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##                                        ##
##                 WebLog                 ##
##           by Darryl Burgdorf           ##
##       (e-mail burgdorf@awsd.com)       ##
##                                        ##
##         last modified: 5/24/97         ##
##           copyright (c) 1997           ##
##                                        ##
##    latest version is available from    ##
##        http://awsd.com/scripts/        ##
##                                        ##

# Copyright 1997 Darryl C. Burgdorf.  All Rights Reserved.
# This program may be used and modified free of charge by anyone, so
# long as this copyright notice and the header above remain intact.  By
# using this program you agree to indemnify Darryl C. Burgdorf from any
# liability.
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is
# expressly forbidden.  Obtain permission before redistributing this
# program over the Internet or in any other medium.  In all cases
# copyright and header must remain intact.

# 1.05  05/24/97  Added comma delineation to all numbers
#                 Added "record book" report
#                 Fixed new bug in "top" domain logging
# 1.04  05/03/97  Changed month/day logs from domains to sessions
#                 Added sessions to day-of-week log
#                 Allowed disabling of above sessions logging
#                 Allowed "details" log of only one day's accesses
#                 Enabled "top" domain logging even if domains off
#                 Added ability to log "second level" domains
#                 Fixed display bugs if no accesses on first day
#                 The typical selection of minor bug fixes
# 1.03  02/02/97  Added support for combined log files
#                 Added option to include file query information
#                 Corrected handling of zipped files
#                 Corrected bug in EOM report wrapping (Dec/Jan)
# 1.02  12/11/96  Added "running total" of user sessions
# 1.01  12/08/96  Added "user sessions" to details report
#                 Corrected day counting in details report
# 1.00  12/02/96  Initial "public" release

sub MainProg {
	if ($DetailsFile) { &PrintHostDetailsReport; }

sub Initialize {
	$version = "1.05";
	$EndDate="0000 00 00 00 00 00";
	$StartDate="9999 99 99 99 99 99";
	($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
	$CurrDate="$days[$wday], $mday $months[$mon] 19$year";
	if ($mday < 10) { $mday="0".$mday; }
	$CurrToday="$CurrYear $MonthToNumber{$CurrMonth} $mday";
	if(open(COUNTRIES,$CountriesFile)) {
		while(<COUNTRIES>) {
		$CountryCode{"xxx"}="Unresolved Domain";
	$DefaultPageName =

sub ReadOldFile {
	open (OLD,$ReportFile) || die "Error opening file: $ReportFile\n";
	OLDLINE: while (<OLD>) {
		last OLDLINE if (m#</HTML>#oi);
		if (/<A NAME="(monthly|daily|dayofweek|hourly|records)">/oi) {
			if ($logsegment ne 'records') {
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif (($mday ne "01") &&
		  (/<A NAME="(summary|files|404|topleveldomain|domains)">/oi)) {
			if ($logsegment ne 'summary') {
			next OLDLINE;
		$InSegment=0 if ($_ eq $endTag);
		next OLDLINE if (!$InSegment);
		if ($logsegment eq "monthly") {
			($Accesses,$Bytes,$Domains,$Month) = 
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			$Domains =~ s/,//g;
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "daily") {
			($Accesses,$Bytes,$Domains,$Day,$Month) =
			if ($Month ne "") {
				$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
				$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
				$Domains =~ s/,//g;
				if (($Month =~ "(Nov|Dec)") &&
				  ($CurrMonth =~ "(Jan|Feb)")) {
				$Today="$Year $MonthToNumber{$Month} $Day";
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "dayofweek") {
			($Accesses,$Bytes,$Sessions,$Day) =
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			$Sessions =~ s/,//g;
			unless ($Sessions) { $Sessions = 0; }
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "hourly") {
			($Accesses,$Bytes,$Hour) =
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "records") {
			if ($line =~ m#Most Hits#o) {
				($RecordHits,$RecordHitsDate) =
				$RecordHits =~ s/,//g;
			} elsif ($line =~ m#Most Bytes#o) {
				($RecordBytes,$RecordBytesDate) =
				$RecordBytes =~ s/,//g;
			} elsif ($line =~ m#Most Visits#o) {
				($RecordVisits,$RecordVisitsDate) =
				$RecordVisits =~ s/,//g;
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "summary") {
			if ($line =~ m#Period Covered#o) {
				  $line=~m#(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d) (\w\w\w)\w* (\d\d\d\d) to#o;
				  $line=~m#to (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d) (\w\w\w)\w* (\d\d\d\d)#o;
				next OLDLINE unless ($starthour);
				  "$startyear $MonthToNumber{$startmonth} $startday $starthour $startminute $startsec";
				  "$endyear $MonthToNumber{$endmonth} $endday $endhour $endminute $endsec";
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "files") {
			  m#^\s*(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d) (\w\w\w)\w* (\d\d\d\d) \s*([\d,]+)\s+([\d,]+)\s+(\S.*)#o;
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			  "$Year $MonthToNumber{$Month} $Day $Hour $Minute $Second";
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "404") {
			  m#^\s*(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d) (\w\w\w)\w* (\d\d\d\d) \s*([\d,]+)\s+([\d,]+)\s+(\S.*)#o;
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			$fnfLastAccessFile{$FileName}="$Year $MonthToNumber{$Month} $Day $Hour $Minute $Second";
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "topleveldomain") {
			  m#^\s*(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d) (\w\w\w)\w* (\d\d\d\d) \s*([\d,]+)\s+([\d,]+)\s+(\w+)\s+=\s+#o;
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			$TopDomainAccess{$TopDomain}="$Year $MonthToNumber{$Month} $Day $Hour $Minute $Second";
			next OLDLINE;
		} elsif ($logsegment eq "domains") {
			  m#^\s*(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d\d) (\w\w\w)\w* (\d\d\d\d) \s*([\d,]+)\s+([\d,]+)\s+(\S.*)#o;
			$Accesses =~ s/,//g;
			$Bytes =~ s/,//g;
			$LastAccessDomain{$Domain}="$Year $MonthToNumber{$Month} $Day $Hour $Minute $Second";
			next OLDLINE;
		close OLD;

sub ReadLog {
	if ($MonthlyCounter{$MonthCounter} ne "$CurrMonth $CurrYear") {
		$MonthlyCounter{$MonthCounter}="$CurrMonth $CurrYear";
	if (!($BytesDay{$CurrToday})) {
	system ("gunzip -q $LogFile");
	open (LOGFILE,$LogFile) || die "Error opening file: $LogFile\n";
	while(<LOGFILE>) {
		s/\s+/ /go;
		next if m/format\=\%/;
		if ($logtype eq "combined") {
			($Domain,$rfc931,$authuser,$TimeDate,$Request,$Status,$Bytes,$referer,$Agent) =
			  /^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[(.+)\] \"(.+)\" (\S+) (\S+) \"(.+)\" \"(.+)\"/o;
		else {
			($Domain,$rfc931,$authuser,$TimeDate,$Request,$Status,$Bytes) =
			  /^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[(.+)\] \"(.+)\" (\S+) (\S+)/o;
		next if (!($Domain && $rfc931 && $authuser && $TimeDate && $Request && $Status));
		$Day="0$Day" if (length($Day) < 2);
		unless ($IncludeQuery) {
		next if (($IncludeOnlyDomain) && !($Domain=~m#$IncludeOnlyDomain#o));
		next if (($ExcludeDomain) && ($Domain=~m#$ExcludeDomain#o));
		next if (($IncludeOnlyRefsTo) && !($FileName=~m#$IncludeOnlyRefsTo#o));
		next if (($ExcludeRefsTo) && ($FileName=~m#$ExcludeRefsTo#o));
		($Day,$Month,$Year,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=$TimeDate=~m#^(\d\d)/(\w\w\w)/(\d\d\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) #o;
		if ($PrintDomains eq "2") {
			if ($Domain =~ /\d$/) { $Domain = "Unresolved"; }
			elsif ($Domain =~ /([^.]*\.[^.]{3})$/) { $Domain = $1; }
			elsif ($Domain =~ /([^.]*\.[^.]*\.[^.]{2})$/) { $Domain = $1; }
			else { $Domain = "Unresolved"; }
		$MonthlyFilesCounter{"$CurrMonth $CurrYear"}++;
		$MonthlyBytesCounter{"$CurrMonth $CurrYear"}+=$Bytes;
		$Today="$Year $MonthToNumber{$Month} $Day";
		$Today="$Today $Hour $Minute $Second";
		$StartDate=$Today if ($Today lt $StartDate);
		$EndDate=$Today if ($Today gt $EndDate);
		if ($LastAccessDomain{$Domain} lt $Today) {
		if ($TopDomainAccess{$TopDomain} lt $Today) {
			$TopDomainAccess{$TopDomain} = $Today;
		if ($Status==404) {
			if ($fnfLastAccessFile{$FileName} lt $Today) {
			$HitsFileCounter{'Code 404 File Not Found'}++;
			$BytesFileCounter{'Code 404 File Not Found'}+=$Bytes;
			if ($LastAccessFile{'Code 404 File Not Found'} lt $Today) {
				$LastAccessFile{'Code 404 File Not Found'}=$Today;
		} else {
			if ($LastAccessFile{$FileName} lt $Today) {
			unless ($DetailsFilter && ($FileName=~m#$DetailsFilter#oi)) {
				if (($TrueDomain !~ /\./) && ($OrgDomain)) { $TrueDomain .= ".$OrgDomain"; }
				if ($TrueDomain =~ /.*$OrgDomain/) { $TodayLocal++; }
				push (@Accesses, "$Hour $Minute $Second $TrueDomain $FileName");

sub GetTopDomain {
	local($domname) = $_[0];
	$TopDomain="xxx" if ($TopDomain > 0 || $TopDomain eq '');
	return $TopDomain;

sub PrintReport {
	open (REPORT,">$ReportFile");
	print REPORT "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Access Log: $SystemName</TITLE></HEAD>";
	print REPORT "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#99ccff\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\n";
	print REPORT "<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Access Log:<BR>$SystemName</H1>\n";
	print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>This report was generated by ";
	print REPORT "<STRONG><A HREF=\"http://awsd.com/scripts/weblog/\">WebLog $version</A></STRONG></SMALL></P>\n";
	if ($DetailsFile) {
		print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER>[ <STRONG><A HREF=\"$DetailsURL\">Access Details Report</A></STRONG> ]</P>\n";
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"index\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Index</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<P><UL><LI><STRONG>Long-Term Statistics</STRONG></P><P><UL>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#monthly\">Monthly Statistics</A>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#daily\">Daily Statistics (Past Five Weeks)</A>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#dayofweek\">Day of Week Statistics</A>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#hourly\">Hourly Statistics</A>\n";
	print REPORT "<P><LI><A HREF=\"#records\">"Record Book"</A>\n";
	print REPORT "</UL></P><P><LI><STRONG>Statistics for The Current Month</STRONG></P><P><UL>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#summary\">Current Month Summary</A><P>\n";
	if ($PrintTopNFiles) {
		print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#topnfilesbyhits\">Top $PrintTopNFiles Files by Number of Hits</A>\n";
		print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#topnfilesbyvolume\">Top $PrintTopNFiles Files by Volume</A>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#files\">Complete File Statistics</A><P>\n";
	if ($Print404) {
		if ($PrintTopNFiles) {
			print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#topn404\">Top $PrintTopNFiles Most Frequently Requested 404 Files</A>\n";
		print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#404\">Complete 404 File Not Found Statistics</A><P>\n";
	print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#topleveldomain\">\"Top Level\" Domains</A>\n";
	if ($PrintDomains) {
		if ($PrintTopNDomains) {
			print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#topnsitesbyhits\">Top $PrintTopNDomains Domains by Number of Hits</A>\n";
			print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#topnsitesbyvolume\">Top $PrintTopNDomains Domains by Volume</A>\n";
		print REPORT "<LI><A HREF=\"#domains\">Complete Domain Statistics</A>\n";
	print REPORT "</UL></UL></P>\n";
	if ($PrintTopNFiles) {
	if ($Print404) {
		if ($PrintTopNFiles) {
	if ($PrintDomains) {
		if ($PrintTopNDomains) {
	print REPORT "<HR></BODY></HTML>\n";
	close REPORT;

sub PrintMonthlyReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"monthly\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Monthly Statistics</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "        Hits           Bytes      Visits      Month\n\n";
	$MonthlySessionsCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$MonthCounter}} = $MonthlySessionsCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$MonthCounter}} + $usersessions;
	foreach $key (1..$MonthCounter) {
		if ($MonthlyBytesCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$key}} < 1) {
			$MonthlyFilesCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$key}} = 0;
			$MonthlyBytesCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$key}} = 0;
			$MonthlySessionsCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$key}} = 0;
		if ($NoSessions) { $MonthlySessionsCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$key}} = "-"; }
		printf REPORT "%12s%16s%12s%13s",&commas($MonthlyFilesCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$key}}),
		  " $MonthlyCounter{$key}  ";
		if ($MonthlyTotalBytesCounter < 1) { $Percent=0; }
		else {
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintBarGraph {
	if ($GraphURL) {
		if ($Percent<5) {
			print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar1.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=4 ALT=\"\">"x$Percent;
		else {
			print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar2.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=20 ALT=\"\">";
		if ($Percent<10) {
			print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar3.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=4 ALT=\"\">"x$Percent;
		else {
			print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar4.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=40 ALT=\"\">";
		if ($Percent<10) {
			print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar5.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=4 ALT=\"\">"x$Percent;
		else {
			print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar6.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=40 ALT=\"\">";
		print REPORT "<IMG SRC=\"$GraphURL/bar5.gif\" HEIGHT=7 WIDTH=4 ALT=\"\">"x$Percent;
	print REPORT "\n";

sub PrintDailyReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"daily\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Daily Statistics (Past Five Weeks)</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "        Hits           Bytes      Visits       Date\n\n";
	if ($DayCount > 35) { $DayCount=35; }
	if (! $DayFilesCounter{$CurrToday}) { $DayFilesCounter{$CurrToday}="0"; }
	foreach $key (sort keys(%DayFilesCounter)) {
		if ($DayCounter > 35) {
		else {
			($Year,$Month,$Day)=split(/ /,$key);
			$Check = $DayCounter;
			if ($Check < 10) { $Check="0".$Check; }
			if ($Check=~$DayBreaks) { print REPORT "\n"; }
			if ($DayCounter eq 1) {
				$RecordDate = "$NumberToMonth{$Month} $Day, $Year";
				if ($DayFilesCounter{$key} > $RecordHits) {
					$RecordHits = $DayFilesCounter{$key};
					$RecordHitsDate = $RecordDate;
				if ($BytesDay{$key} > $RecordBytes) {
					$RecordBytes = $BytesDay{$key};
					$RecordBytesDate = $RecordDate;
				if ($DomainsDay{$key} > $RecordVisits) {
					$RecordVisits = $DomainsDay{$key};
					$RecordVisitsDate = $RecordDate;
			if ($DayCounter eq 0) { $DomainsDay{$key}=0; }
			if ($BytesDay{$key} < 1) {
				$DayFilesCounter{$key} = 0;
				$BytesDay{$key} = 0;
				$DomainsDay{$key} = 0;
			if ($NoSessions) { $DomainsDay{$key} = "-"; }
			printf REPORT "%12s%16s%12s%13s",&commas($DayFilesCounter{$key}),&commas($BytesDay{$key}),&commas($DomainsDay{$key}),
			  "$Day $NumberToMonth{$Month}  ";
			if ($DailyTotalBytesCounter < 1) { $Percent=0; }
			else {
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintDayofWeekReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"dayofweek\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Day of Week Statistics</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "        Hits           Bytes      Visits        Day\n\n";
	foreach $key (1..7) {
		if ($DoWBytesCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}} < 1) {
			$DoWFilesCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}} = 0;
			$DoWBytesCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}} = 0;
			$DoWSessionsCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}} = 0;
		if ($NoSessions) { $DoWSessionsCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}} = "-"; }
		printf REPORT "%12s%16s%12s%13s",&commas($DoWFilesCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}}),
		  &commas($DoWSessionsCounter{$DoWCounter{$key}}),"      $DoWCounter{$key}  ";
		if ($DoWTotalBytesCounter < 1) { $Percent=0; }
		else {
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintHourlyReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"hourly\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Hourly Statistics</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "        Hits           Bytes                   Hour\n\n";
	foreach $key (00..23) {
		if ($key<10) { $key="0".$key; }
		unless ($HourFilesCounter{$key}) { $HourFilesCounter{$key} = 0; }
		unless ($BytesHour{$key}) { $BytesHour{$key} = 0; }
		printf REPORT "%12s%16s%25s",&commas($HourFilesCounter{$key}),&commas($BytesHour{$key}),"                  $key  ";
		if ($HourlyTotalBytesCounter < 1) { $Percent=0; }
		else {
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintRecords {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"records\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>"Record Book"</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<P><STRONG>Most Hits:</STRONG> ";
	print REPORT &commas($RecordHits)," ($RecordHitsDate)\n";
	print REPORT "<P><STRONG>Most Bytes:</STRONG> ";
	print REPORT &commas($RecordBytes)," ($RecordBytesDate)\n";
	unless ($NoSessions) {
		print REPORT "<P><STRONG>Most Visits:</STRONG> ";
		print REPORT &commas($RecordVisits)," ($RecordVisitsDate)\n";
	print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintSummaryReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"summary\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Current Month Summary</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<P><STRONG>Period Covered:</STRONG> ";
	unless ($StartDate eq "9999 99 99 99 99 99") {
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$StartDate);
		print REPORT "$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $NumberToMonth{$Month} $Year to ";
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$EndDate);
		print REPORT "$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $NumberToMonth{$Month} $Year";
	print REPORT "\n";
	print REPORT "<P><STRONG>Total Files Transfered:</STRONG> ",&commas($TotalFilesCounter),"\n";
	print REPORT "<BR><STRONG>Total Bytes Transfered:</STRONG> ",&commas($TotalBytesCounter),"\n";
	unless ($NoSessions || ($MonthlySessionsCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$MonthCounter}}<1)) {
		print REPORT "<P><STRONG>User Sessions:</STRONG> ",&commas($MonthlySessionsCounter{$MonthlyCounter{$MonthCounter}}),"\n";
	print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub commas {
	1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/;

sub PrintTopNFilesByHitsReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"topnfilesbyhits\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Top $PrintTopNFiles Files ";
	print REPORT "by Number of Hits</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Accessed               Hits           Bytes   File\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort ByHitsFiles keys(%HitsFileCounter)) {
		last if ($Counter > $PrintTopNFiles);
		next if ($TopFileListFilter && ($key=~m#$TopFileListFilter#oi));
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$LastAccessFile{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByHitsFiles {

sub PrintTopNFilesByVolumeReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"topnfilesbyvolume\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Top $PrintTopNFiles Files ";
	print REPORT "by Volume</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Accessed               Hits           Bytes   File\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort ByVolumeFiles keys(%HitsFileCounter)) {
		last if ($Counter > $PrintTopNFiles);
		next if ($TopFileListFilter && ($key=~m#$TopFileListFilter#oi));
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$LastAccessFile{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByVolumeFiles {

sub PrintFilesReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"files\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Complete File Statistics</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Accessed               Hits           Bytes   File\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort keys(%HitsFileCounter)) {
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$LastAccessFile{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintTopN404Report {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"topn404\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Top $PrintTopNFiles Most Frequently Requested ";
	print REPORT "404 Files</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Accessed               Hits           Bytes   File\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort ByfnfHitsFiles keys(%fnfHitsFileCounter)) {
		last if ($Counter > $PrintTopNFiles);
		next if ($TopFileListFilter && ($key=~m#$TopFileListFilter#oi));
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$fnfLastAccessFile{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByfnfHitsFiles {

sub Print404Report {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"404\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Complete 404 File Not Found Statistics</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Accessed               Hits           Bytes   File\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort keys(%fnfHitsFileCounter)) {
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$fnfLastAccessFile{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub PrintTopLevelDomainsReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"topleveldomain\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>\"Top Level\" Domains</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Accessed               Hits           Bytes   \"Top Level\" Domain\n\n";
	foreach $TopDomain (sort ByTopDomain keys(%TopDomainBytesCounter)) {
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$TopDomainAccess{$TopDomain});
		unless ($TopDomainFilesCounter{$TopDomain}<1) {
			printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-4s = %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByTopDomain {

sub PrintTopNDomainsByHitsReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"topnsitesbyhits\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Top $PrintTopNDomains Domains ";
	print REPORT "by Number of Hits</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Access                 Hits           Bytes   Domain\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort ByNDomains keys(%DomainsFilesCounter)) {
		last if ($Counter > $PrintTopNDomains);
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$LastAccessDomain{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByNDomains {

sub PrintTopNDomainsByVolumeReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"topnsitesbyvolume\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Top $PrintTopNDomains Domains ";
	print REPORT "by Volume</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Access                 Hits           Bytes   Domain\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort ByVolumeDomains keys(%DomainsFilesCounter)) {
		last if ($Counter > $PrintTopNDomains);
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$LastAccessDomain{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByVolumeDomains {

sub PrintReversedDomainsReport {
	print REPORT "<A NAME=\"domains\"><HR></A><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Complete Domain Statistics</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<PRE>\n";
	print REPORT "Last Access                 Hits           Bytes   Domain\n\n";
	foreach $key (sort ByReversedSubDomain keys(%DomainsFilesCounter)) {
		($Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second)=split(/ /,$LastAccessDomain{$key});
		printf REPORT "%-21s%11s%16s   %-s\n","$Hour:$Minute:$Second $Day $Month $Year",
	print REPORT "</PRE>\n<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>[ <A HREF=\"#index\">Return to Index</A> ]</SMALL></P>\n\n";

sub ByReversedSubDomain {
	if ($aisIP && (!$bisIP)) {
	} elsif ((!$aisIP) && $bisIP) {
	} elsif ($aisIP && $bisIP) {
		while ((!$result) && ($counter < 4)) {
			$result=$adomains[$counter] <=> $bdomains[$counter];
	} elsif ((!$aisIP) && (!$bisIP)) {
		while ((!$result) && ($acounter>=0) && ($bcounter>=0)) {
			$result=$adomains[$acounter] cmp $bdomains[$bcounter];
		if (!$result) {
			$result=1 if ($acounter>=0);
			$result=-1 if ($bcounter>=0);

sub GetSessions {
	if (!$TodayHits) { $TodayHits=0; }
	if (!$TodayErrors) { $TodayErrors=0; }
	unless ($TodayPages < 1 ) {
		undef @Accesses;
		foreach $entry (@RevAccesses) { 
			($hour,$minute,$second,$remote,$page)=split(" ",$entry);
			if ($prevvisit{$remote}) { $duration=($prevvisit{$remote}-$visit); }
			if ($duration < 0) { $duration=$duration+86400; }
			if ($duration > 1800) { $duration=0; }
			if ($duration < 1) {
				$usersessions ++;
			else {
			if ($durminute < 10) { $durminute="0".$durminute; }
			if ($dursecond < 10) { $dursecond="0".$dursecond; }
			push (@Accesses, "$hour $minute $second $durminute $dursecond $remote $page");

sub PrintHostDetailsReport {
	open (FILE,"$DetailsFile");
	@lines = <FILE>;
	close (FILE);
	foreach $line (@lines) {
		if ($line =~ m#DAYS=(\d+) SESSIONS=(\d+) TIME=(\d+)#o) {
	open (REPORT,">$DetailsFile");
	print REPORT "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Access Details Report: $SystemName</TITLE></HEAD>";
	print REPORT "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#99ccff\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\n";
	print REPORT "<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Access Details:<BR>$SystemName</H1>\n";
	print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER><SMALL>This report was generated by ";
	print REPORT "<STRONG><A HREF=\"http://awsd.com/scripts/weblog/\">WebLog $version</A></STRONG></SMALL></P>\n";
	print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER>[ <STRONG><A HREF=\"$ReportURL\">Access Log</A></STRONG> ]</P><HR>\n";
	if ($DetailsDays<1) { $DetailsDays=1; }
	if ($DetailsDays>35) {$DetailsDays=35; }
	unless ($TodayPages < 1 ) {
		undef @Accesses;
		foreach $entry (@RevAccesses) { 
			($hour,$minute,$second,$durminute,$dursecond,$remote,$page)=split(" ",$entry);
			if ($duration eq "00:00") { $duration="     "; }
			if ($hostlist{$remote}) {
			} else {
		if ($averagesession > 3600) {
		if ($averageminute < 10) { $averageminute="0".$averageminute; }
		if ($averagesecond < 10) { $averagesecond="0".$averagesecond; }
		if ($averagehour) { $averagesession=$averagehour.":".$averagesession; }
	$grandsession = 0;
	unless ($totalsessions < 1) {
	if ($grandsession > 3600) {
	if ($grandminute < 10) { $grandminute="0".$grandminute; }
	if ($grandsecond < 10) { $grandsecond="0".$grandsecond; }
	if ($grandhour) { $grandsession=$grandhour.":".$grandsession; }
	print REPORT "<DAYS=$totaldays SESSIONS=$totalsessions TIME=$totaltime>\n";
	unless (($totalsessions<1) || ($totaldays<2)) {
		print REPORT "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Long-Term Overview</H2>\n";
		print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER><EM>In the past <STRONG>";
		print REPORT &commas($totaldays),"</STRONG> days, ";
		print REPORT "there have been a total of <STRONG>";
		print REPORT &commas($totalsessions),"</STRONG> ";
		print REPORT "distinct "user sessions," ";
		print REPORT "with an apparent average length of ";
		print REPORT "<STRONG>$grandsession</STRONG>.</EM></P><HR>\n";
	print REPORT "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Detailed List of ";
	if ($DetailsDays < 2) {
		print REPORT "Yesterday's Accesses</H2>\n";
	else {
		print REPORT "Accesses In the Past $DetailsDays Days</H2>\n";
	print REPORT "<DATESTAMP=\"$time\">\n";
	print REPORT "<H3 ALIGN=CENTER>$CurrDate</H3>\n";
	if ($TodayPages < 1 ) {
		print REPORT "<P ALIGN=CENTER><EM>No successful accesses.</EM></P>\n";
	} else {
		print REPORT "<P><EM>A total of <STRONG>",&commas($TodayPages),"</STRONG> pages were accessed ";
		print REPORT "by <STRONG>",&commas($TodayHosts),"</STRONG> unique hosts (which viewed an average ";
		print REPORT "of <STRONG>$AveragePages</STRONG> pages each). ";
		if ($OrgDomain) {
			print REPORT "Of those pages, <STRONG>",&commas($TodayLocal)," ";
			printf REPORT ("(%.4g%%)",$LocalPercent);
			print REPORT "</STRONG> were ";
			if ($OrgName) {
				print REPORT "viewed by $OrgName, ";
			} else {
				print REPORT "viewed internally, ";
			print REPORT "and <STRONG>",&commas($TodayOutside)," ";
			printf REPORT ("(%.4g%%)",$OutsidePercent);
			print REPORT "</STRONG> by outside domains. ";
		print REPORT "There were <STRONG>";
		print REPORT &commas($usersessions),"</STRONG> distinct "user sessions," ";
		print REPORT "with an apparent average length of <STRONG>$averagesession</STRONG>. ";
		print REPORT "There were a total of <STRONG>";
		print REPORT &commas($TodayHits),"</STRONG> hits and <STRONG>",&commas($TodayErrors),"</STRONG> errors ";
		print REPORT "related to $SystemName, consisting of <STRONG>";
		print REPORT &commas($TodayKB),"</STRONG> kilobytes of information.</EM></P>\n";
		@hosts=sort byDomain (keys %hostlist);
		print REPORT "<P><PRE>";
		foreach $host (@hosts) {
			if ($TopDomain ne $prevTD) {
				unless ($prevTD eq "###") { print REPORT "</DL>"; }
				$prevTD = $TopDomain;
				print REPORT "<STRONG>$CountryCode{$TopDomain}:";
				print REPORT "</STRONG>\n<DL>";
			$entry=~s/$pdelim/ -- /g;
			print REPORT "<DT>$host\n";
			print REPORT "$entry";
		print REPORT "</DL></PRE></P>\n";
	foreach $line (@lines) {
		if ($line =~ m#DATESTAMP=\"(\d+)#o) {
		if (($time-$datestamp) < (($DetailsDays-.5)*86400)) {
			print REPORT $line;
	print REPORT "<DATESTAMP=\"000000000\">\n";
	print REPORT "</P><HR></BODY></HTML>\n";
	close REPORT;

sub byDomain {
	if ($a =~ /[^0-9].*\.[^0-9].*/) {
		@aTemp=reverse split(/\./, $a);
		foreach (@aTemp) { $aHost .= $_ };
	} else { $aHost="zzzzzzz".$a; }
	if ($b =~ /[^0-9].*\.[^0-9].*/) {
		@bTemp=reverse split(/\./, $b);
		foreach (@bTemp) { $bHost .= $_ };
	} else { $bHost="zzzzzzz".$b; }
	return ($aHost cmp $bHost);
