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Section 9.2.  More Complex Tasks with Inline::C

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9.2. More Complex Tasks with Inline::C

On the other hand, there are times when we want to mess about with the XS glue, and Inline allows us to do this, too. In this section, we'll look at some advanced uses of the Inline::C module.

9.2.1. Dealing with Perl's Internal Values

Anyone who's familiar with XS at all knows that Perl doesn't use simple types like ints, char *s, and so on internally; it uses its own special types, SV*s for scalars, AV*s for arrays, and HV*s for arrays.

If we know the functions for manipulating these types,[*] then we can gain a little flexibility by using them directly in our Inline::C programs.

[*] You can find a handy guide in the perlapi documentation, or the Perl API chapter of Extending and Embedding Perl.

Here's an example; there's no (clean) way of telling directly from Perl if a reference is an object or just an ordinary reference. But this simple piece of XS uses the sv_isobject API function to determine whether an SV* is an object or not.

    use IO::File;
    use Inline C => <<'EOT';
    int blessed (SV* sv) {
        if (SvMAGICAL(sv))
            mg_get(sv);     /* Call FETCH, etc. if we're tied */

        return sv_isobject(sv);

    my $a = \123;
    my $b = IO::File->new;

    print "\$a is a blessed reference\n" if blessed($a);
    print "\$b is a blessed reference\n" if blessed($b);

This prints out:

    $b is a blessed reference

What else can we know about a scalar? Well, there are various subtypes of scalar: integers, numbers, and strings. The Perl guys call these IV, NV, and PV types, respectively. Let's first look at converting between these types and accessing information about the value of our scalar.

First, there's SvTYPE, which tells us what sort of SV we're dealing with. It returns a member of an enum, shown in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1. Valid svtypes


Undefined value (undef)




Floating-point number
















I/O type (file handle)


Like SVt_PV, but also holds an integer value: a stringified integer or a string used as an integer


Like SVt_PV, but also holds a floating-point value and an integer value: a stringified floating-point number, a string or integer used as a floating-point number, or a floating-point number used as an integer


Various types with LValue behavior


Blessed or magical scalar


Like SVt_PVMG, but does a fast lookup of its string value using the Boyer-Moore algorithm

Note from this that arrays and 3hashes are just advanced types of SVsalthough we refer specifically to these two types as AV and HV later on in our XS programming, it's worth remembering that these are just specialized names for something that's an SV underneath.

We can ask the scalar to transmogrify itself into an IV, NV, or SV, and read its value using the suitably named SvIV, SvNV, and SvPV functions. We mustn't forget that in C, strings have two properties: where they start and how long they are. SvPV returns the start of the string but also sets its second argument to be the length of the string:

    void dump_values(SV* sv) {
        STRLEN len;

        printf("As a float: %f\n", SvNV(sv));
        printf("As an integer: %i\n", SvIV(sv));
        printf("As a string: %s\n", SvPV(sv, len));

Notice that the type STRLEN is defined to be an appropriate type for storing string lengths. If we don't really care about the length, as in this example, we can use the SvPV_nolen macro instead.

We can also get at these properties of a string directly using macros: the SvCUR macro tells us the length of the string. Why is it SvCUR and not SvLEN? Because, predictably, SvLEN is used for something elsethere is a distinction between the current length of the Perl string, and the amount of space allocated for it. Keeping track of this separately allows the Perl interpreter to extend a Perl string in place, without having to call out to memory allocation regions. SvLEN gives us the length of this allocated region. But how do they differ?

Suppose the following series of operations:

    my $a = "abc";
    for (1..10) {
        $a .= "d";
        chop $a;

Everyone knows that this produces the string abc at the end. However, how this is done is slightly complex. Because in C you need to take close care of the memory you allocate and release, Perl needs to track the length of the string. So we start with a C string four characters longa, b, c, and the end-of-string null terminator. But now we need to add another character to the end, and we have only allocated four characterswe need to stop and allocate some more. Now our C string is five characters long, and our Perl string is four characters long.

Now, allocating memory during Perl's runtime is computationally expensive, relatively speaking, and so it's something we want to avoid doing. So when we chop the string, what Perl doesn't do is shrink the string back to four characters. This would be particularly silly in this case, since the very next thing we do is go around the loop again and add another character to it, requiring another reallocation. Instead, it keeps track of the fact that it's allocated five characters, even though, after the chop, it's only presently using four of them. Hence, as the Perl string can expand and contract at will, the allocated memory never shrinks; it only expands. SvCUR tells you the current length of the Perl string, and SvLEN tells you the total length allocated. (Incidentally, since these macros are just accessors into a structure, we can efficiently chop a scalar with something like SvCUR(sv);).

Of course, just accessing the data is not always enough; sometimes we need to modify it as well, and this is where the sv_set... series of functions come in. We can set a scalar's integer, number, and string values with sv_setiv, sv_setnv and sv_setpv, respectively. We can also find out what values the scalar currently thinks are valid by using the SvIOK, SvNOK, and SvPOK macros. For instance, given:

     $a = "5";

the value held in $a will only have been used as a string, and hence it will be POK. If we now say:

     $b = $a + 10;

then although $a's value has not changed, Perl will need to look at its numeric value in order to add 10 to it. This means it will now be both POK and IOK (or NOK before 5.8.0). If we now do something like:

     $a .= "abc";

then we will denature its integer value, and only the string value will be currentit will now only be POK. We'll see more examples of these macros later in the chapter.

Other interesting things to do with scalars include looking at and fiddling with their internal stateas one might imagine, this is not something to do carelessly. For instance, the macro SvTAINTED tells if a scalar contains tainted data; corresponding macros SvTAINTED_on and SvTAINTED_off alter the state of that flag:

    void dodgify(SV* sv) {

    void blow_away_all_the_security_in_my_program(SV* sv) {

A scalar's reference count tells you how many copies of a scalar are knocking around. For instance, we know that if we have an object like so:

        my $f = IO::Handle->new;

then the object will be destroyed once $f goes out of scope. However, if we store a copy of it somewhere else:

        my $f = IO::Handle->new;
        $My::Copy = $f;

then the reference count is two; it drops back to one once $f goes away and no longer holds a copy of it, but will remain at one until $My::Copy stops referring to it. The object will only be destroyed when the reference count drops to zerowhen $My::Copy stores something else, or at the end of the program. We can fiddle the reference count with SvREFCNT_inc and SvREFCNT_dec:

    int immortalize(SV* sv) {
        return SvREFCNT(sv);

This fools the scalar into thinking that something else is holding a copy of it, and it won't go away until the end of the program. It tells Perl that you also have a reference to the scalar, and not to destroy it when all the references that Perl knows about go away. Once you remove your private reference to it, you need to decrease the reference count with SvREFCNT_dec, otherwise Perl goes on thinking that someone, somewhere is referring to it, and hence doesn't correctly tidy it away. Decreasing the reference count avoids a leak. Unless, of course, someone fiddles with it again, like this:

    void kill_kill_kill(SV* sv) {
        SvREFCNT(sv) = 1;

This forces the scalar to be destroyed (calling the DESTROY method if it's an object), but woe betide any variables that still believe they refer to it.

Certain special scalars are accessible from C: PL_sv_yes and PL_sv_no refer to true and false values, respectively; as these are intended to be singleton SVs, they are always referred to by pointers. Hence you should use &PL_sv_yes and &PL_sv_no in your code:

    SV* tainted(SV* sv) {
        if (SvTAINTED(sv))
           return &PL_sv_yes;
           return &PL_sv_no;

There's also &PL_sv_undef for undef.

What if you want to get hold of a normal global variable from Perl-space inside your C function? The get_sv function returns an SV given a name; this is the usual way to get at options from your extension code:

    if (SvTRUE(get_sv("MyModule::DEBUG", TRUE")))
       printf("XXX Passing control to library function\n");

While there are a large number of other functions for dealing with SVs, these are by far the most common you will use. Let's now move on to looking at a situation where you need to use SVs: varying numbers of arguments.

9.2.2. Handling the Stack

Anyone who has some XS experience may expect that we could quite easily retrieve variable arguments using an AV* in the function's prototype. Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work; Inline::C by default only handles a fixed number of arguments to a function. If you want to handle arrays and varying numbers of parameters, you'll need to handle the stack yourself. Inline::C provides several macros to help you do this: Inline_Stack_Vars sets up the variables used by the other stack handling macros, Inline_Stack_Items tells you the number of arguments to your function, and Inline_Stack_Item retrieves an item from the stack.

    use Inline C => q{

    void print_array(SV* arg1, ... ) {
         int i;

         for (i=0 ; i < Inline_Stack_Items ; i++) {
             printf("The %ith argument is %s\n", i,


    print_array("Hello", 123, "fish", 0.12);

Note that although we declared an explicit argument, arg1, it remains on the stack as Inline_Stack_Item(0).

So we can read multiple arguments from a stack and return zero or one values. If we want to return multiple values, then we also need to manipulate the stack.

It's well known that the Perl special variable $!, the error variable, is a bit, well, special; it holds both an integer (error code) and a string (error description):

    % perl -le '$!=3; print $!; print $!+0'

    No such process

We can create such values with the Scalar::Utils function dualvar. Here's a generic routine to return both values from this type of dual-valued scalar:

    use Inline C => q{

    void bothvars (SV* var) {
         if (SvPOK(var) && SvIOK(var)) { /* dual-valued */
             Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(SvIV(var)))); /* Push integer part */
         Inline_Stack_Push(var); /* Push string part */


    use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);

    my $var = dualvar(10, "Hello");
    print "$_\n" for bothvars($var);

We use Inline_Stack_Vars as before, since we're manipulating the stack. Inline_Stack_Reset says that we're done taking the arguments off the stack (Inline has already done that for us, putting the value into var) and we're ready to start pushing return values back.

Now if it's a dual-valued scalarit's OK to use both the string and the integer parts at the momentthen we create a new SV* holding the integer part, and use Inline_Stack_Push to place that onto the stack. We use Inline_Stack_Push again on the original value, as this will give us the string part.

Now we're done, and we tell Inline there are no more values to come, with Inline_Stack_Done.

If you want to have multiple arguments and multiple return values, you can just combine the two techniques.

9.2.3. Handling More Complex Perl Types

Of course, there's a far more natural way to deal with arrays in Perl subroutinespass them around as references. But first we need to know how to get hold of references in XS and what to do with them when we've got them. References

If we arrange our XS function to receive a reference, there are two things we need to do with it once we've got itfirst, work out what sort of reference it is and, second, dereference it. As it happens, in XS, these two things are strongly related. We already know how to work out what type an SV is, using the SvTYPE macro and the SVt_... enumeration. The only other trick is to dereference the RV, and we do this with the SvRV macro.

For instance, we find the following code inside Data::Dumper:

        if (SvROK(sv) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) =  = SVt_PVAV))
            keys = (AV*)SvREFCNT_inc(SvRV(sv));

This is saying that if sv is a reference, and the type of the referenced SV is an AVas we noted when looking at SvTYPE, arrays are just specialized SVsthen we dereference it, increase its reference count (because we're about to hold a reference to it somewhere in a way that's not managed by Perl) and store it in keys. Arrays

OK, so we've now got an array. What can we do with that? Naturally, all the Perl operations on arrays have equivalents in C space. We'll only look here at the most common three operationsfinding the length of the array, getting an element, and storing an element.

The C equivalent to $#array is the av_len macro; like $#array it returns the highest index, or -1 if the array is empty. Hence we can imagine an array iterator would look something like this:

        for (i = 0; i <= av_len(array); i++) {
            SV* elem;

Now we come to extracting the individual SVs. We have two ways to proceed: the official way uses the av_fetch function. This takes three parameters: an AV, an index, and a boolean determining whether or not the element should be created if it does not already exist.

        for (i = 0; i <= av_len(array); i++) {
            SV** elem_p = av_fetch(array, i, 0);
            SV* elem;
            if (elem_p)
                elem = *elem_p;

As you can see, this returns a pointer, which tells us whether there's a valid SV in that array element. (Naturally, if we'd passed in a true value for the third parameter to av_fetch, then we'd always get valid SVs and wouldn't need to check elem_p.) If we say something like this from Perl:

    my @array;
    $array[3] = "Hi there!";

then elements 0, 1, and 2 will not have a valid SV, and so av_fetch can't return anything.

The less official, but faster, way to retrieve elements takes notice of the fact that AVs are implemented as real C arrays underneath. The macro AvARRAY gives us a pointer to the base of the array:

        SV** base = AvARRAY(array);
        for (i = 0; i <= av_len(array); i++) {
            SV* elem = base[i];
            if (elem)
                printf("Element %i is %s\n", i, SvPV_nolen(elem));

Finally, storing SVs in an array uses the predictably named av_store function. This also takes three parametersthe array, the element, and the index to store. Naturally, as the array stores pointers to the underlying SV structures, you only need to call this when you're putting a completely new SV into an element; if you're just modifying the existing SVs, there's no need to call av_store afterward, because av_fetch( ) gave you a pointer to the SV in the array, and the array is still pointing to that same SV:

        for (i = 0; i <= av_len(array); i++) {
            SV** elem_p = av_fetch(array, i, 0);
            if (elem_p) {
                SV* elem = elem_p;
                sv_setiv(elem, SvIV(elem) + 1); /* add 1 to each element */
        } Hashes

And what about hashes, then? These also have two functions for getting and setting values, hv_fetch and hv_store. The hash key is passed to each function as a string and an integer representing the string's length. The hv_fetch function, like av_fetch, returns a pointer to an SV*, not an SV* itself. For instance, DB_File reads some configuration values for a DBM file from a Perl hash:

         svp = hv_fetch(action, "ffactor", 7, FALSE);
         info->db_HA_ffactor = svp ? SvIV(*svp) : 0;

         svp = hv_fetch(action, "nelem", 5, FALSE);
         info->db_HA_nelem = svp ? SvIV(*svp) : 0;

         svp = hv_fetch(action, "bsize", 5, FALSE);
         info->db_HA_bsize = svp ? SvIV(*svp) : 0;

Again, like av_fetch, the final parameter determines whether or not we should create an SV at this point if there isn't one already there. In fact, given that Perl will happily create SVs for us, we can pretty much do without hv_store:

      SV** new_sv = hv_fetch(hash, "message", 7, TRUE);
      if (!new_sv)
          croak("So what happened there, then?");
      sv_setpv(*new_sv, "Hi there!");

(croak is the C interface to Perl's die and takes a format string à la printf.)

However, if you prefer doing without the surreality of using a function called "fetch" to store things, hv_store works just fine:

          SV* message = newSVpv("Hi there!", 9);
          hv_store(hash, "message", message, 0);

This creates a new SV, gives it a nine-character-long string value, and then stores that SV as the message key into the hash. The 0 at the end of hv_store tells Perl that we didn't pre-compute the hash value for this key, so we'd like Perl to do it for us. Pre-computing hash keys is unlikely to be worth your while, so you almost always want to supply 0 here.

As usual, for more hash manipulation functions, look at perlapi.

9.2.4. Wrapping C Libraries

A common use of extending Perl is to allow access to functions in existing C libraries; it's no fun making up your own C code all the time. Let's first look at an example of linking in a C library to our ordinary Inline functions.

We'll use Philip Hazel's pcre library[*] as an alternative regular expression engine. Here's a wrapper function around the library that sets up a regular expression structure and tries to match against a string.

[*] Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (http://www.pcre.org/).

    use Inline C => q{

    #define OVECCOUNT 30
    #include <pcre.h>

    int pcregrep( char* regex, char* string ) {
       pcre *re;
       const char *error;
       int rc, i, erroffset;
       int ovector[OVECCOUNT];

       re = pcre_compile( regex, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL );
       if (re =  = NULL)
         croak("PCRE compilation failed at offset %d: %s\n", erroffset,

       rc = pcre_exec( re, NULL, string, (int)strlen(string), 0, 0,
                       ovector, OVECCOUNT );

       if (rc < 0) {
          /* Matching failed: handle error cases */
           if (rc =  = PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
               return 0;

           croak("Matching error %d\n", rc);

       return 1;


Of course, this won't work out of the boxwe need to tell Inline where to get the pcre_compile and pcre_exec functions. We do this by specifying additional configuration options to Inline C:

    use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-L/sw/lib -lpcre' => INC => '-I/sw/include';

The special option Config tells Inline that what follows are options to Inline::C; the LIBS option tells the compiler to link in libpcre, while the INC option says that the pcre.h header file we refer to lives in /sw/include.[*] By adding the preceding line before our wrapper function, we set up the compiler's environment correctly. Now everything works fine:

[*] Usually the header file and library would live in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, but on this machine, they're in /sw/.

    use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-L/sw/lib -lpcre' => INC => '-I/sw/include';
    use Inline C => q{

    #define OVECCOUNT 30
    #include <pcre.h>
    /* The big long function we saw before. */

    if (pcregrep("f.o", "foobar")) {
        print "It matched!\n";
    } else {
        print "No match!\n";

And this does indeed print It matched!.

But we don't always want to write wrapper functions around C functions in a library; sometimes we want to call the functions directly. In this case, we use the Inline::C configuration option AUTOWRAP, which tells the module to parse function prototypes it finds in our code; now we only need to provide a prototype for the functions we are interested in:

    use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-L/sw/lib -lpcre' =>
                              INC => '-I/sw/include' =>
                              ENABLE => AUTOWRAP;
    use Inline C => "char* pcre_version(  );";

    print "We have pcre version ", pcre_version(  ), "\n";
    # We have pcre version 3.9 02-Jan-2002

(Notice that we don't specify an argument type of void; this confuses the Inline::C parser.)

If we have a suitably written header file, we can merely include that and automatically wrap all our library functions. This is a quick and easy way of getting access to a C library, but it's not terribly flexible. However, for many quick hacks, it's good enough.

9.2.5. Debugging Inline Extensions

The reason I point out that we shouldn't specify void in prototypes is, well, bitter experience, to be honest. I initially had this code:

    use Inline C => "char* pcre_version(void)";

and had no idea why it was not working. Running the program gave me a torrent of errors:

    pcreversion_c1dc.c: In function `pcre_version':
    pcreversion_c1dc.c:20: parse error before '{' token
    pcreversion_c1dc.c:21: parameter `sp' is initialized
    pcreversion_c1dc.c:21: parameter `mark' is initialized

    A problem was encountered while attempting to compile and install your
    Inline C code. The command that failed was:
      make > out.make 2>&1

    The build directory was:

    To debug the problem, cd to the build directory, and inspect the
    output files.

When a compilation fails, Inline keeps all the files around that it used to build the shared library, and tells us where to find them. If I look at /Users/simon/_Inline/build/pcreversion_c1dc/pcreversion_c1dc.c, I can quite quickly spot the problem:

    #include "INLINE.h"
    char* pcre_version(void)
    #line 16 "pcreversion_c1dc.c"
    #ifdef _ _cplusplus
    extern "C"

Oops! I forgot the semicolon at the end of my prototype, so the compiler's seeing char* pcre_version(void) XS(boot_pcreversion_c1dc), which is horribly nonsensical.

But things didn't immediately improve when I added the stray semicolon:

    Can't locate auto/main/pcre_versio.al in @INC (@INC contains:
    /Users/simon/_Inline/lib /System/Library/Perl/darwin
    /System/Library/Perl /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl /Library/Perl
    /Network/Library/Perl/darwin /Network/Library/Perl
    /Network/Library/Perl .) at pcreversion line 6

Now everything has compiled just finewhich means Inline has cleaned up the build directory and we don't have the source any morebut the function in question doesn't seem to have been defined properly.

In this case, what we need to do is force Inline to keep the build directory around so we can have a poke at it. We do this by passing the option noclean to Inline; the easiest way to do this is on the command line:

% perl -MInline=noclean pcreversion

As Inline options accumulate, this doesn't replace any of the options we gave in our script itself.

Now we can go digging around in ~/_Inline/build/ and look at the generated code. In this case, however, it's not majorly informativeeverything looks OK. So, another couple of handy options we can add are info, which produces informative messages about the progress of the Inline process, and force, which forces a recompile even if the C source code has not changed. These options are case-insensitive, so we end up with a command line like the following:

    % perl -MInline=Force,NoClean,Info ~/pcreversion
    Information about the processing of your Inline C code:

    Your source code needs to be compiled. I'll use this build directory:

    and I'll install the executable as:

    No C functions have been successfully bound to Perl.

Ah, OK. Now we have a hint about the problemInline::C scanned our C code but didn't find any functions that it recognized and, hence, didn't bind anything to Perl. This tells us that there's something wrong with our prototype, and, lo and behold, getting rid of the void clears everything up.

9.2.6. Packaging Inline Modules

In the past I'd always seen Inline::C as useful for prototyping, or a simple glue layer between C and Perl for quick hacks, and would discourage people from using it for the "serious" business of creating CPAN modules.

However, Brian "Ingy" Ingerson has worked hard on these issues and there are now two equally suitable ways to write fully functional Perl modules in Inline, without bothering with XS.

The first way is a bit of a hack and is still my preferred method: first, create a skeleton XS module with h2xs:

    % h2xs -n My::Thingy

    Writing My/Thingy/Thingy.pm
    Writing My/Thingy/Thingy.xs
    Writing My/Thingy/Makefile.PL
    Writing My/Thingy/test.pl
    Writing My/Thingy/Changes
    Writing My/Thingy/MANIFEST

You can see the dreaded XS file in there, but don't worry about that for now.

Next, leave that alone and develop your Inline::C-based program. Run it with the -MInline=NoClean option to leave the build directory around, and then simply grab the auto-generated XS code from the end of the .xs file from there and add it to the end of Thingy.xs into your module directory.

The advantages of this are that you end up with a pure XS module that can be used completely independently of Inline and doesn't require the end user to drag down another CPAN module; the disadvantage is that you end up grubbing around in XS code, something you set out to avoid.

The second way, which Ingy recommends, is much simpler but ends up with a module that does depend on Inline being installed. (As Inline is finding its way into the Perl core, and so will be installed with every instance of Perl, this should soon cease to be a consideration.) With this, you start writing your module as though it were pure-Perl:

    % h2xs -XAn My::Thingy
    Writing My/Thingy/Thingy.pm
    Writing My/Thingy/Makefile.PL
    Writing My/Thingy/test.pl
    Writing My/Thingy/Changes
    Writing My/Thingy/MANIFEST

You then need to set @EXPORT and the other Exporter variables in the usual way,[*] and pass the NAME and VERSION options to Inline in your Thingy.pm:

[*] See the perlnewmod documentation if you're not sure what the "usual way" of creating Perl modules is.

        our $VERSION="1.01";

        use Inline VERSION => '1.01',
                      NAME => 'My::Thingy';

Finally, open up the Makefile.PL and change ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Inline::MakeMaker. This ensures that the C part of the module is compiled only once, when the end user runs make, and then the C shared library is installed along with the rest of the module in the usual way during make install.

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