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7.5 Perl 5.002

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7.5 Perl 5.002

Added subroutine prototypes and the $^E and $^O predefined variables.

7.5.1 Upgrading to Perl 5.002

If the application is running on VMS, OS/2, Win32, or MacPerl and would benefit from more verbose reporting of system errors, output $^E in addition to $!. If the program contains code purely to check the number and type of arguments to a subroutine, this would probably have been better written with a subroutine prototype (see perlsub). However, because dynamic checking is done at run time and prototypes are checked at compile time, a prototype may not work as a drop-in replacement for the dynamic checking code without other modifications. Consider instead Params::Validate (see Section 10.1.1).

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