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#                       PGP-LIB.PL
# Summary: PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy and it
#  is a utility on the internet that allows you to encrypt
#  and decrypt files.  This library interfaces with this
#  3rd party encryption program
# This script was written by Gunther Birznieks.
# Date Created: 11-5-96
# Date Last Modified: 11-25-96
# Copyright Info: This library was written by Gunther Birznieks    
#       (birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org) having been inspired by countless
#       other Perl authors.  Feel free to copy, cite, reference, sample,
#       borrow, resell or plagiarize the contents.  However, if you don't
#       mind, please let me know where it goes so that I can at least     
#       watch and take part in the development of the memes. Information  
#       wants to be free, support public domain freware.  Donations are   
#       appreciated and will be spent on further upgrades and other public
#       domain scripts.
# Purpose: Provides a set of library routines to interface with
#   PGP to create an encrypted buffer
#  make_pgp_file - makes a pgp encrypted file and sends its
#                  contents back to the user
# Special Notes: Script ties into the pgp executable whose
#  location is specified in the variables below.
#  $pgp_path = path to PGP executable
#  $pgp_options = command line options to the PGP program
#  $pgp_public_key_user_id = which key to use for encrypting
#  $pgp_config_files = path where configuration files are located 

$pgp_path = "/home/gunther/pgp/pgp";

# Command line options are the following:
#  f for accepting file input and output to PGP
#  e for encrypting
#  a for outputting as RADIX-64 ASCII instead of binary
#  t for text files (cross platform text file conversion
#  +VERBOSE=0 lowers verbosity level so only severe errors
#   print out
$pgp_options = "-feat +VERBOSE=0";
$pgp_public_key_user_id = "gunther";
$pgp_config_files = "Pgpfiles";

# subroutine: make_pgp_file
#   Usage:
#     &make_pgp_file($output_text, $output_file);
#   Parameters:
#     $output_text = unecrypted text that you want to scramble
#     $output_file = name of a file that you will use to
#                    temporarily create the encryption. It
#                    will be removed after it is created
#                    and its contents are assigned to a buffer.
#   Output:
#     $pgp_output = the encrypted text that was stored in
#          the $output_file results of running PGP

sub make_pgp_file {
  local($output_text, $output_file) = @_;  

# Set the PGPPATH environment to tell
# PGP *not* to go to the Web Server User's
# home directory by default to look for key
# files and public keys
  $ENV{"PGPPATH"} = $pgp_config_files;

# Generate the command that needs to be used
# to execute PGP. This consists of the PGP 
# executable followed by command line options
# which is followed by the user id which you
# want to use a public key for and then output
# the encrypted results to an output file.

  $pgp_command =  "$pgp_path $pgp_options ";
  $pgp_command .= "$pgp_public_key_user_id ";
  $pgp_command .= ">$output_file";

# The command is opened using the special
# file open PIPE command which EXECUTES the
# command and then allows PERL to print to
# it as input for the command.
  open (PGPCOMMAND, "|$pgp_command");

# The text you want to encrypt is sent to
# the command.
  print PGPCOMMAND $output_text;

  close (PGPCOMMAND);

# The resulting output file is opened,
# read into $pgp_output and closed.

  open(PGPOUTPUT, $output_file);

  while (<PGPOUTPUT>) {
    $pgp_output .= $_;
  close (PGPOUTPUT);

# we remove the temporary file

# we return pgp output

} # End of make_pgp_file

# We always return TRUE from requiring
# a library file (1;)