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Recipe 15.9. Checking for Waiting Input

PreviousChapter 15
User Interfaces

15.9. Checking for Waiting Input


You want to know whether keyboard input is waiting without actually reading it.


Use the CPAN module Term::ReadKey, and try to read a key in non-blocking mode by passing it an argument of -1:

use Term::ReadKey;

ReadMode ('cbreak');

if (defined ($char = ReadKey(-1)) ) {
    # input was waiting and it was $char
} else {
    # no input was waiting

ReadMode ('normal');                  # restore normal tty settings


The -1 parameter to ReadKey indicates a non-blocking read of a character. If no character is available, ReadKey returns undef.

See Also

The documentation for the Term::ReadKey module from CPAN; Recipe 15.6

15.8. Using POSIX termiosBook Index15.10. Reading Passwords