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use strict;

use warnings;

use Getopt::Std;

my $USAGE = "Usage: $0 [-c|-w] [profile]\n";

my $MAXLEN = 80;

getopts('cw', \my %opt) or die $USAGE;

my $profile = shift || 'smallprof.out';

open my $fh, '<', $profile

  or die "Can't open profile: $!\n";

my ($header, $filename, @to_sort);

while (<$fh>)


  $header = $_, next if /^\s+count/;

  $filename = $1, next if /^\s+Profile of (.*?\S)\s+Page/;


    and $1 and push @to_sort, [ $_, $2, $3, $filename ];


my $which = $opt{c} ? 2 : 1;       # Default: wall clock time

my $other = $which == 1 ? 2 : 1;   # The other time

print $header,

      map  { (my $line = $_->[0]) =~ s/\b\s+(\d+):.*/ /s;

             my $fileline = "$_->[3]:$1";

             if (length($fileline) + length($line) > $MAXLEN)









      sort {   $b->[$which] <=> $a->[$which]

            || $b->[$other] <=> $a->[$other]

           } @to_sort;


=head1 NAME

smallprofpp - sort profile data from Devel::SmallProf


smallprofpp [B<-c>|B<-w>] [profile]


The I<smallprofpp> command sorts and outputs the named file

(default C<smallprof.out>) produced by Devel::SmallProf. Page

headings are removed and only one header line will be printed;

no lines will be printed for source code lines that were never

called (you can prevent Devel::SmallProf from outputting them

in the first place with the statement

  $DB::drop_zeros = 1

which may be placed in a C<.smallprof> file; see

Devel::SmallProf).  Lines will be sorted in descending order

of either cpu time or wall clock time; ties will be sorted by

the other time.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-c>

Sort first by cpu time, second by wall clock time.

=item B<-w>

Sort first by wall clock time, second by cpu time.  This is the



=head1 SEE ALSO


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