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Section 8.4.  Fixed-Width Data

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8.4. Fixed-Width Data

Use unpack to extract fixed-width fields.

Fixed-width text data:


is still widely used in many data processing applications. The obvious way to extract this kind of data is with Perl's built-in substr function. But the resulting code is unwieldy and surprisingly slow:

    # Specify field locations...
    Readonly my %FIELD_POS => (ident=>0,  sales=>6,   price=>16);
    Readonly my %FIELD_LEN => (ident=>6,  sales=>10,  price=>8);

    # Grab each line/record...
    while (my $record = <$sales_data>) {

        # Extract each field...
        my $ident = substr($record, $FIELD_POS{ident}, $FIELD_LEN{ident});
        my $sales = substr($record, $FIELD_POS{sales}, $FIELD_LEN{sales});
        my $price = substr($record, $FIELD_POS{price}, $FIELD_LEN{price});

        # Append each record, translating ID codes and
        # normalizing sales (which are stored in 1000s)...
        push @sales, {
            ident => translate_ID($ident),
            sales => $sales * 1000,

            price => $price,

Using regexes to capture the various fields produces slightly cleaner code, but the matches are still not optimally fast:

    # Specify order and lengths of fields...
    Readonly my $RECORD_LAYOUT
        => qr/\A (.{6}) (.{10}) (.{8}) /xms;

    # Grab each line/record...
    while (my $record = <$sales_data>) {

        # Extract all fields...
        my ($ident, $sales, $price)
            = $record =~ m/ $RECORD_LAYOUT /xms;

        # Append each record, translating ID codes and
        # normalizing sales (which are stored in 1000s)...
        push @sales, {
            ident => translate_ID($ident),
            sales => $sales * 1000,
            price => $price,

The built-in unpack function is optimized for this kind of task. In particular, a series of 'A' specifiers can be used to extract a sequence of multicharacter substrings:


    # Specify order and lengths of fields
... Readonly my $RECORD_LAYOUT => 'A6 A10 A8';
# 6 ASCII, then 10 ASCII, then 8 ASCII

    # Grab each line/record
... while (my $record = <$sales_data>) {
# Extract all fields...
my ($ident, $sales, $price) = unpack $RECORD_LAYOUT, $record;
# Append each record, translating ID codes and
        # normalizing sales (which are stored in 1000s)
... push @sales, { ident => translate_ID($ident), sales => $sales * 1000, price => $price, }; }

Some fixed-width formats insert one or more empty columns between the fields of each record, to make the resulting data more readable to humans. For example:

    X123-S  0000013247  00000199
    SFG-AT  0000000102  00009099
    Y811-Q  0000100300  00000033

When extracting fields from such data, you should use the '@' specifier to tell unpack where each field starts. For example:


    # Specify order and lengths of fields
... Readonly my $RECORD_LAYOUT => '@0 A6 @8 A10 @20 A8';
# At column zero extract 6 ASCII chars
                                   # then at column 8 extract 10,
                                   # then at column 20 extract 8.

    # Grab each line/record
... while (my $record = <$sales_data>) {
# Extract all fields
... my ($ident, $sales, $price) = unpack $RECORD_LAYOUT, $record;
# Append each record, translating ID codes and
        # normalizing sales (which are stored in 1000s)
... push @sales, { ident => translate_ID($ident), sales => $sales * 1000, price => $price, }; }

This approach scales extremely well, and can also cope with non-spaced data or variant layouts (i.e., with reordered fields). In particular, the unpack function doesn't require that '@' specifiers be specified in increasing column order. This means that an unpack can roam back and forth through a string (much like seek-ing a filehandle) and thereby extract fields in any convenient order. For example:


    # Specify order and lengths of fields...
Readonly my %RECORD_LAYOUT => (

    #  Ident   Sales   Price
Unspaced => ' A6 A10 A8',
# Legacy layout
Spaced => ' @0 A6 @8 A10 @20 A8',
# Standard layout
ID_last => '@21 A6 @0 A10 @12 A8',
# New, more convenient layout
# Select record layout
... my $layout_name = get_layout($filename);
# Grab each line/record
... while (my $record = <$sales_data>) {
# Extract all fields
... my ($ident, $sales, $price) = unpack $RECORD_LAYOUT{$layout_name}, $record;
# Append each record, translating ID codes and
        # normalizing sales (which are stored in 1000s)
... push @sales, { ident => translate_ID($ident), sales => $sales * 1000, price => $price, }; }

The loop body is very similar to those in the earlier examples, except for the record layout now being looked up in a hash. The three variations in formatting and sequence have been cleanly factored out into a table.

Note that the entry for $RECORD_LAYOUT{ID_last}:

        ID_last => '@21 C6  @0 C10  @12 C8',

makes use of non-monotonic '@' specifiers. By jumping to column 21 first, then back to column 0, and on again to column 12, this ID_last format ensures that the call to unpack within the loop:

        my ($ident, $sales, $price)
            = unpack $RECORD_LAYOUT{$layout_name}, $record;

will extract the record ID before the sales amount and the price, even though the ID field comes after those other two fields in the file.

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