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        WebTester 1.04 by Darryl C. Burgdorf (burgdorf@awsd.com)



WebTester (formerly WebMapper) is a handy site management tool, the
primary purpose of which is to check your site for broken links.  It
will report both on missing files and on those which exist but aren't
referenced.  It can also check the validity of your external links.
(That way, if someone moves or removes a page to which you've linked,
you'll know that the link needs to be updated!)  The script is fairly
robust; in addition to following "straight" links, it will also parse
and follow links in image maps, in text embedded via SSIs, and
(optionally) in CGI-generated pages.  It will let you know the effective
"download" file size of your pages, and will provide estimates of how
long they'll take to download at various connection speeds.  Finally, it
can create for you a simple "site map" showing, in outline format, all
of your site's pages.  (The site map can be included via SSIs on other


The files that you need are as follows:

webtester.pl:  This is the main program file.  You don't actually need
  to do anything to it; in fact, you don't even have to execute it.

config.pl:  This is the configuration file.  Most everything you need to
  change or modify is contained here.  This is also the file that you
  will execute.  (Things are set up this way so that you can effectively
  maintain multiple versions of the script, for example if you want to
  run separate site checks for different sites, just by keeping separate
  config files for each.)

As noted above, the WebTester configuration file, and not the WebTester
program itself, should be executed.  The configuration file should, of
course, be set executable.  Make sure that the first line of the script
matches the location of your system's Perl interpreter.  As well, the
following variables need to be defined:

$InFile:  The absolute path of the file to be used as the "key" file.
  This will usually be the main "index.html" file for the site you're

$OutFile:  The absolute path of the "site check" file to be created by

$MapFile:  The absolute path of the "site map" file to be created.  If
  this variable is left undefined, no map file will be created.

$LocalPath and $LocalURL:  The absolute path and URL (both minus
  trailing slashes) of the base directory of the site to be checked.

$CGIPath and $CGIURL:  The absolute path and URL (both minus trailing
  slashes) of the site's CGI-BIN directory.

$ImageMapPointer and $ImageMapPath:  These variables are used to help
  the script correctly locate image map files.  If you don't use image
  maps, or reference them via "normal" URLs, you won't need to worry
  about assigning them.  However, if you use image maps which are
  referenced via the old method of tacking the map's address to the
  end of the imagmap program's address, you will need to assign them.
  (For example, if your image map is referenced via the URL
  "/cgi-bin/imagemap/foo/mapdirectory/mapfile", but the real path to
  find it is "/usr/foo/mapdirectory/mapfile", you'd want to set
  $ImageMapPointer = "/cgi-bin/imagemap/foo" and $ImageMapPath =
  "/usr/foo".  This tells WebTester, which unfortunately isn't
  inherently smart enough to decipher all the possible variations in
  image map addressing, where to find the map file.)

$SiteName:  The name of the site.

$Avoid:  A regex (regular expression) identifying any particular files
  that you don't wish to be examined for links.

$ParseCGI:  A regex identifying any CGI scripts which you want to have
  parsed.  If left undefined, the existence of any CGI scripts will be
  noted, but they won't be run.  (Generally, that will be what you want
  to do.)  However, if you have CGI scripts which generate actual pages
  which you want included in the site map, note them in this variable.

$MissingLinks:  If this variable is set to "1" the script will tell you
  about files which exist but are not referenced.  If it is set to "0"
  the information will not be included.  (This is useful if your
  directory structure contains a large number of files unrelated to
  your Web site.)

$IgnoreExternals:  If this variable is set to "1" the script will not
  check the validity of external links.  If it is set to "0" it will
  check them.  Note that this can take a significant amount of time if
  you have a lot of links!

$ShowOnlyErrors:  If this variable is set to "1" the "site check" report
  will only tell you about problems.  If it is set to "0" the report
  will tell you about everything.

$MinLevel:  This variable allows you a bit of control over how your site
  map is constructed, by allowing you to specify that certain files
  won't appear too high in the hierarchy.  The index file is level 1,
  files referenced by it are level 2, files referenced by them are level
  3, etc.  The "minimum level" for a particular file is the highest
  level at which it is allowed to appear on the map.  (For example, if
  file "/usr/foo/document.html" is referenced from your main index page,
  but you want it to appear on the map under your news and information
  page, which also references it, you could set its minimum level to
  "3" and thus insure that it won't appear at level 2.)  You can also
  specify that certain files won't appear on the map at all, simply
  by giving them very high minimum levels.


This documentation assumes that you have at least a general familiarity
with setting up Perl scripts.  If you need more specific assistance,
check with your system administrators, consult the WebScripts FAQs
(frequently-asked questions) file <http://awsd.com/scripts/faqs.shtml>,
or ask on the WebScripts Forum <http://awsd.com/scripts/forum/>.

-- Darryl C. Burgdorf