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# Name: form_processor.cgi
# Version: 4.01
# Last Modified: 02-04-97
# Copyright Information: This application was written by Selena Sol
# (selena@eff.org, http://www.eff.org/~erict) and Gunther Birznieks
# (birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org) having been inspired by
# countless other Perl authors.  Feel free to copy, cite, reference,
# sample, borrow, resell or plagiarize the contents.  However, if you
# don't mind, please let me know where it goes so that I can at least
# watch and take part in the development of the memes. Information wants
# to be free, support public domain freware.  Donations are appreciated
# and will be spent on further upgrades and other public domain scripts.

#                  Flush the Perl Buffer. 		   	      #

		# The script begins by telling the Perl interpreter that
		# it should continuously flush its buffer so that text
		# from this script is sent directly to the Web Browser.
		# We do this to streamline debugging and make sure that
		# the script operates with the flow we want it to.

$| = 1;

#               Read and Parse Form Data                  	      #

		# Next, the ReadParse subroutine in cgi-lib.pl is used to
		# read the incoming form data. However, the subroutine is
		# sent "form_data" as a parameter so that the associative
		# array of form keys/values comes back with a descriptinve
		# name rather than just %in. 

&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,

#                        Load Supporting Files                        #

		# Once it has read the incoming form data, the script
		# will be able to determine which setup file it should
		# use to process the incoming form data.  
		# Perhaps a bit of explanation is in order.
		# Every HTML form which utilizes this application as a
		# backend MUST include a "hidden" form variable called
		# "setup_file" using the following syntax somewhere
		# between the <FORM> and </FORM> tags:
		# <INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "setup_file" 
		# For example, the following code would define a setup
		# file called download.setup:
		# <INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "setup_file" 
		#	 VALUE = "download.setup">
		# This variable will provide the name of the file which
		# this script will use to define all of the customizable
		# aspects of its operation.  For example, the setup file
		# defines who the script should E-mail form responses to
		# and what the script should send to the Web Browser as a
		# response when a user submits some information.
		# The reason for this is that this one script can handle
		# an infinite amount of unique forms.
		# Each form has a corresponding setup file which defines
		# how the script performs.  The logic (and programming)
		# remains the same for all forms.  All that changes are
		# the variables and subroutines in the setup files.  This
		# makes it very easy for you to quickly generate diverse
		# forms with the one backend.
		# So the script first takes the value of "setup_file"
		# coming in from the form (which cgi-lib.pl has already
		# parsed into the %form_data associative array) and
		# assigns it to the variable $setup_file.
		# Then it uses the subroutine
		# require_supporting_libraries documented later in this
		# script to actually load the setup file and all of itsd
		# configuration options.
		# Once the setup file has been loaded, the script also
		# uses the require_supporting_libraries subroutine to
		# load the mail library which we will use to send email to
		# the form administrator.

$setup_file = $form_data{'setup_file'};
&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,
&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,

#                       Display Verification Screen 		      #

		# Next the script checks to see if the admin has requested
		# that it give the user a data confirmation screen so that
		# they can make one final review of what they entered into
		# the form fields.  This routine takes advantage of two
		# administratively defined variables: $should_user_verify
		# which is defined in the setup file as either yes
		# or no and the HTML form submit tag "verified" which
		# looks something like:
		# <INPUT TYPE = "submit" NAME = "verified" 
		# 	 VALUE = "Correct!">
		# If the button has been depressed (thus, the value is
		# not equal (ne) to nothing ("")), then the script knows
		# that it should see if the admin has set
		# $should_user_verify  equal to yes. If both are true, it
		# simply displays the confirmation screen which is
		# discussed in the setup file.  Thus, you may not change
		# the NAME parameter of the submit tag, only the VALUE.

if ($form_data{'verified'} eq "" && $should_user_verify eq "yes")

#                       Check Required Fields                         #

		# Now that the script has loaded all of the supporting
		# libraries it is time to start processing the incoming
		# form data.  
		# The first thing that the script does is to make sure
		# that the user has filled in data for every field
		# that the administrator has defined as "required".  The
		# list of required fields are defined in the setup file
		# array @required_variables for each separate form to be
		# processed.  
		# The script simply goes through each of the fields and
		# checks to see if it has a value coming in as form data
		# (as stored in the form_data associative aray by
		# cgi-lib.pl).  If the field was left blank, the script
		# accesses the subroutine required_fields_error_message in
		# the setup file which sends the user a note regarding the
		# error and then exits.

foreach $variable (@required_variables)
  if ($form_data{$variable} eq "")

#                  Email the Results to the Admin                     #

		# If, on the other hand, the user filled in all the
		# fields, the script checks to see if the setup file
		# instructs it to mail the customer-submitted form data to
		# the form administrator.  If the setup variable
		# $should_i_mail has been set equal to "yes", the script
		# will prepare and mail the results of the form to the
		# email address $email_to also defined in the setup file.

if ($should_i_mail eq "yes")

		# If the script has been instructed to send the form data
		# to a form administrator, it begins building the body of
		# the email message that it will send.  
		# The body of the email will be temporarily stored 
		# in a working variable called $email_body.
		# First, the script notes the time and date of the
		# form submission using the get_date subroutine documented
		# later in this script. 
		# Notice the use of the ".=" operator which tells the
		# script to "append" the new information to the end of the
		# existing variable rather than overwrite it.  Thus
		# $email_body just keeps getting longer and longer as new
		# info is tagged to the end of the old.
		# Notice also that we will use the environment variable
		# HTTP_REFERER to send the administrator the url of the
		# form from which they are receiving a response.

  $current_date = &get_date; 
  $email_body = "On $current_date, the following data was submitted from $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}"; 
  $email_body .="\n\n";

		# Then, for every form variable, the script adds the
		# variable names and their values to the email body. 
		# @form_variables and %form_variable_name_map are both
		# defined in the setup file.  The order in which the
		# variables appear on the email will depend on the order
		# in which they are placed in @form_variables.  Also, we
		# will use the &format_text_field to format the email so
		# that it will contain two columns with the second column
		# left justified to 25 spaces.

  foreach $variable (@form_variables)
    $form_data{$variable} =~ s/"/"/g;
    $form_data{$variable} =~ s/</\</g;
    $form_data{$variable} =~ s/>/\>/g; 
    $form_data{$variable} =~ s/\<P\>/\n/g;
    $email_body .= &format_text_field($form_variable_name_map{$variable});
    $email_body .= "$form_data{$variable}\n";

		# Next, we will check for the special variable
		# "client_email".  This variable is used so that mail sent
		# to the store administrator can be sent from the actual
		# user instead of from our default email address.  This
		# makes it easier to reply directly to users if reply
		# is appropriate.  If you have a form field in your HTML
		# such as:
		# <INPUT TYPE = "text" NAME = "client_email">
		# the script will know to send mail to the admin as if it
		# were coming from the email that the user inputs.
		# If this special input field is not defined in the HTML,
		# the script will use the value of $email_of_sender
		# defined in the setup file.

  if ($form_data{'client_email'} ne "")
    $email_of_sender = "$form_data{'client_email'}";

		# Next, the script checks to see if the admin has
		# configured it to encrypt the mail.  If the admin has
		# defined $should_i_use_pgp to be yes in the setup file,
		# the script will load the pgp library and encrypt the
		# email body using the &make_pgp_file library.

  if ($should_i_use_pgp eq "yes")
    &require_supporting_libraries(__FILE__, __LINE__,

    $email_body = &make_pgp_file($email_body,

    $email_body = "\n" . $email_body . "\n";

if ($form_data{'mailto'} ne "")
  $email_to = $form_data{'mailto'};

		# Finally, the script uses the send_mail routine in
		# mail-lib.pl to send the data. The send_mail routine
		# takes 6 parameters, all of which have already been 
		# defined and explained.

  &send_mail("$email_of_sender","$email_to", "$email_subject", "$email_body");

  } # End of  if ($should_i_mail eq "yes")

#                       Append a Database                             #

		# Next, the4 script determines if it has been instructed		
		# in the setup file to append the user-submitteed data to
		# a database file. 
		# If the $should_I_append_a_database variable has been set
		# to yes, the script appends to the database specified by
		# $location_of_database using the database delimiter 
		# $database_delimiter which are both defined in the setup
		# file.

if ($should_I_append_a_database eq "yes")

		# Before appending to the database, the script checks to
		# make sure that the database file is actually writable by
		# it.
		# If the file is indeed writable, the script creates a new
		# database row made up of field values delimited by the
		# delimter specified in the setup file.
		# For example, if...
		# @form_variables = ("fname", "lname", "email");
		# and 
		# $database_delimiter = ":"
		# then $database_row might look something like:
		# Selena:Sol:selena@eff.org:
		# Notice that because of the quirks of the foreach loop, 
		# we will end each database row with a final database
		# delimiter.  Because we do not want this final delimiter, 
		# the script utilizes the chop operator to remove it.
		# Finally, notice that we will modify client submitted
		# data if it includes the newline character.  Since we are
		# using the newline character to delineate database rows,
		# we do not want the customer to have the ability to embed
		# those characters in their data,.  Thus, we will use
		# the regular expression operator to change all occurances
		# of newlines (\n) with the tag "~nl~".  When we manage
		# the database later, we need only do a find and
		# replace on ~nl~.

  if (-w $location_of_database)
    foreach $variable (@form_variables)
      $form_data{$variable} =~ s/\n/~nl~/g; 
      $database_row .= "$form_data{$variable}$database_delimiter";
      } # End of foreach $variable (@form_variables)
    chop $database_row;

		# Next, the script appends the newly created database to
		# the existing database. However, before actually
		# modifying the database file, the script makes sure to
		# use the lockfile routines discussed later in this script
		# to assure that only one instance of the script can
		# modify the file at one time.  Afterall, it would not do
		# for two instances of the script to modify the file at
		# one time.  At best, one of the forms would not be
		# processed correctly.  At worst, the data file might
		# become corrupt.  The lockfile routines prevent more than
		# one instance of the script from accessing the file at
		# one time.

    &get_file_lock ("$location_of_database.lock");

		# Once the lock file has been created, the script opens up
		# the datafile for appending using the (>>) operator.
		# However, if it has a problem opening the database file,
		# it sends a useful debugging message to the Web Browser
		# using the subroutine &file_open_error discussed later in
		# this script.
		# Once the database is opened, the script appends the new
		# database row to the end of the file and closes the file
		# again, removing the lockfile as well.

    open (DATABASE, ">>$location_of_database") || 
         &file_open_error("$location_of_database", "Append a Database",
			  _FILE__, __LINE__);     

    print DATABASE "$database_row\n";
    close (DATABASE);
    &release_file_lock ("$location_of_database.lock");
    } # End of if (-w $location_of_database)

		# If the database file was not writable, the script
		# sends an error message back to the user.  

  } # End of if ($should_I_append_a_database eq "yes")

#                       Respond to the Client                         #

		# Finally, the script sends a response to the client.
		# There are two types of responses possible.  Firstly, the
		# client should receive and HTML thank you response.  This
		# is done using several subroutines defined in the setup
		# file so that you can easily customize this HTML code.


		# The second type of response is an email response.
		# Perhaps you want to send the user a separate email
		# notification letting them know that their info was sent
		# in.  In this case, provided that you had the
		# client_email filed, we will simply create an email
		# message just as we did for the administartor and mail
		# it.

  if ($should_i_send_user_email eq "yes")
    if ($form_data{'client_email'} ne "")
      $email_body = "Thank you very much for taking the time to fill
	out our survey.  As a reminder, you submitted the following data at
	$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} on: ";
      $email_body .= &get_date;
      $email_body .="\n\n";      

      foreach $variable (@form_variables)
        $form_data{$variable} =~ s/"/"/g;
        $form_data{$variable} =~ s/</\</g;
        $form_data{$variable} =~ s/>/\>/g;
        $form_data{$variable} =~ s/\<P\>/\n/g;
        $form_data{$variable} =~ s/~nl~/\n/g;
        $email_body .= &format_text_field($form_variable_name_map{$variable});
        $email_body .= "$form_data{$variable}\n";
		 "$email_subject", "$email_body");

#                      get_date Subroutine                      #

                # get_date is used to get the current date and time and
                # format it into a readable form.  The subroutine takes no
                # arguments and is called with the following syntax:      
                # $date = &get_date;
                # It will return the value of the current date, so you
                # must assign it to a variable in the calling routine if
                # you are going to use the value.

sub get_date

                # The subroutine begins by defining some local working
                # variables

  local ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst,$date);
  local (@days, @months);

  @days = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday',      
  @months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July',

                # Next, it uses the localtime command to get the current
                # time, from the value returned by the time
                # command, splitting it into variables.

  ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);

                # Then the script formats the variables and assign them to
                # the final $date variable.  Note that $current_century
                # is defined in web_store.setup.  Since the 20th centruy
                # is really 1900-1999, we'll need to subtract 1 from this
                # value in order to format the year correctly.

  if ($hour < 10)                   
    $hour = "0$hour";
  if ($min < 10)
    $min = "0$min";
  if ($sec < 10)
    { $sec = "0$sec";
  $year = ($current_century-1) . "$year";
  $date = "$days[$wday], $months[$mon] $mday, $year at $hour\:$min\:$sec";
  return $date;

#                       Require Supporting Libraries.                 #

                # require_supporting_libraries is used to read in some of
                # the supporting files that this script will take
                # advantage of.
                # require_supporting_libraries takes a list of arguments
                # beginning with the current filename, the current line
                # number and continuing with the list of files which must
                # be required using the following syntax:
                # &require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,
                #                               "file1", "file2",
                #                               "file3"...);      
                # Note: __FILE__ and __LINE__ are special Perl variables
                # which contain the current filename and line number
                # respectively.  We'll continually use these two variables
                # throughout the rest of this script in order to generate
                # useful error messages.     

sub require_supporting_libraries

                # The incoming file and line arguments are split into
                # the local variables $file and $line while the file list
                # is assigned to the local list array @require_files.
                # $require_file which will just be a temporary holder
                # variable for our foreach processing is also defined as a
                # local variable.       

  local ($file, $line, @require_files) = @_;
  local ($require_file);

                # Next, the script checks to see if every file in the
                # @require_files list array exists (-e) and is readable by
                # it (-r). If so, the script goes ahead and requires it.

  foreach $require_file (@require_files)
    if (-e "$require_file" && -r "$require_file")
      require "$require_file";

                # If not, the scripts sends back an error message that
                # will help the admin isolate the problem with the script.   

      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
      print "I am sorry but I was unable to require $require_file at line
            $line in $file.  Would you please make sure that you have the
            path correct and that the permissions are set so that I have
            read access?  Thank you.";
    } # End of foreach $require_file (@require_files)
  } # End of sub require_supporting_libraries       

#                            get_file_lock                            #

                # get_file_lock is a subroutine used to create a lockfile.
                # Lockfiles are used to make sure that no more than one
                # instance of the script can modify a file at one time.  A
                # lock file is vital to the integrity of your data.
                # Imagine what would happen if two or three people
                # were using the same script to modify a shared file (like
                # the error log) and each accessed the file at the same
                # time.  At best, the data entered by some of the users
                # would be lost.  Worse, the conflicting demands could
                # possibly result in the corruption of the file.
                # Thus, it is crucial to provide a way to monitor and
                # control access to the file.  This is the goal of the
                # lock file routines.  When an instance of this script
                # tries to  access a shared file, it must first check for
                # the existence of a lock file by using the file lock
                # checks in get_file_lock.
                # If get_file_lock determines that there is an existing
                # lock file, it instructs the instance that called it to
                # wait until the lock file disappears.  The script then
                # waits and checks back after some time interval.  If the
                # lock file still remains, it continues to wait until some
                # point at which the admin has given it permissios to just
                # overwrite the file because some other error must have
                # occurred.
                # If, on the other hand, the lock file has dissappeared,
                # the script asks get_file_lock to create a new lock file
                # and then goes ahead and edits the file.
                # The subroutine takes one argumnet, the name to use for
                # the lock file and is called with the following syntax:
                # &get_file_lock("file.name");    

sub get_file_lock
  local ($lock_file) = @_;
  local ($endtime);
  $endtime = 20;
  $endtime = time + $endtime;

                # We set endtime to wait 20 seconds.  If the lockfile has
                # not been removed by then, there must be some other
                # problem with the file system.  Perhaps an instance of
                # the script crashed and never could delete the lock file.

  while (-e $lock_file && time < $endtime)

  open(LOCK_FILE, ">$lock_file") || &file_open_error ("$lock_file", 
						      "Lock File Routine",
						      __FILE__, __LINE__);

                # Note: If flock is available on your system, feel free to
                # use it.  flock is an even safer method of locking your
                # file because it locks it at the system level.  The above
                # routine is "pretty good" and it will server for most
                # systems.  But if youare lucky enough to have a server
                # with flock routines built in, go ahead and uncomment
                # the next line and comment the one above.

# flock(LOCK_FILE, 2); # 2 exclusively locks the file


#                            release_file_lock                        #     

                # release_file_lock is the partner of get_file_lock.  When
                # an instance of this script is done using the file it
                # needs to manipulate, it calls release_file_lock to
                # delete the lock file that it put in place so that other
                # instances of the script can get to the shared file.  It
                # takes one argument, the name of the lock file, and is
                # called with the following syntax:
                # &release_file_lock("file.name");

sub release_file_lock
  local ($lock_file) = @_;

# flock(LOCK_FILE, 8); # 8 unlocks the file

                # As we mentioned in the discussion of get_file_lock,
                # flock is a superior file locking system.  If your system
                # has it, go ahead and use it instead of the hand rolled
                # version here.  Uncomment the above line and comment the
                # two that follow.


#                    file_open_error Subroutine                       #

                # If there is a problem opening a file or a directory, it
                # is useful for the script to output some information
                # pertaining to what problem has occurred.  This
                # subroutine is used to generate those error messages.
                # file_open_error takes four arguments: the file or
                # directory which failed, the section in the code in which 
                # the call was made, the current file name and
                # line number, and is called with the following syntax:
                # &file_open_error("file.name", "ROUTINE", __FILE__,
                #                  __LINE__);

sub file_open_error

                # The subroutine simply uses the update_error_log
                # subroutine discussed later to modify the error log and
                # then uses CgiDie in cgi-lib.pl to gracefully exit the
                # application with a useful debugging error message sent
                # to the browser window.

  local ($bad_file, $script_section, $this_file, $line_number) = @_;
  print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was not able to access $bad_file in the
        $script_section routine of $this_file at line number $line_number.
        Would you please make sure the path is correctly defined in
        web_store.setup and that the permissions are correct.")

#                    format_text_field Subroutine                     #

sub format_text_field 
  local($value) = @_;
                # Very simple. We return the value in
                # $value plus a string of 25 spaces which
                # has been truncated by the length of 
                # the $value string.
                # This results in a left justified
                # field of width = 25.
  return($value . substr((" " x 25), length($value)));  

  } # End of format_text_field