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# Define Variables for the search_engine.cgi script

# root_web_path is the path to the directory tree you
# wish to search
# server_url is the actual url for this site.  Files that
# are positive matches get prefixed with the url information
# in a hypertext reference.
$root_web_path = "/net/kragar/serv/ftp/pub/EFF/Newsletters/EFFector/HTML";
$server_url = "http://www.eff.org/pub/EFF/Newsletters/EFFector/HTML";
# unwanted files is a list of pattern matched filenames
# you do not wish to search for keywords in.  Note that
# the pattern matches against the full path and filename
# so that you can exclude certain directories.
@unwanted_files = ("Error(.*)html",

# The following are routines that print the HTML code related to
# various parts of the program.  You can edit the cosmetics of the
# program by altering the code below.  This means you can alter
# the cosmetics without directly altering the code in the
# actual search_engine.pl program.

# subroutine: PrintHeaderHTML
#   Usage:
#     &PrintHeaderHTML;
#   Parameters:
#     None
#   Output:
#     Prints the HTML code for the header of the keyword
#     return results

sub PrintHeaderHTML

    print <<__HEADERHTML__;
<CENTER><H2>Your keyword(s), <I>$keywords</I>, 
appeared on the following pages:</H2></CENTER><UL>
} # End of PrintHeaderHTML

# subroutine: PrintFooterHTML
#   Usage:
#     &PrintFooterHTML;
#   Parameters:
#     None
#   Output:
#     Prints the HTML code for the footer of the keyword
#     return results

sub PrintFooterHTML
    print <<__FOOTERHTML__;
<P><CENTER><I>Note: If you are using Netscape, you can refine your
keyword search by chosing "find" from the button bar and 
finding your keyword on  whichever of the above pages you call 




} # End of PrintFooterHTML

# subroutine: PrintNoHitsBodyHTML
#   Usage:
#     &PrintNoHitsBodyHTML;
#   Parameters:
#     None
#   Output:
#     Prints the HTML code for the body of the keyword
#     search if no results were found

sub PrintNoHitsBodyHTML
    print <<__NOHITS__;

<H2>Sorry, No Pages Were Found With Your Keyword(s).</H2>

} # End of PrintNoHitsBodyHTML

# subroutine: PrintBodyHTML
#   Usage:
#     &PrintBodyHTML;
#   Parameters:
#     None
#   Output:
#     Prints the HTML code for the body of the keyword
#     search result set

sub PrintBodyHTML
    local($filename, $title) = @_;

    print <<__BODYHTML__;
<A HREF="$server_url/$filename">

} # End of PrintBodyHTML

# subroutine: PrintNoKeywordHTML
#   Usage:
#     &PrintNoKeywordHTML;
#   Parameters:
#     None
#   Output:
#     Prints the HTML code for a form allowing the user
#     to enter a keyword since no keyword was alreay entered

sub PrintNoKeywordHTML
    print <<__NOKEYHTML__;
<TITLE>EFF's EFFector Newsletter Keyword Search Engine</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
<CENTER><H2>EFF's EFFector Newsletter Keyword Search Engine</H2></CENTER>
<HR WIDTH = "50%>
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="search_engine.cgi">
<B>Enter your keywords:</B>
<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="30" NAME="keywords"
<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="exact_match"> Exact Match Search
<HR WIDTH = "50%>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Submit keywords">
<INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Clear this form">


} # End of PrintNoKeywordHTML