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Web Store

#                          BASIC INFORMATION                          #

Name: Web Store
Authors: Selena Sol and Gunther Birznieks
Version: 1.0
Last Modified: 11-18-96

#                               DESCRIPTION                           #

Shopping cart applications are some of the most popular, interesting to
customize, and programmatically demanding CGI applications currently in
use on the web.  Such applications allow companies to display their
inventories online such that clients can quickly and easily browse through
and order items of interest.

Some of the more famous and groundbreaking examples include Virtual
Vineyards (http://www.virtualvin.com/) and CD Now (http://www.cdnow.com/).
Both of these sites generate tens of thousands of dollars from virtual
clients through their user-friendly interfaces and sleek design.  Because
warehouses are virtual and sales staff automated, the virtual store is a
profitable option for many small and mid-sized businesses who gain instant
access to a global market.  Web stores can also provide larger,
established companies with alternative outlets for their products as well
as a continued presence in emerging markets.

Further, clients receive the benefits of dynamic, customizable browsing
tools.  Rather than deal with mail order catalogs, 1-800 numbers and
faxable (or worse yet-snail mail-based) order forms, a customer need only
web over to their favorite store, click to their section of interest, add
some items to their virtual shopping cart, type in some shipping
information and submit the information over a secure channel of the
Internet.  As David Cook writes in Launching a Business on the Web, "The
idea of a virtual shopping system is to make the job of picking products
as painless as possible.  In essence, we want the user to do no more than
simply point to a picture or word to purchase an item.

Yet however invisible and seamless the application is to the customer, a
shopping cart system, is a demanding application to program, customize
and/or install because it integrates so many CGI functions into one
system.  Consider the complexity.  A shopping cart application must be
able to manage every function of shopping;  not only from the perspective
of the customer, but from that of the vendor as well.

Store Management From the Vendor's Perspective

For one, the application must be able to manage and display the store's
inventory.  That is, the application must be able to keep track of every
item in the store's inventory and be able to present them in an efficient
and sensible way.   Think of this function as that of the store employee
who must continually re-stock the shelves of the store with new items,
change some prices here, remove some items there, introduce "specials",
and generally make sure that aisles are clean, current, and organized for
the convenience of customers.

In terms of the shopping cart application, the program must be able to
generate/display browsable  HTML "product pages" according to the needs of
the client.  These product pages might be organized hierarchically,
according to categories and sub-categories of products or they might be
generated dynamically based upon the customer's search criteria.  Further,
depending on the desires of the vendor and the demands of the inventory
itself,  the inventory might be physically stored as a flatfile or SQL
database or may be described as a series of pre-designed HTML pages.  The
shopping cart system must be flexible and intelligent enough to produce a
consistent look and feel while all around is variable and changing.
A further complication lies in the fact that every item must be uniquely
identified and may have unique qualities which differentiate it from other
items, even within that same category.  One good example of that is the
application of options.  Many items, even within the same category may
have different options available for them.  For example in an online music
shop, certain albums might come in CD format only, or in Tape or CD
format, or even LP only.  The application must have a means for
interpreting such unique qualities for every item and incorporate them
into the logic of the process.  In a thousand item store, there may be a
thousand "special cases".

The Web Store must also be able to keep track of many customers
simultaneously and at different times in their shopping process.  Some of
those clients might be just entering the store.  Some might be at the cash
register. Others might be browsing the shelves casually or with a specific
product in mind.  The Web Store must be able to handle each of these
situations so seamlessly that each customer should feel as if she is the
only customer in the store.  Speed and consistency are paramount.

Keeping track of visitors also involves a motley of administrative
functions.  For example, just as someone must constantly keep track of
used shopping carts at your local supermarket, so must the web store
application deal with its own old, used shopping carts.  Afterall, it
would not do to continually save all the carts used by all the customers.
If all goes well and your products attract droves of wandering webites,
you might generate hundreds of carts per day.  Though each cart will be
only a small text file in itself, when combined, the set of all carts
could cause your server's hard disk to fill up quickly.  Thus, the
application must be responsible for pruning old carts at some regular

Another administrative function is that of logging accesses and errors.
Every new client will bring with her a set of vcaluable information which
if gathered and interpreted wisely could yield insights crucial to your
continued success.

How many of your clients are international?  How many are repeat visitors?
Which pages do clients most often request?  Which items do they most often
buy?  What percent of your visitors are smart enough to use Netscape?
When are your daily peak hours?  These are the kinds of data which should
be available in your access logs for analysis.

Similarly, you should have a complete error log.  Have there been any
attempted hacks?  Are there errors in your configuration that slipped by
you?  Has some environment variable on your server changed which demands
your attention like a change in permisisons?  The error log can be used to
quickly diagnose problems with the application as it evolves to your own
needs.  In some cases, a well analyzed error log can save you from having
to hire a programming consultant to do trouble shooting.

Finally, the Web Store must be your cashier, totaling up shopping carts
full of items, and accepting payment from the customers.  In doing so, it
must be able to handle your local taxes, shipping costs, discounts,
specials and any number of surprise price modifications, on the fly, for
every customer.

More crucially, it must do this flawlessly and securely.  Not only must
the connection between the browser and server be secure (an issue between
you and your ISP), but orders must then be sent securely from the server
to the person handling order processing.  What good is a powerful (and
expensive) SSL account if credit card and personal information are sent
unprotected via email.  A secure store is only as secure as its weakest
link.  The Web Store must be able to support SSL technology as well as
provide a secure method of getting that information from the secure server
to you.

Whatever the case, the application must be able to quickly provide a
virtual store environment with seamless access to products.  At this
infant stage of the web, there are already enough barriers between the
clients and vendors; speed, ignorance, unfamiliarity, etc.  The Web Store
technology must not add another barrier.  It must be an interface which
makes the user want to come back.

Shopping From the Customer's Perspective

A shopping cart system is also responsible for handling the needs of the
customer.  It must follow each client through (even if their are dozens of
clients shopping simultaneously) the store acting as their shopping
servant.  When the customer says grab this item, it must do so.  It must
also get more of one item or be able to put all the items back on the
virtual shelves if so instructed.  It must do this for every customer over
several self-referential instances.

What is a "self-referential instance"?  To answer that, a short discussion
of client server technology is in order.  When you type enter a URL into
the location window of your favorite browser, you are becoming a client to
some server from which you are requesting some service.  Typically, you
will be asking the server to send you a document formatted with hyper
Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML).  In the case of a CGI script, you ask
the server to execute the program and send you back the results of the

One of the facts of life with client server architecture is the fact that
each request sent from a client and processed by a server is considered a
new and unique one.  That is, there is no real dialogue between you and
the server.  There is only a series of unrelated queries and responses.
The server maintains no link with each client.  Instead it simply,
blindly, automatically waits for a query, answers the query and settled
back down waiting for the next query to arrive.  You may ask it for a
second document with another hyperlink, but the server will treat you as
the unknown stranger you are.  It will not "remember" anything about you
or your past interactions with it.

So how do you create a dialogue, a relationship; a complex relationship
between a customer and a vendor?  For example, in order for each client to
maintain a unique set of shopping cart items, the application must keep
track of each client and each client's virtual cart.  Maintaining state,
as this is called, is difficult because HTTP, as we have mentioned,  is a
"connectionless" protocol: every time a Web browser requests the attention
of your server, it is considered a new request, unrelated to any other
requests fulfilled by the server.  Because each request is considered
independently of others, the server has no way to keep track of what
clients have been doing in the past.  

How then can the server "remember" what items you have already placed in
your cart?  If you want to keep track of a client's activities from page
to page (perhaps keeping track of items that the client has ordered), your
CGI application must find a way to "remember" these transactions, because
the server cannot.

Furthermore, the cart itself is a database file that is built and modified
on the fly based on the client's needs.  The client must be able to add
and delete items from the cart as well as change the quantities of items
ordered.  The maintenance of the cart, therefor requires a full-fledged
database management system.

Yet the script must do more than just display and modify shopping cart
items that are contained in the datafile.  It must also manipulate the
database fields to perform price calculations, such as subtotaling and
generating grand totals from subtotals.

All this while still performing all the usual CGI functions like reading
and parsing incoming form data, checking that form data against bad input.

#                         COPYRIGHT INFORMATION                       #

This application was written by Selena Sol (selena@eff.org, 
http://www.eff.org/~erict) and Gunther Birznieks 
(birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org) having been inspired by countless other Perl
authors.  Because this is a collaborative effort, Selena Sol's typical
copyright does not apply here. Instead, let the following be your guide.

You may copy this under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the
Artistic License which is distributed with copies of Perl v5.x for UNIX.

As a side note, if you don't mind, please let Selena know if you use or
modify this code so that we can watch and take part in the development of
the memes.  Donations are appreciated and will be spent on further
upgrades and other public domain scripts.

#                              SUPPORT                                #

This script comes with no gaurentees or warranties.  Don't expect the
scripts to be perfect. They have evolved continually over the last two
years and will continue to do so.

Bug reports are greatly appreciated but installation support is
extremely discouraged. I have attempted to include as much information as
I could think of in this README and in the Customization and Installation
FAQ available at http://www.eff.org/~erict/Scripts/.  And there is
always lively discussion in Selena Sol's Discussion Forum
(http://www.sidestreets.com/info/sssa/). Please try ALL available sources
of information BEFORE you email me.  But if you must, make sure to include
the following bits of information (I may not respond to your email if you
do not answer ALL of the following questions):

1. What type of Web server are you running?
2. What type of Operating System is the Web server running on?

3. What is the "exact" error message from the Web?
4. What is the "exact" error message in your web server's error log?
5. What is the "exact" error message you receive when running the script
       from the command line.

6. Are you running this script on an ISP?  If so, what is the email
       address of the Sysadmin there?
7. Are you using a virtual server setup?  If so, what is the root path set
       in your Web server's environment?

8. In which directory is the Perl interpreter located?
9. In which directory is sendmail located (if you are using a script which
       demands use of sendmail)

Again, I MAY NOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION unless you have answered all nine of
these questions (and I may not even be able to if you have).


It is recommended that you point your Web browser to "Selena Sol's Script
Archive" to get the latest version of this script.  The Script Archive is
located at the following URL:


From the "Script Archive" frontpage follow the hyperlinks to the detailed
page dedicated to this script.  Then click on the hyperlink "Download the
scripts as a single tar file".


Tar is a UNIX command that allows you to create a single archive file
containing many files.  Such archiving allows you to maintain directory
relationships and facilitates transferring complex programs with many
separate but integrated parts which must have their relationships
preserved. Tar has a motley of options which allow you to do archiving and
unarchiving in many ways.  However, for the purpose of untarring this
application, the commands will be fairly simple.

Once you have downloaded the TAR file transfer it to an executable
directory on your web server and "untar" it.  On UNIX systems, you may
type the following at the command line (in the same directory as the TAR
file itself):

			tar xvfp web_store.tar

Tar will go through the archive file and separate out each individual
directory and file, expanding them into their appropriate places
underneath the current directory.  The "xvfp" letters in the tar command
above are parameters that tell the program to extract the files and
directories out of the ".tar" file. Specifically, "x" tells tar to extract
the files. "v" tells tar to output information about the status of its
extraction while it is performing the work, "f" informs tar to use the
".tar" filename as the source of the files to be extracted, and "p" notes 
that the original permissions hould be maintained. The reason the
"f" parameter has to be used is that tar, by default, archives files and
directories to a tape drive. Tar is actually short for "[T]ape [AR]chive".
Figure 1-2 shows the output of the above command.  

       (Note: If you are using a non-UNIX Operating System, you may 
       download a TAR/UNTAR program by pointing your Web browser
       to http://www.shareware.com  I suggest using "untar" as your
       keyword when you search their inventory).

#               BASIC INSTALLATION (SETTING PERMISSIONS)              # 

Untarring the files is only one part of the equation of installing the Web
Store application and getting it to actually run.  Frequently, the Web
server needs to be given special permission to run your scripts and have
the scripts perform their job with the appropriate "rights". 

The cardinal rule for setting up Web server software is that the server
should be given only minimal capabilities. This definitely rules out the
Web server running as the ROOT user (Super user on UNIX). More often than
not, it means the Web server is run as a user that has no rights to do
anything significant -- the user "nobody". By default, "nobody" usually
does not have permission to read any files in directories that you create.
However, when you download scripts, you need to make it so that the
scripts can be read and executed by the Web server software.  In other
words, "nobody" has to be able to get to the files.

In UNIX, the magic command for performing this task is "chmod". The
directory structure of the Web-store root Directory is a good example of
how you should use the chmod command. 

For this example, we will assume you are sharing a server on an Internet
Service Provider which is typically the most restrictive situation in
terms of your security options and that all your CGI scripts are located
in the default directory called "Web_store". 

Administrative files like the log and counter files must be located in a
directory called "Admin_files" under the "Web_store" directory. The
example will assume we are in the directory above the one where the CGI
scripts actually reside when we execute the chmod command. 

There are four different sets of permissions that need to be granted in
order for the user "nobody" to have the permissions needed to run this CGI
script. First, the "Web_store" directory itself must be both readable and
executable by the world. The directory is readable because we need to read
the entries in the directory, and it has to be executable to go into the
directory and open the files in it. This is done using the following

chmod 755 Web_store

The 775 number tells chmod to make the "Web_store" directory readable,
writable, and executable by the owner of the file (you) while making it
only readable and executable by the world and the group you are.

How did we come up with the number? Well, files in UNIX have three types
of permissions: USER (the owner of the file), GROUP (The security group
you are in), and OTHER (For the world to see. Each digit in the number
above corresponds to one of these categories. The first digit is user, the
second digit is group, and the final digit is other.  Thus, in the example
above, 7=USER, 7=GROUP and OTHER=5.

The actual value of the digit determines the permissions granted to that
area. Permissions consist of three numbers -- 4 for read, 2 for write, and
1 for execute access.  By adding these numbers together, you form the
permissions that make up one digit. For example, 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 which
grants read, write, and execute permissions. 4 + 1 = 5 which only grants
read and execute permissions. Thus, 755 grants 7 (read, write, execute) to
the owner of the file, and 5 (read and execute) to the group the file is
in and the world. Below is a chart which will can be used as a quick

         U   G   W
	rwx rwx rwx 	chmod 777 filename   	
	rwx rwx r-x	chmod 775 filename
	rwx r-x r-x	chmod 755 filename
	rw- rw- r--	chmod 664 filename
	rw- r-- r--	chmod 644 filename

	U = User 
	G = Group 
	W = World

	r = Readable
	w = writable
	x = executable 
	- = no permission

The files within the "Web_store" directory need to be readable and
executable since the web server will be running the CGI scripts in it.
To set those permissions, we use the following command:

			chmod 755 Web_store/*.*

This command operates the same as the one above, except it changes all the
files (* pattern matches everything) inside the "Web_store" directory to
be readable and executable by everyone. These scripts should not be

Nor should the Web_store directory be writable, since that would allow
other users on the system place scripts there. The "Admin_files" directory
is another issue. Since it contains log files which the Web server must
write to, the "Admin_files" directory must be made writable so that the
CGI script can write to the directory. In addition, the files generated in
that directory should also be readable in case the Web Store script needs
to access them. To change the directory so that it is also writable as
well as being given read and execute access, use the following command: 

		chmod 777 Web_store/Admin_files

This will change the Admin_files directory under the Web_store directory
to be readable, writable, and executable by the world.

[WARNING] You may be tempted to simply use chmod 777 on all the files and
directories since that assures the Web server can do anything with the
files. However, it is strongly advised that you do not leave the files in
this state. It is considered a big security risk to leave your scripts
open to changes by the Web server instead of being read-only. Anyone on
the server could use another rogue CGI script to write over your scripts
and make them do something completely different. There is still a risk
involved in making the messages directory writable, but at least if
someone is going to be messing with your area, they will only destroy a
bit of data and not your main programs. It is "OK" to set the scripts to
777 if you are troubleshooting a problem and want to rule out permissions
entirely, but do not leave the scripts like this. On another security
note, if you are really concerned with the security of your data such as,
please do not use a shared server where other people can write CGI scripts
using the same Web server configuration.  It is much better to use your
own server software or purchase space on a "virtual server" which may be
shared, but is set up in such a way that each user's scripts are shielded
from each other.

	Note: Not setting your permissions correctly is the 
	NUMBER 1 reason why installations fail.  Take time to 
	get this right.

The actual permissions required for the subdirectories and files used by
this application are listed in the next section.


The TAR file will then expand into a root directory called Web_store.
Web_store will contain several sub-directories and several files.
The diagram below depicts the directory structure as well as the
permissions which must be applied to the files and subdirectories used by
the application.

Web_store Root Directory (drwxr-xr-x)
   |____Admin_files (drwxrwxrwx)
   |       |___access.log (-rw-rw-rw-)
   |       |___counter.file (-rw-rw-rw-)
   |       |___error.log (-rw-rw-rw-)
   |       |___order.log (-rw-rw-rw-)
   |       |___data.file (-rw-r--r--)
   |____Html Sub-directory (drwxr-xr-x)
   |       |___Images (drwxr-xr-x)
   |       |      |___1.jpg (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___a.jpg (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___animated_circuit.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___e.jpg (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___eight.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___five.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___four.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___letters.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___memes.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___nine.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___numbers.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___one.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___seven.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___six.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___symbols.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___three.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___two.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___web_store_front.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___white_space.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___words.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___zero.gif (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___Options (drwxr-xr-x)
   |       |      |___option.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___Products (drwxr-xr-x)
   |       |      |___Consonants.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___Letters.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___Letters.html.db (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___Memes.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___Numbers.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___Vowels.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |      |___Words.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___frames_frontpage.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___frontpage.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___home.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___outlet_frontpage.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___outlet_frontpage_db.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___outlet_order_form.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___outlet_order_form_with_shipping.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |___toc.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |____Library Sub-directory(drwxr-xr-x)
   |       |____cgi-lib.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____mail-lib.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____pgp-lib.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store.setup.db (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store.setup.db.table (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store.setup.frames (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store.setup.frames.javascript (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store.setup.frames.vbscript (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store.setup.html (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store_db_lib.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store_html_lib.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store_html_search.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____web_store_order_lib.pl (-rw-r--r--)
   |____Pgpfiles Sub-directory (drwxr-xr-x)
   |       |____config.txt (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____pubring.pgp (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____randseed.bin (-rw-r--r--)
   |       |____secring.pgp (-rw-r--r--)
   |____User_carts Sub-directory (drwxrwxrwx)
   |____README.INSTALLATION (-r--r--r--)
   |____web_store.cgi (-rwxr-xr-x)
   |____web_store_check_setup.cgi (-rwxr-xr-x)
   |____web_store_log_analysis.cgi (-rwxr-xr-x)

Web_store - This is the application's root directory.  The Web server
	must have read and execute privileges for this directory.

Admin_files - This sub-directory is used to hold various files that the
	web server must have permission to read and write to.  Within the
	directory are several logs which are used to keep track of store
	usage as well as the counter file.  Each of these files must be
	readable by and writable to the web server.  The directory itself
	must be readable, writable and executable by the Web server.

	access.log contains information about customers who acceess the
	store frontpage.  It will contain the values of any environment
	variables known by your server as well as the date of access.

	counter.file is used to generate unique id numbers for every row
	in customer carts.  Each item that the customer orders must be
	uniquely identifiable if the script is to be able to modify and
	delete cart items.

	error.log contains information about errors that have occurred
	during usage of the script.  Each row of the logfile contains
	information about what error has occurred, the line number of the
	error and any environment variables known by the web server

	order.log contains a log of all the orders which have been
	processed by web_store.cgi.  Each individual order is separated by
	a line of dashes (----------------------------------------).

Data_files - This sub-directory contains the data file used to generate
	the product pages in the case of a database-based store or to
	check against in the case of an HTML-based store with database
	validation.  The directory itself must be readable and executable
	by the web server and files within it must be readable.

	data.file is the file which contains all of the store products.
	Essentially, this is a simple flat file, ASCII, pipe delimited
	database. It is crucial that you define the structure of the
	database in the setup file however as each column must be defined 
	in several "index" variables.  The data file and the index
	variables will be discussed in greater detail later.

Html - This sub-directory is used to hold various HTML documents that are
        used by both the HTML-based and database-based versions of
	web_store.cgi to provide navigation-like functions like the
	frontpage, order form and list of product pages.  However,  in the
 	case of the HTML-based store, it is responsible for containing all
	the product pages as well as the navigational pages.

	The directory itself must be readable and executable by
	the web server, Directories within it must be readable and
	executable, and files within it and its sub-directories must be
	Images is a sub-directory containing images used by the
	distribution default example store.  Note: If you are running this
	script through a server which does not allow you to reference
	images within the CGI directory, you may have to move this
	directory elsewhere in order to actually see the images.  If you
	are getting broken images, this is likely the cause.  It is
	important to note that if you do move this directory, all links
	hardcoded in the example HTML pages as well as those in data.file
	must be changed to reflect the new location.

	Options is a sub-directory containing any option files that you
	create.  Option files are used in the Database-based version of
	the store when you want many items to have the same option HTML code,
	but you do not want to write that code in every single database
	row.  Option files will be discussed in greater detail later.
	This directory must be readable and executable and every option
	file must be readable.

	Products - This subdirectory contains pre-designed HTML pages
	which the store may be asked to display during shoppping.  There
	are two types of pages stored here.  Firstly, "product pages" are
	stored here. Product Pages are simply HTML forms written with a
	specific format (using special tags discussed later) which allow
	customers to buy specific store items.  These pages are used for
	HTML-based stores which cannot generate pages from a data file.

	Secondly, this sub-directory contains "list of product" pages
	which are simply HTML pages which contain hyperlinks to "product
	pages".   These list of product pages are used for both the
	HTML and database-versions of the store.  Both "product pages"
	and "list of product pages" will be discussed later.

		Letters.html (Html-Based Store specific) and Letters.html.db
		(Database-Based Store specific) are example of "list of
		product pages" and Vowels.html is an example of a product

	The sub-directory must be readable and executable and all files
	within must be readable by the Web server.

	frames_frontpage.html, home.html, toc.html and frontpage.html are
	all used in the Frames example of the store.  frames_frontpage.html
	defines three frames which point to the others.

	outlet_frontpage.html and outlet_frontpage_db.html are the
	frontpage examples for the Html-base store and the Database-based
	store respectively.

	outlet_order_form.html, outlet_order_form_with_shipping.html are
	two examples of how you might create your own order for.
	outlet_order_form.html is a basic example, 
	outlet_order_form_with_shipping.html contains the HTML necessary
	to calculate sample shipping logic.

	All of these files will be discussed in greater detail later.

Library - This sub-directory is used to hold the associated library files
        used by this application.  The directory itself must be readable
	and executable by the web server and files within it must be

	cgi-lib.pl is used to read and parse form data as well as provide
	a convenient way to exit with explanation in case there is a
	problem opening a file.

	mail-lib.pl is used to send unencrypted email to the store

	pgp-lib.pl is used to send encrypted email to the store 

	web_store.setup.db.* - There are six sample setup files distributed
	by default.  These setup files exemplify several methods
	for defining the interface to the store. 

	web_store.setup.db is the basic database-based store with a
	non-table based product display (In usage, the setup file creates
	product displays which mirror the HTML-based store).
	web_store.setup.db.table displays products tabularly;  Less nice
	looking, but very efficient.

	web_store.setup.frames gives an example of a frames based store.
	By default, it uses the non-tabular database-based logic for
	display of products. But it could as easily use the HTML logic.

	web_store.setup.frames.javascript takes frames one step further by
	integrating a javascript routine to calculate order totals before
	a customer adds items to their cart.

	web_store.setup.frames.vbscript does the same thing, but in VB
	script.  web_store.setup.html shows an example of using an
	HTML-based web store interface.  The differences between these
	setup files, and the actual meaning of setup variables will be
	discussed later.

	web_store_db_lib.pl is a library which is used for searching the

	web_store_html_lib.pl is  a library of subroutines used to
	generate most of the customizable HTML.  If you want to change
	the look and feel of your store, you will most likely modify the
	code in this library.  The specifics of the library will be
	discussed later.

	web_store_html_search.pl defines the search routines for the
	HTML-based store which cannot search a database for keywords, but
	which must read through product pages individually searching for

	web_store_order_lib.pl defines the routines necessary to process

Pgpfiles is the sub-directory used to store files necessary for
	processing orders using PGP encryption. The directory itself
        must be readable and executable by the web server and files
        within it must be readable.

	PGP is a 3rd party encryption tool written by Phil 
        Zimmerman for the purpose of encrypting and decrypting files.
	You have to know how to use PGP in order to use this
	feature of the cart. By default, we turn off PGP 
	encryption. Basically, you need to obtain PGP, generate
	a public and private key for your Web Store and then store
	the public key configuration files inside of this directory.

User_carts - This sub-directory is used to store the actual shopping carts
        used by people browsing your store. Initially, this sub-directory
	will be empty.  As customers enter your store, the script will
	automatically fill and prune the directory.  The directory must be
	readable, writable and executable by the web server. The cart
	files created within it must be readable and writable (Though the 
	script will create and delete carts on its own).
web_store.cgi - is the main script which generates the GUI for the
        online store.  It must be readable and executable by the web

web_store_check_setup.cgi is a script which you can use to help with
	installation.  This script will go through and check the
	permissions and path values that you have defined in your setup
	file and report any problems it finds. It must be readable and
	executable by the web server.

web_store_log_analysis.cgi is a script used to browse your log files.  It
	offers a simple keyword search box and asks which log file you
	would like to review. It must be readable and executable by the
	web server.


In the Library directory, we have created six sample setup files which
you can use to explore the possible store interfaces which may be defined.
The six sample setup files are named: 


These files go over the six most common paradigms used for
stores that we have seen in the past, but you can certainly be a lot more
creative than we have been.  We offer these only as demonsrations of the
flexibility of this script.

1. The HTML-based store uses predefined HTML product pages to create the
   interface for the client.  The admin has quite a bit of artistic leeway
   in how product pages are created, but must follow a basic format in
   assigning values to the INPUT tag NAME arguments.

   Specifically, every purchasable item MUST have a text field entry box
   representing a quantity.  The INPUT tag must follow the following basic

   <INPUT TYPE = "text" NAME = "item-WWW|XXX|YYY|ZZZ"
          SIZE = "3" MAXLENGTH = "4">

   where WWW is a UNIQUE product identification (like an ISB N number) AND
   XXX, YYY, and ZZZ are bits of information that you want displayed in
   the customer's cart view.  Below is a sample INPUT tag taken from the
   sample Vowels.html page

   <INPUT TYPE = "text" NAME = "item-0010|Vowels|15.98|The letter A"
          SIZE = "3" MAXLENGTH = "4">

  In web_store.setup.html, you will need to key in the XXX,YYY, and ZZZ
  values to the various display arrays discussed later.

  Secondly, you MUST include a couple of hidden variables before the
  closing </FORM> tag.  You must include the follwoing lines:

  <INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "cart_id" VALUE = "%%cart_id%%">
  <INPUT TYPE = "hidden" NAME = "page" VALUE = "%%page%%">

  These two lines will be "filtered" by web_store.cgi which will insert
  the actual value of cart_id and page.  Unless web_store.cgi has the
  opportunity to insert these values, the customer will lose their cart.
  Thus, all HTML must always be filtered through the script.

2. The Database-based Store grabs the data to be displayed from a
  flatfile database.  It then uses a format string to format the data for
  display in the browser window.  You still have a great deal of artistic
  leeway in how data is presented but unlike with HTML, every product must
  be displayed in the format defined by the format variable.  In the
  default setup file , we have just set the setup file so that it will
  display the same as the HTML-based cart.  Also, unlike the HTML-based
  store, product pages need not be created as tey will be generated on the
  fly by the script.

3. The Database-based Table-display Store is a secondary setup of the
   Database-based Store.  In this store, products are simply displayed
   with a table of database rows.  This is a little bit ugly, but may be
   space and time saving for users in a large store with bland products.

4. The Frames Store is another template which we have provided as a
   sample.  The Frames version in the example uses a database method of
   creating the product pages (though it could also use the HTML method)
   and presents the store as a frames based site, including a main display
   frame, a table of contents frame and a return to frontpage frame. 

5. The JavaScript Store is really an extension of option 4 which adds
   the capability of allowing the user to do calculations on the
   product display screen using Netscape's JavaScript language
   in the Netscape Web Browser.  This is the setup file hardcoded into
   web_store.cgi by default.

6. The VBScript Store is also an extension option 4 which adds
   the capability of allowing the user to do calculation on
   the product display screen using Microsoft's VBScript language
   in Internet Explorer.

Which of the four setup files are actually used depends on what value
you set for the setup file in web_store.cgi.  At line 86 of web_store.cgi,
you will see the following line

&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,

This line tells the script to load up web_store.setup.frames.javascript.
If you change this to web_store.setup.html or web_store.setup.db you will
use instead the alternative setups.  Eventually, you can settle on just
one setup file and delete the others.  They are not necesary, but included
as examples.

For the most part, these four setup files are the same.  Most of the
variables defined in them will be consistent for all the interfaces.  Thus
we will proceeded to go over them all at one time, pointing out
differences when they occur.

		Note: All variables defined in the setup file are prefixed
		with "sc_" to denote that they are global variables.


Every setup file begins by defining the locations of supporting files
which are needed throught the life of the application.  These paths can
either be relative to the present working directory of web_store.cgi or
can be hard coded as absolute paths.  In our default setup, we set paths
relative to web_store.cgi so that when we define a path such as
"./Library/file.name" we are referring to a file called "file.name" in a
directory called "Library" which is a sub-directory of the directory
containing web_store.cgi.

		Note: If you are using a virtual server, be very careful
		with paths.  What "you" see as your path when you log
		into your account may not be what the "web server" sees
		when it executes web_store.cgi.  The best thing to do is
		contact your ISP and ask them for a detailed explanation
		of how directories are mapped relative to your account and the
		web server's account.

In actual usage, there is rarely any reason to change these variables from
what is distributed.  They should work just fine if you keep filenames and
relative locations the same as in the distribution.  The only reason you
may want to change them is if 1) you want to rename the files in question
to be consistent with local filename standards or 2) you are not allowed
to use subdirectories in your ISP's cgi-bin directory.  If you do need to
change these values, be careful, but feel free. 

$sc_cgi_lib_path is the location of cgi-lib.pl which is used to read and
	parse incoming form data

$sc_mail_lib_path is the location of mail-lib.pl which is used to mail
	non-encrypted email.

$sc_html_search_routines_library_path is the location of
	web_store_html_search.pl which is used in case of a keyword search
	request by the customer using an HTML-based Web Store.

$sc_html_setup_file_path is the location of web_store_html_lib.pl in which
	are defined most of the customizable HTML interface which is
	specifically programatic.

$sc_db_lib_path is the location of web_store_db_lib.pl which contains the
	database search routines

$sc_order_lib_path is the location of web_store_order_lib.pl which is full
	of routines that process orders.

$sc_pgp_lib_path is the location of the pgp-lib.pl which has a routine
	to automatically encrypt final cart orders for sending in email
	or logging to a file.  You must have installed PGP on your
	web server and configured it for use previously.

$sc_user_carts_directory_path is the location of the directory used to
	store user shopping carts.

$sc_data_file_path is the location of the flatfile database of items.
	This variable is only necessary if the store uses a database to
	generate product pages or if the store admin wishes to check all
	orders derived from HTML-based product pages against a back end
	database.  The reason you might want to do this is because in
	theory, someone could hack the data between the product page and
	the order form and thus manipulate fields like price.  If you did
	not have a watchful eye over each order filled, someone might be
	able to sneak some hefty disounts right under your nose.

$sc_options_directory_path is the location of the directory which contains
	"options" files.  These files are used to store the HTML code for
	options which may accompany items in a store.  This variable is
	only needed if you are using a database-based store.  If you are
	using an HTML-based interface, you will hardcode the options HTML
	directly into the product pages themselves.

$sc_html_product_directory_path is the location of the directory
	containing the HTML product pages and/or other HTML pages that
	aid in store navigation.  This is needed for both the HTML and
	database-based stores because "list of product" pages which do not
	contain products, but which contain lists of links which point to
	product pages are used by the database-based stores as well as the
	HTML-based stores.

$sc_html_order_form_path is the location of the order form which the
	customer will use to enter their shipping information.

$sc_store_front_path is the location of the HTML frontpage for your store.

$sc_counter_file_path is the location of the file which you will use to
	keep track of unique database row numbers for every item in the
	customers cart.

$sc_error_log_path is the locaiton of the flatfile error log data file.

$sc_access_log_path is the location of the flatfile access log data file.

$sc_main_script_url is the URL of web_store.cgi.  This can either be
	relative or absolute.

$sc_order_script_url is the URL of the script which processes orders.  If
	you are using a secure server setup, you may need to store this
	in a secure directory other than the one the rest of the script is
	contained in.


These fields are used for the routines using the database
	flatfile version of the cart.

%db is an associative array that contains a mapping of your
	own user defined fields to the index number of the
	fields as they appear in the flatfile database.

	NOTE: The database file has fields that are pipe (|) 

	For example:
		$db{"product_id"} = 0;
		$db{"product"}    = 1;
		$db{"price"}      = 2;
		$db{"name"}       = 3;
		$db{"image_url"}  = 4;
		$db{"description"}= 5;
		$db{"options"}    = 6;

	Means that product_id is the first field in the database.
	Remember, fields start counting at ZERO!  An example of the
	database row corresponding to the  above setup might be as

	001|Product 1|1.00|1|<IMG SRC = "1.gif">|Number 1|%%OPTION%%opt.html

@sc_db_display_fields is an array containing the descriptive
	headers for the fields in the database we wish to
	display to the user when they do a query search.

@sc_db_index_for_display is an array containing the index numbers of the 
	db fields that correspond to the display_fields array.  To access
	those index numbers, we just utilize the %db associative array.

@sc_db_index_for_defining_item_id is an array containing
	the db fields that correspond to the fields from
	the database that you wish to associate with a user's
	cart when they select that item for purchase.

$sc_db_index_of_price is an index to the field in the
	database that contains the price. This is used by
	the web store to decide how to print money. As well
	as perform price calculations.  In the example above, this value
	would be two.

@sc_db_query_criteria is an array containing the criteria
	that can be used to search on the database. This is
	a powerful search mechanism. 

	The array contains pipe-delimited fields inside each
	list item. The fields are the

	1. form variable name
	2. index into the database that this criteria applies to
	3. operator for comparison

		Possible values: >,<,>=,<=,=,!= (not equal)

		The operator is compared the following way:

		form_variable OPERATOR database_field_value

		That is, (1) above is the left hand side of the
		operator and (2) above is the right hand side of
		the operator.

	4. data type of the field (This is cool because it
		determines how the operator in (3) gets
		applied to the data.

		The data type can be:

		If the data type is a date, then the operator
		for comparison is done after the form value
		and the fields being compared in the database
		are converted to DATES.  

		If the data type is a number, then the operator
		for comparison is done based off of numerical
		if operators (>,<,==, etc.)

		If the data type is a string, then the operator
		for comparison is done based off of string
		if operators (gt, lt, eq, ne, etc.) with ONE

		If the datatype is a STRING *AND* the operator
		is =, then the search that is done becomes a
		more flexible search.

		1. All the words in the form variable are split
		apart and searched as seperate keywords in the
		text of the fields.

		2. By default, the search on string = string
		is a pattern match search and is not case

		3. If you want this special string,= combination
		searching to be case sensitive and to match on
		whole words only, you MUST set up two new form
		variables: case_sensitive and exact_match

		If exact_match is on (checkbox) then the 
		combination of string,= in the query criteria
		array will match on WHOLE WORDS only.

		If case_sensitive is on (checkbox) then the
		combination of string,= in the query criteria 
		array must have matching case values (upper/lower).

	There are three main cases that you generally want to set 
	up a query_criteria array for:

	Case 1: General keyword search through the database.

	(a) Set the first field equal to your keywords form variable
	(eg keywords).  You will need something like the follwoign in your
	HTML page.

	<INPUT TYPE = "text" NAME = "keywords" SIZE = "40" 
	       MAXLENGTH = "40">

	(b) Set the 2nd field equal to field numbers of the 
	database file you want to search. Since you are going to
	do a keyword search through the whole database, you want
	to comma-seperate these (eg 1,2,3,4,6 where database filed #5 is
	not searched)

	(c) operator is set to =, data type is set to string so
	that the keyword search is done using pattern matching
	and case insensitive.

	@sc_db_query_criteria would be equal to

	Case 2: Just want to do a search on a product category
	and include that search term within URLs in a frontpage such
	as web_store.cgi?product=Vowels.

	(a) Set the form variable equal to the above (product)
	(b) set the 2nd field equal to the field in the database
	corresponding to a product name (eg 1).

	(c) set operator =, data type string to do a keyword
	search that is case insensitive.
	@sc_db_query_criteria would be equal to

	Case 3: You want to make a front page form where several
		fields in the database are being searched.

		You want to allow the user to search on a price
		range, plus a keyword search on description field.

		Here is the setup:

	@sc_db_query_criteria would be equal to

	Notice that we set up TWO form variables for allowing
	the price range searching. This is because we allow the
	user to enter the low range and the high range of the price
	they want to search for (database field #2).

	Note, also, that the "price_low_range|2|<=" means that
	the database row returns a match if and only if the 
	value of "price_low_range" form field is <=- the value of
	field #2 in the database row (remember counting starts at 0).

	Thus, if you have a database row with a price of $15.00, then
	entering the low range as 10.00 will return a match because
	10.00 <= 15.00 but if you enter a low range of 16.00, a 
	match would not be returned because 16.00 is NOT <= 15.00

	Then, we set the description form variable to be a keyword
	(=,string) search on database field #4.

	The form itself would have these fields as HTML:

	Lowest Price To Search For:
	<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=price_low_range VALUE="">
	Highest Price To Search For:
	<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=price_high_range VALUE="">

	Enter Keywords To Search For In Description:
	<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=description VALUE="">

	SPECIAL NOTE: Only criteria that is entered on the form 
	is queried against. If the user leaves one or more fields blank
	(or you neglect to place them on the form), then those fields
	never get queried.

	Of the criteria that IS entered on the form, all the criteria
	must be satisfied for that row before the row will be considered
	safe to display to the user.

	The same goes for the string,= (special case for keywords). 
	When the string is split into keywords separated by whitespace,
	all the keywords must be found in the database field before
	the program will consider it a valid match.

	This logic is there because we want to provide the capability
	of letting the user narrow down the query as they enter more
	data into the form.

$sc_db_max_rows_returned is the maximum amount of rows you will
	allow to be displayed to the user as the result of a query.
	If the query gets above this number, the user is presented
	with a message letting them know that they need to narrow
	their query down.


%cart, the cart associative array, is defined via the
	following steps:

	1. The 0th field is ALWAYS the quantity of the
	purchased item

	2. The subsequent fields are the same fields
	defined in the @sc_db_index_for_defining_item_id

	This is done because whatever is defined in
	this array, becomes the part of the product defined in the 
	user's cart.

	3. The field before the next to last field is ALWAYS the
	"options" that have been selected by the user.  If you are
	not using options, this field still needs to be here. It will
	just be used as an empty place marker. 

	4. The next to last field is ALWAYS the price
	after options have been calculated in with the normal price.

	5. The last field is ALWAYS a computer generated
	unique identifier to distinguish cart line items from 
	each other.

	For example:

	$cart{"quantity"}            = 0;
	$cart{"product_id"}          = 1;
	$cart{"product"}             = 2;
	$cart{"price"}               = 3;
	$cart{"name"}                = 4;
	$cart{"image_url"}           = 5;
	$cart{"options"}             = 6;
	$cart{"price_after_options"} = 7;
	$cart{"unique_cart_line_id"} = 8;

$sc_cart_index_of_price is the original database price of the item.

$sc_cart_index_of_price_after_options is the price after the user
	selected options have been chosen which in the above example is
	equal to three.

$sc_cart_index_of_measured_value is the index value of whatever
	field you want to use as a measured value in other
	calculations (specifically for calculating things like
	shipping). eg you may have a WEIGHT field that you wish
	to total in the cart so that the shipping cost changes with

@sc_cart_display_fields is an array containing the descriptive names
	of the headers for displaying the cart fields.

@sc_cart_index_for_display is an array containing an index into the
	cart for which fields will be displayed to the user when they
	are viewing their own cart.

$sc_cart_index_of_item_id is the index to the unique product id which in
	the example above is equal to one.

$sc_cart_index_of_quantity is the index to field of the the user's
	quantity of item they are currently purchasing which in the
	example above is zero.


%sc_order_form_array is the associative array of form variables that are
	used on the order form to send in an order such as asking for
	the user's name, address,etc. It maps a form field name with 
	a descriptive name so that a legible email will be produced

@sc_order_form_required_fields is an array containing the form 
	field names (as defined in %sc_order_form_array) that
	are required fields. The order will not be processed without
	these field names being entered on the form.

$sc_order_with_hidden_fields is 'yes' or 'no'. If you want to submit
	orders to another server or to a MAILTO: url, then you can
	use this option to make sure that hidden fields are actually
	generated with the contents of the cart in them.

The following variables tell the ordering part of the script how
to calculate shipping, discount, and sales tax and in what order.

The values are numerical (1,2,3) or 0 if we do not want to process

First, we determine whether these item (sales tax, shipping,
	and discount) are even calculated at all at either the
	display order form OR at the point where the order form
	has been submitted for processing (process_form).

Variables that we do not calculate at a given time are given
	a value of ZERO (0) to show they never enter into 
	the calculation.

Otherwise, they are given an ORDER NUMBER 1, 2, or 3 to show
	in what order they are calculated.

Here are the variables:


Example 1: We want shipping, discount, and sales tax
	to be calculated off of the original subtotal
	and then added to the subtotal all at once on the
	order form.

	$sc_calculate_discount_at_display_form = 1;
	$sc_calculate_shipping_at_display_form = 1;
	$sc_calculate_sales_tax_at_display_form = 1;

	Because they are all set to 1, they are all
	calculated at the same time and then added to the

Example 2: We want the sales tax to get calculated first,
	added to the subtotal AND THEN the discount and
	shipping gets calculated on the order form.

	$sc_calculate_discount_at_display_form = 2;
	$sc_calculate_shipping_at_display_form = 2;
	$sc_calculate_sales_tax_at_display_form = 1;

	Because sales_tax is 1, it gets calculated before
	the other values and then added to the subtotal. 
	Then, the discount and shipping (value = 2) are
	calculated together and added to the subtotal based
	off of the subtotal from above.

NOTE: If you are calculating something on the order form
	level, you need to calculate it on the process_form
	level as well (otherwise the information won't be 
	sent with the order in email).

NOTE_2: If a particular field such as shipping is dependant on the
	user entering a value into the Order Form, it CANNOT be
	calculated on the Order form level. This is because the 

	Thus, you will need to set shipping to 0 at the
	display_form stage but set it to the appropriate 
	value at the process_form stage since the user
	will have, by then, entered the form value on the ORDER
	FORM display.

@sc_order_form_shipping_related_fields is an array containing the
	names of the form variables on the order form that will
	be used in calculating shipping. If you are calculating
	shipping without regard to form values, leave this
	array empty.

@sc_order_form_discount_related_fields is an array containing the
	names of the form variables on the order form that will	
	be used in calculating a discount for the user. If you
	are calculating a discount without regard to form values,
	leave this array empty.

@sc_shipping_logic is an array containing the logic for applying
	the shipping cost to the order.  Each criteria is a separate
	list element. The fields within the criteria are pipe 
	delimited (|).

	The values of the criteria are equal whole values (such
	as UPS or 5 or 11) or they can be ranges separated by
	hyphens (eg 1-5, 1-, -5). If a number is left off of the
	hyphen, then the range is open-ended up to the value
	defined by the hyphen. eg 5- says anything greater than
	or equal to 5.

	The first fields correspond to the fields in the
	@sc_order_form_shipping_related_fields array. If this
	array is empty, then no fields in @sc_shipping_logic
	will correspond to the shipping.

	The next field is the subtotal amount to compare 
	against if you are determining shipping cost based on the
	total sum of money needed to purchase what is in the cart.

	The next field after that is the quantity of items to
	compare against for determining shipping based on quantity.

	The next field after quantity is the measured total of items
	based on the measured field index determined in the cart
	setup above.

	The final field is the amount of money the shipping will
	be if the criteria is matched in the above fields. If the
	value is followed by a % symbol, then the value of the shipping
	will be a PERCENT of the current subtotal.

	For example:

	@sc_order_form_shipping_related_fields = ();

	@sc_shipping_logic =

	In this example, the related fields are empty, so 
	the logic fields start with the comparison of the subtotal.
	There is nothing in the logic field for subtotal, so 
	it is not compared in determining shipping.

	The next field has 11-, and this is the quantity comparison
	field, so the quantity must be 11 or greater.  For the
	second row (1-10), the quantity is compared to see if
	it falls within the range of 1 through 10..

	The next field is blank (measured value) and it is 
	blank so it never enters into the check.

	The final values (5 and 10) for the rows are the dollar
	amounts that the shipping would be if the criteria was
	satisfied on the row.

	Summary: If the quantity is 1-10, the shipping is $10.00.
	If the quantity is >=11, the shipping is $5.00.

	Second Example: (shipping is dependant on form variable)

	@sc_order_form_shipping_related_fields = 

	@sc_shipping_logic = 

	Since there is ONE related form variable (22-shipping),
	the first field of the shipping logic is corresponds to
	the value of the 22-shipping form variable.

	The rest of the fields are the same as Example 1 for the
	most part.


	If the form value of 22-shipping is "ups" and quantity
	is >=1 and <= 10, then shipping is $5.

	If the form value of 22-shipping is "ups" and quantity
	is >11, then shipping is 10% of the current subtotal
	for the cart.

	If the form value of 22-shipping is "fedex" and quantity
	is >=1 and <= 10, then shipping is $20.

	If the form value of 22-shipping is "fedex" and quantity
	is >11, then shipping is 30% of the current subtotal
	for the cart.

@sc_discount_logic is an array containing the logic for applying
	a discount to the order. The discount is calculated as
	a dollar amount. Do not make the amounts NEGATIVE. The
	web store SUBTRACTS the values in this array from the
	subtotal when the discount is calculated.

$sc_sales_tax is the value of sales tax (eg Maryland has 5%
	sales tax, so this would be .05).

$sc_sales_tax_form_variable is the name of a form variable
	that will be used on the order form to determine if
	the sales tax is applicable. (eg 05-b_state).

@sc_sales_tax_form_value are the possible (case insensitive) 
	values that the form variable above should be equal
	to in order to apply sales tax. (eg md, maryland, etc.)

$sc_order_email is the email address to send orders to.  Don't forget to
        escape any "2" signs.  Thus you@yourdomain.com must be written as

$sc_send_order_to_email = "yes" if you want orders sent to the
	above email address.

$sc_send_order_to_log = "yes" if you want the orders to be
	recorded in a local log file.

$sc_order_log_file is the path and filename of the logfile
	where you want orders recorded in if the above
	variable is "yes".

$sc_order_check_db = "yes" if you want to use the database
	routines to double check that the user has not 
	attempted to fool around with the database by entering
	in values for items based on form manipulation. It
	basically double checks to see if the price in the
	cart is the same as the recorded price in the current
	database file.

$sc_use_pgp = "yes" if you want to use the PGP library to
	communicate with PGP for encrypting orders. You
	must have previously installed PGP on your system and
	set up your public/private key pairs.

$sc_pgp_temp_file_path is the path where you want the
	PGP program to generate temporary files. This should
	be a directory that is writable to the web server.


$sc_use_html_product_pages defines whether or not you want the script to
	be an HTML-based or Database-based store.  If you set this to
	"yes", the script will generate navigation using pre-designed HTML
	pages in the Html/Products sub-directory.  If you set it to "no",
	it will look to generate product pages from the data.file in

$sc_should_i_display_cart_after_purchase determines where the customer
	will go when they hit the "add this item to my cart" submit
	button.  If this variable is set to "yes", the customer will be
	sent to the cart display page where they can see the current
	contents of their cart (including the new item).  If you set this
	equal to "no", the client will be sent back to whatever product
	page display they were just at with a note at the top of the page 
	reminding the user that the item had been added to the cart.
$sc_shall_i_let_client_know_item_added defines whether or not the client
	should be specifically told that the items they just ordered were
	added to the cart.  If it is set to "yes" they will be told and if
	it is set to "no" they won't.  This is mostly useful in the case
	that $sc_should_i_display_cart_after_purchase has been set to "no"
	because then the customer has some feedback after being
	transported back to th page from which they just ordered.

$sc_item_ordered_message is the message that the customer receives if you
	have set $sc_shall_i_let_client_know_item_added equal to "yes".

$sc_shall_i_email_if_error defines whether or not the admin receives an
	email whenever an error occurs.  If this is set to "yes" the
	admin will receive email whenever an error occurs in the
	processing of the script. If it is set to "no", the admin will
	receive nothing but is free to review the error logs.

$sc_shall_i_log_errors defines whether or not the script should log errors
	when they occur.  If it is set to "yes", all errors will be
	logged in the error.log file.  If it is set to "no" no logging
	will occur.

$shall_i_log_accesses defines whether or not the script will log new
	access to access.log.  If the variable is set to "yes", all new
	accesses will be logged.  If it is set to "no", no accesses will
	be logged.


$sc_root_web_path defines the actual location of the HTML product pages
	that are being searched for keywords.  This is not a URL, it is
	the actual path of the root HTML directory as the server would see

$sc_server_url is the URL to the root HTML directory of product pages.

@sc_unwanted_files is the list of all file extensions which should not be
	 searched by the HTML search routines.  Thus, if .cgi is in the
	list, the keyword search rotuine will not search any file with
	the file extension .cgi.


$sc_page_load_security_warning is the content of the error message sent to
	the brwoser window if someone attempts to view files that do not
	satisfy the @acceptable_file_extensions_to_display test.

$sc_randomizer_error_message is the error message displayed to the browser
	if the application is not able to find a unique cart id number.


$sc_admin_email is the email address which error notifications are sent if
	$sc_shall_i_email_if_error has been set to "yes". Don't forget to
	escape any "2" signs.  Thus you@yourdomain.com must be written as

@acceptable_file_extensions_to_display lists the extensions which you will
	allow this appication to display to the browser window.  The goal
	is to restrict browsers to only the minimum amount of files
	possible so that their ability to hack is limited to only the
	files that are publically available anyways.

$sc_money_symbol is the monetary symbol which you would like to display
	with prices.  Make sure to escape the dollar sign ($) if you wish
	to use that symbol.  Thus $sc_money_symbol = "\$"; is the correct
	syntax not $sc_money_symbol = "$";

$sc_money_symbol_placement defines whether or not you want the money symbol
	to be placed in front of the amount or after.  If you set this
	variable equal to "back" the monetray symbol will be placed after
	the number.  If you set it to "front" it will be placed in front.
        Thus, you might have $12.56 or 12.56 $US

$sc_current_century is the current century.  Note that if the year is
	1997, you should set this value to "20".  The script will
	subtract one from this number when it prints out the current year. 

$sc_number_days_keep_old_carts defines how long old carts are kept in the
	User_carts subdirectory.  The trick to this is that you want to
	leave carts in the directory long enough for the clients to
	finish shopping, but not so long that your hard disk usage gets
	too large.  We recommend a safe tie of half a day which is writen
	as ".5".

$sc_no_frames_button defines the contents of any buttons you wish to
	display in non-frames implementations.  This is usually the case
	with a button like "Return to Frontpage" which loads the store
	frontpage again. The problem with the frames version is that
	submit buttons may not take a TARGET, so if the customer is able
	to hit a return to frontpage button, they will cause the main
	window to be divided into a sub frame with its own table of
	contents and main window.  Thus, if you are running a frames
	implementation, this variable should be empty.  Otherwise, you
	may add the return to frontpage button which is shown by default.

$sc_product_display_title is the text which should appear between the
	<TITLE> and </TITLE> tags on database-based product pages.

$sc_product_display_header is the header HTML used to display products in
the database based implemenation.  Notice that we use the %s character to
substitute for any given product information.  The script will substitute
product data for each product in place of the %s when the variable is
actually used.

$sc_product_display_footer is the footer for each product
$sc_product_display_row is the %s imbedded product row variable.

#				RUNNING THE SCRIPT 		      #

This script should be run by pointing your browser to html_web_store.cgi.
For example, you might use a URL such as:


The log analyzer can be accessed with the following URL:


The installatio helper script can be executed with the following URL


One final note: NEVER point a customer to an HTML document.  In order for
the customer carts to be created and remembered by the application,
web_store.cgi must filter ALL HTML pages before they are sent to the
customer.  Thus, you will never point to anything but web_store.cgi for
every link having anything to do with the store.  The moment the user
links to anyting but web_store.cgi, they will lose their cart.  If you are
experienceing a situation in which customers are 1) losing their cart
contents or 2) having their cart contents merged with the cart contents of
other customers, it means that you are probably providing a link to
something other than web_store.cgi, or you have added a link without the
proper state variables contained in the URL string.  If you must add links
within product pages, to other locations within your store, always follow
the format exemplified below.  This hyperlink reference is taken from the
"list of product" page Letters.html.

      <A HREF = "web_store.cgi?page=Vowels.html&&cart_id=">Vowels</A>

Notice that the page and cart_id state variables are prepared for script