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Ãîðüêèé (gorkiy-lit.ru)


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The pattern /\W(\w)+\W/ doesn't seem to match all the words on the line, just the ones in the middle. Why?


You're looking for word characters surrounded by nonword characters. The first word of the line—assuming it starts at the beginning of the line—doesn't have a nonword character in front of it. It doesn't have a character in front of it at all.


What's the difference between m// and //? I don't get it.


There's almost no difference at all. The only difference is that if you decide to specify a pattern delimiter other than /, you can do so only if you precede the pattern with an m—for example, m!pattern!.


I'm trying to verify that the user typed a number, but /\d*/ doesn't seem to work. It always returns true!


It returns true because a pattern using only the * quantifier always succeeds. It might match zero occurrences of \d, or it might match 2 or 100 or 1,000. Using /\d+/ ensures that you have at least one digit.

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