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[Chapter 7] 7.2.40 IPC::Open3 - Open a Process for Reading, Writing, and Error Handling

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The Standard Perl Library

7.2.40 IPC::Open3 - Open a Process for Reading, Writing, and Error Handling

use IPC::Open3;

$pid = open3($WTR, $RDR, $ERR, $cmd_with_args);
$pid = open3($WTR, $RDR, $ERR, $cmd, "arg1", "arg2", ...);

IPC::Open3 works like IPC::Open2, with the following differences:

Warnings given for IPC::Open2 regarding possible program hangs apply to IPC::Open3 as well.

7.2.39 IPC::Open2 - Open a Process for Both Reading and WritingBook Index7.2.41 lib - Manipulate @INC at Compile-Time