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# Name: web_store_log_analysis.cgi
# Author: Selena Sol
# Version: 1.0
# Last Modified: 12-13-96
# Copyright Info: This application was written by Selena Sol (selena@eff.org,
#       http://www.eff.org/~erict) having been inspired by countless
#       other Perl authors.  Feel free to copy, cite, reference, sample,
#       borrow, resell or plagiarize the contents.  However, if you don't 
#       mind, please let Selena know where it goes so that we can at least
#       watch and take part in the development of the memes. Information 
#       wants to be free, support public domain freware.  Donations are 
#       appreciated and will be spent on further upgrades and other public
#       domain scripts.

#                    Global Varibale Definition                       #

		# First, we will define some global setup variables that
		# will govern the usage of this script.  The reason that
		# we do not include these variables in the general
		# web_store.setup file is because there is the potential
		# that on some servers, because the setup file must be 
		# readable by the Web server, this file is insecure. Thus, we
		# would not want to include the password there.  Thus, you
		# will hardcode the password here to provide the highest
		# degree of security.  At the same time, we will define
		# others as well.
		# $sc_password is the password that you will need to enter
		# on the web from in order to receive a log analysis.
		# $sc_log_file_directory is the path location of the
		# directory containing the log files.
		# $sc_error_log_path is the entire path name of the error
		# log.
		# $sc_access_log_path is the entire path name of the
		# access log.
		# $sc_cgi_lib_path is the location of cgi-lib.pl
		# $sc_db_lib_path is the location of web_store_db_lib.pl
		# @sc_db_query_criteria is the array of search string
		# options you will use for searching the log files.  For
		# this default example, we will just allow string equality
		# searching on every environment variable field and will
		# use a text input field in the HTML form using NAME =
		# "keywords"..

$sc_password = "selena";
$sc_log_file_directory = "./Admin_files";
$sc_error_log_path = "$sc_log_file_directory/error.log";
$sc_access_log_path = "$sc_log_file_directory/access.log";

$sc_cgi_lib_path = "./Library/cgi-lib.pl";
$sc_db_lib_path = "./Library/web_store_db_lib.pl";

@sc_db_query_criteria = (

#                		Main Routine 		              #

                # First, Perl is told to bypass its own buffer so that the
                # information generated by this script will be sent
                # immediately to the browser.

$| = 1;

                # Then, the http header is sent to the browser.   This is
                # done early for two reasons.
                # Firstly, it will be easier to debug the script while
                # making modifications or customizing because we will be
                # able to see exactly what the script is doing.
                # Secondly, the http header is sent out early so that the
                # browser will not "time out" in case the script takes a
                # long time to complete its work.

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

		# Next both of the supporting files are read in.
		# cgi-lib.pl will be used for reading and parsing incoming
		# form data and web_store_db_lib.pl will be used to search
		# the log files for keywords.

require "$sc_cgi_lib_path";
require "$sc_db_lib_path";

		# Then, the incoming form data is read and parsed by
		# cgi-lib.pl and $log_file_in and $password_in are defined
		# according to the values coming in as form data.
		# $log_file_in will be equal to the name and location of
		# the log we will analyze.  $password_in will be equal to
		# the password submitted via the form.


$log_file_in = "$sc_log_file_directory/$form_data{'which_log'}";
$password_in = "$form_data{'password'}";

#                        Display Search Results                       # 

		# Now we will see if the client submitting the password
		# and log files has entered the correct values.  This
		# script will only display the error and access logs and
		# will only do so if the client submits the right
		# password.

if (($password_in eq "$sc_password") && (
     $log_file_in eq "$sc_error_log_path") || 
    ($log_file_in eq "$sc_access_log_path"))

		# If the incoming form data passed the security check, the
		# script will open the log file requested for reading and
		# begin displaying the HTML response page using
		# log_analyzer_return_header located at the end of this
		# file.

  open (LOG_FILE, "$log_file_in") || &CgiDie("Sorry, could not open the 
				     requested log file.  Please check the
				     permissions and the path.");

		# Next, the script goes through the log file one line at a
		# time, splitting each line into its fields (every log
		# file database row is pipe delimited and each is separated
		# by a newline).  $not_found will also be set to zero so
		# that we will be able to check at the end of this routine
		# if we have actually found some hits in the log file
		# based on the client-submitted keywords.

  while (<LOG_FILE>)
    @fields = split (/\|/, $_);

		# we start off stating that there are no
		# not found criteria
    $not_found = 0;

		# The information in the fields is then compared to the
		# keywords submitted by the client.
		# each criteria in the @sc_db_query_criteria
		# array is specifically applied to the database row
		# for searching.
		# In the loop below, if anything is not found,
		# it results in an incrementing of $not_found
    foreach $criteria (@sc_db_query_criteria)
      $not_found += &flatfile_apply_criteria(   

		# If we found some hits, we will display them in table
		# format.

    if ($not_found == 0)
      print "<TR>";
      foreach $field (@fields)
        print "<TD>$field</TD>";
      print "</TR>";

		# Then we will display the HTML ooter and exit.

  close (LOG_FILE);

#                          Display Query Form                         # 

		# If the client-supplied information does not pass the
		# security check, or the script is being accessed for the
		# first time, the script displays the form which can be
		# used to submit keywords, password and choose a file to
		# search.


#                log_analyzer_query_form Subroutine  		      #

		# log_analyzer_query_form is used to generate the form
		# used by the admin to select which log file to view and
		# which keywords to filter with.  It is called with no
		# argumnets and the following syntax:
		# &log_analyzer_query_form;

sub log_analyzer_query_form
  print qq~
  <TITLE>Web Store Log File View</TITLE>
  <BODY BGCOLOR = "FFFFFF" TEXT = "000000">
  <CENTER><H2>Basic Log Analyzer</H2></CENTER>
  <FORM ACTION = "web_store_log_analysis.cgi" METHOD = "post">
  <TH ALIGN = "left">Password (Required)</TH>
  <TD><INPUT TYPE = "text" SIZE = "20" MAXLENGTH = "20" NAME ="password"></TD>
  <TH ALIGN = "left">Log File to View</TH>
  <TD><SELECT NAME = "which_log">
      <OPTION VALUE = "error.log">Error Log
      <OPTION VALUE = "access.log">Access Log
  <TH ALIGN = "left">Search Term (None for entire file)</TH>
  <TD><INPUT TYPE = "text" SIZE = "20" MAXLENGTH = "20"
             NAME ="keywords"></TD>
  <INPUT TYPE = "submit" NAME = "submit" VALUE = "View Log">

#                log_analyzer_return_header Subroutine                #

		# log_analyzer_return_header is used to display the HTML
		# header for the Log File View page.  It is called with no
		# arguments and the following syntax:
		# &log_analyzer_return_header;

sub log_analyzer_return_header
  print qq!
  <TITLE>Web Store Log File View</TITLE>
  <BODY BGCOLOR = "FFFFFF" TEXT = "000000">
  <TABLE BORDER = "1">!;

#                log_analyzer_return_footer Subroutine                #

		# log_analyzer_return_footer is used to display the HTML
		# footer for the Log File View page.  It is called with no
		# arguments and the
		# following syntax:
		# &log_analyzer_return_footer;

sub log_analyzer_return_footer
  print "</TABLE></BODY></HTML>";