print "$Header\n";
		print "<center><h1>Error: No Duplicate Voting!</h1></center>\n";
		print "Sorry, you can only vote once on a particular topic.  
You'll have to wait until someone else votes before you can vote again.<p>\n";
		print "$Footer\n";
	if ($Error eq "No Option Specified") {
		&PrintHeader ("No Option Specified");
		print "$Header\n";
		print "<center><h1>Error: No Option Specified!</h1></center>\n";
		print "No option was specified in the previous HTML form.  
Please contact the administrator and inform him/her of this error.<p>\n";
		print "$Footer\n";
	if ($Error eq "No Topic Specified") {
		&PrintHeader ("No Topic Specified");
		print "$Header\n";
		print "<center><h1>Error: No Topic Specified!</h1></center>\n";
		print "No topic was specified in the previous HTML form.  
Please contact the administrator and inform him/her of this error.<p>\n";
		print "$Footer\n";

sub UnWeb {

   # Get the input
   # Split the name-value pairs
   @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});

   foreach $pair (@pairs) {
      ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);

      # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding
      $value =~ tr/+/ /;
      $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
      $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;

      if ($allow_html != 1) {
         $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;
      else {
         unless ($name eq 'body') {
	    $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;

      $in{$name} = $value;


# Print HTML Header

sub PrintHeader {
	local ($Title) = @_;

	print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
	print "<html>\n";
	print "	<head>\n";
	print "		<title>$Title</title>\n";
	print "	</head>\n";