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Fortune Cookie


# Name: Selena Sol's Fortune Cookie
# Version: 3.0
# Last Modified: 08-14-96
# Copyright info: This application was written by Selena Sol
# (selena@eff.org, http://www.eff.org/~erict) having been inspired by
# countless other Perl authors.  Feel free to copy, cite, reference,
# sample, borrow, resell or plagiarize the contents.  However, if you
# don't mind, please let me know where it goes so that I can at least
# watch and take part in the development of the memes. Information wants
# to be free, support public domain freware.  Donations are appreciated
# and will be spent on further upgrades and other public domain scripts.
# Finally, PLEASE SEND WORKING URL's to selena@eff.org.  I maintain a list
# of implementations around the world.

#                  Require and Helper Functions                       #

# First tell Perl to bypass the buffer so that the fortunes are displayed
# directly to the browser. Then, fire up srand so that we will be able to
# generate random numbers.  Then require cgi-lib.pl and flush.pl to gather
# form data and to clear  the buffer.  Then use the ReadParse subroutine
# in cgi-lib.pl to parse  the incoming data and drop it into an
# associative array called %form_data

  $| = 1;
  srand (time|$$);

  require "./nph-fortunes.setup";
  require "./nph-fortunes.html";
  require "$location_of_cgi_lib";

#                   Figure Out Which  Data File to Use                    #

# Now assign the incoming user defined fortune_file to the $fortune_file 
# variable.  Thus if the user typed ...
# http://www.foobar.com/nph-fortunes.cgi?fortune_file=foobar
# Then, $fortune_file would become foobar.dat.

# If, however, the user just called this script directly, without 
# asking to see a particular data file, let's assign them a default data 
# file.

  if ($form_data{fortune_file} eq "")
    $fortune_file = "$fortune_file_directory/$default_data_file.dat";
    $fortune_file = "$fortune_file_directory/$form_data{'fortune_file'}.dat";

#                       Print http Header.                                #

# Now let's print out the HTTP header letting the browser know that we 
# are going to send multiple documents such that new documents should 
# replace old ones...The browser will know that we are sending a new 
# document when we send it the flag --ARandomString\n.

  print "$ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'} 200 OK\n";
  print "Server: $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}\n";
  print "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ARandomString\n\n";
  print "--ARandomString\n";

#                       Print Out The Fortunes.                           #

# Now, let's print out our fortunes.  This for loop basically counts from 
# 0 to the number that the admin has set for $number_of_fortunes_to_display
# Thus, for every number from zero to $number_of_fortunes_to_display 
# we'll print the following...

  for ($loop = 0; $loop <= $number_of_fortunes_to_display; $loop++)
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

# Grab a randomly generated fortune from the subroutine get_fortune at 
# the end of this script...however, send it the name of the fortune file as 
# a parameter so that the subroutine will know which data file to grab 
# the fortune from.

    print &get_fortune($fortune_file);

# Print out the rest of the HTML.


# Now take a break while the client reads the fortune.  Wait for as many 
# seconds as the admin has set for $number_seconds_to_display.  Then tell 
# the browser that we are about to overwrite the existing information with 
# a new fortune.
# Then go on to the next fortune ($loop incrementing by one)

    sleep ($number_seconds_to_display);
    print "\n--ARandomString\n";

#                     Randomly Generate a Fortune                         #

  sub get_fortune

# Assign to the local variable $fortune_file the parameter sent from above.

    local ($fortune_file) = @_; 

# Open that file for reading

    open (FORTUNE_FILE, "$fortune_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I
	was unable to open the fortune file in the Randomly Generate a Fortune
	routine.  The value I have is $fortune_file.  PLease check the
	permissions and path.");

# Read through the data file one line at a time...

    while (<FORTUNE_FILE>)

# If the line you are reading is not %% folllowed by a new line, add the 
# line to a continually growing variable $fortune (.= means to add to the 
# end of the variable rather than resetting the variable) ($_ is another 
# name for the current line we are reading)

      if ($_ ne "%%\n")
        $fortune .= "$_";

# If the line is %%newline however, let's add to the array @fortunes the 
# current value of $fortune, then let's reset $fortune.  What this does 
# is basically create a huge array in which each element is a separate 
# fortune.  The %% defines the beginning and ending of fortunes.  Note, 
# can you see why you must have a %% as the last line of the data file?  
# Otherwise we lose the last fortune, because it never gets "pushed" into 
# the array.

        push (@fortunes, $fortune);
        $fortune = "";

# Once we go through all the lines, close up the data file.

    close (FORTUNE_FILE);

# Then we'll need to return to the main routine to print a random fortune 
# from the array @fortunes.  First we'll figure out how many elements are 
# in @fortunes.  As it happens, @fortunes by itself equals the number of 
# elements in @fortunes.  If there are 10 fortunes, @fortunes will equal 
# 10.  Then we will pick a random number from 1 to 10, rand(@fortunes).
# But, we will get some funky result like 5.43245231.  So we round that 
# number off to an integer with the int function..  Now that we have a 
# random number from 0 to the number of elements in @fortunes we will 
# figure out which number in @fortunes that corresponds to and grab that 
# elemnt out to print up above. splice(@fortunes,...
