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Chapter 8. Using Modules (Genetic Enhancement)

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Chapter 8. Using Modules (Genetic Enhancement)

"A working model may be requested in the case of applications for patent for alleged perpetual motion devices."

—U.S. Patent and Trade Office Web Site


Western society values independence and self-reliance. One of my favorite activities is to hike in the back country until I'm lost, and then find my way out with maps and a compass.[1] Using a global positioning satellite (GPS) unit, cellular telephone, or helicopter are not on my list of options, efficient though they may be.

[1] My wife inserted a note in a draft version of this manuscript to the effect that I "no longer do such silly things since getting married." We'll see . . .

When it comes to programming however, it's a different story. If I had nothing better to do, I might enjoy reinventing code that other people had already written. Because it's been more than 20 years since I had nothing better to do, though, I need to be more prudent with my time and my clients' money.

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