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Section 7.3.  Conclusion

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7.3. Conclusion

As we've seen, POE is a fantastic module for taking away the complexity in creating event-based programs. The huge range of POE-related modules on CPAN allows you to choose precisely how high or low a level you wish to program at, and can make a great deal of repetitive code, particularly protocol-specific code, disappear in a puff of abstraction. POE also helps when writing nonblocking or multitasking code by offering a task scheduler and event loop.

POE itself is multilayered, with sessions passing messages between each other, wheels providing I/O abstraction, and filters wrapping a higher level around wheels.

Finally, POE components represent the very highest level of abstraction, containing major units of functionality. I'd recommend looking at POE for any event-based program where nonblocking I/O or multitasking is important.

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